
SpaceX successfully test fires Falcon 9 rocket in Texas

Monday, November 24, 2008

At 10:30pm on November 23, 2008, near the airport in McGregor, Texas, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) tested their new Falcon 9 rocket at full thrust for nearly 3 minutes (160 seconds). The engineers then shut down two of the nine engines — in order to limit potential damage to the launch pad — and continued the test for 18 more seconds before finally shutting the rocket down. “We ran the engines just like they would run during flight, but instead of being up in the air, they were held down. They weren’t moving,” said Lauren Dreyer, SpaceX’s manager for business development. This was the Falcon 9’s first major test firing, and it marks a milestone for the company in its plans to capture a section of the commercial launch market.

The test reportedly shook the windows of houses 5 miles away, causing agitation among residents who felt that they had not received adequate warning. “I appreciate the fact that the company notified [the City of] McGregor, but did they not think the test would affect the surrounding communities?” asked commenter Lorena Resident on the website for the Waco Tribune-Herald. Waco lies just east of McGregor.

The Falcon 9 rocket, and its smaller sibling the Falcon 1, are the first rockets capable of entering Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to have their design be privately funded in its entirety. According to SpaceX the Falcon 9 can generate 4 times the maximum thrust of a Boeing 747 while firing in a vacuum, and will eventually be able to perform interplanetary missions in addition to its initial role as an orbital launch vehicle. SpaceX is also designing a crew and cargo capsule for the Falcon 9, which it has named the “Dragon”.

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SpaceX is a contender for future commercial contracts from various government run space agencies, with NASA expressing particular interest. NASA will be retiring their fleet of Columbia Class Space Shuttles in 2010, but will not have the Shuttles’ replacements (the Ares I and Ares V rockets) ready until at least 2014. NASA hopes to fill some of this gap using commercial launches from companies such as SpaceX. SpaceX has already reached an agreement with NASA to conduct three test flights of the Dragon capsule in conjunction with the Falcon 9. The first of these flights is expected in 2009.

Elon Musk, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, said, “The full mission-length test firing clears the highest hurdle for the Falcon 9 first stage before launch. In the next few months, we will have the first Falcon 9 flight vehicle on its launch pad at Cape Canaveral, preparing for lift-off in 2009.”

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Diamond Pendants Of Glorious Design And Style Are Available

byAlma Abell

What is more elegant and suggestive than a gorgeous and illuminating diamond pendant? Few jewelry pieces capture the type of attention demanded by the right kind of pendant. Earrings are more subtle, generally, in their luxury and style. Diamond bands are also a bit quiet. That is not to say that they are not often exquisitely gorgeous, but they are not major showstoppers. If one wants to gain any kind of attention through their impeccable fashion and jewelry taste, they need to do it through a diamond pendant of style, luxury, and elegance.

Harry C Glinberg Jewelers has a reserved selection of diamond pendants available. The price range is actually quite impressive, especially given the pricey tendencies of pure diamond necklaces such as these. Some of the top choices right now are crosses. A six diamond collective pendant is available for $2,300. It boasts a stunning .86 karats of glistening diamond.

A piece nearly $4,800 showcases a staggering karat count. At 2.02 karats, this piece is one of the most superior available in the entire pendant line-up. Few pieces are as immediately eye catching- a glorious arrangement of impeccable quality. this is one of the higher priced items in the current inventory.

Few items can hold up to this level of quality diamond. It is simply a gorgeous display, and captures the right kind of attention. But not all jewelry is meant to grab attention in a public space. Some more simpler and cohesive designs are rather quaint in their style, and offer a sense of sophistication. For example, a .11 karat pendant for $284 is wonderfully styled. It has a centerpiece slightly disconnected from the ring of diamonds surrounding it. A price bracket up is a $1,251 piece with a golden design circling a center selection of diamonds. This piece is .44 karats, and another great selection on this lower priced scale.

What makes the company so great for so many is their ability to offer all types of high class luxury, from bands to earrings to necklaces. Though all the pieces are squarely in the upper class of quality, some are more affordable than others.

GitHub re-enables public access to youtube-dl after EFF sends a letter challenging the DMCA takedown

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Yesterday, code-sharing and hosting service GitHub re-enabled the public access to youtube-dl repository, a software which can download videos from the internet via the command-line. This move comes after Mitchell Stoltz, a Senior Staff Attorney of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), sent a letter to GitHub on the behalf of youtube-dl’s maintainers. The repository was previously blocked on October 23, after GitHub received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) take-down notice from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Started in July 2008, youtube-dl is a free/libré open source software written in Python which can download videos from various websites. Citing alleged violation of 17 U.S. Code § 1201 Circumvention of copyright protection systems, RIAA’s takedown notice had alleged youtube-dl was intended to circumvent the technological protection measures of streaming services and to redistribute music videos without authorisation. youtube-dl’s source code had a number of unit tests to check if the software works in different circumstances or not. Some of the test cases included URLs of some copyrighted songs.

In the letter to GitHub, EFF’s attorney Stoltz said “This file contains series of automated tests that verify the functionality of youtube-dl for streaming various types of video. The youtube-dl source code does not, of course, contain copies of these songs or any others […] the unit tests do not cause a permanent download or distribution of the songs they reference; they merely stream a few seconds of each song to verify the operation of youtube-dl. Streaming a small portion of a song in a non-permanent fashion to test the operation of an independently created software program is a fair use.” The letter stressed “youtube-dl does not decrypt video streams that are encrypted with commercial DRM technologies”.

The URLs to copyrighted songs were removed from the source code yesterday, and replaeced with a test video that uploaded on YouTube by Philipp Hagemeister, former maintainer of youtube-dl. Philipp Hagemeister had previously spoken about the takedown with Wikinews.

youtube-dl comes with a small JavaScript interpreter where it acts as a web-browser would behave while receiving video data from the server. The script has “extractors” for various websites to handle videos from different sources. “Any software capable of running JavaScript code can derive the URL of the video stream and access the stream, regardless of whether the software has been approved by YouTube”, the letter read. It borrowed an analogy of Doors of Durin from J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings for explanation: travelers come upon a door that has writing in a foreign language. When translated, the writing says “say ‘friend’ and enter.” The travelers say “friend” and the door opens. As with the writing on that door, YouTube presents instructions on accessing video streams to everyone who comes asking for it.

Yesterday, Sergey M, one of the maintainers of youtube-dl wrote on GitHub, “We would like to thank @github for standing up for youtube-dl and making it possible to continue development without dropping any features. We appreciate [GitHub] for taking potential legal risks in this regard. We would also like to thank [EFF] and personally [Mitch Stoltz] for invaluable legal help. We would also like to heartily thank our main website hoster Uberspace who is currently being sued in Germany for hosting our essentially business card website and who have already spent thousands of Euros in their legal defense.”

After GitHub restored the public access to the repository, Stoltz tweeted “I think of youtube-dl as a successor to the videocassette recorder. The VCR empowered people to take control of their personal use of free-to-air video, but it had to be saved from the copyright cartel. The same goes for youtube-dl. GitHub did the right thing here.”

youtube-dl is used by thousands of people around the world. Multiple Creative Commons-licensed and public domain videos on Wikimedia Commons are uploaded via a tool called video2commons, which relies on youtube-dl to download media. youtube-dl also lets users download videos from LiveLeak — a video-sharing platform for citizen journalism. Videos downloaded using youtube-dl are also used for the purpose of fair use, or for evidence.

In the blog post announcing “youtube-dl is back”, GitHub said, “Although we did initially take the project down, we understand that just because code can be used to access copyrighted works doesn’t mean it can’t also be used to access works in non-infringing ways. We also understood that this project’s code has many legitimate purposes, including changing playback speeds for accessibility, preserving evidence in the fight for human rights, aiding journalists in fact-checking, and downloading Creative Commons-licensed or public domain videos.”

GitHub also announced any new 1201 takedown notices will be “carefully scrutinised by legal experts” to reject “unwarranted claims”, and said it will side with software developers if the claims are ambiguous. The announcement also mentioned GitHub Trust and Safety team would treat developer’s tickets as a “top priority”. GitHub also pledged donation of USD 1 million for developer defense fund “to help protect open source developers on GitHub from unwarranted DMCA Section 1201 takedown claims”.

GitHub had blocked public access to many forks of youtube-dl upon receiving the DMCA notice in October. Wikinews notes public access is not yet restored for the forked repositories listed in RIAA’s copyright notice and still displays “Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown”.

During the period when GitHub had disabled public access for the repository, Sergey M had been developing youtube-dl and hosting it on GitLab, another code-sharing and hosting site. However, since GitHub has restored public access of youtube-dl, Sergey M has made the GitLab repository private.

Wikinews reached out to Sergey M. about the future developments of youtube-dl as well as GiHub to explain about developer defense fund.


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Arrest made as mayor of Gda?sk, Poland stabbed on stage

Monday, January 14, 2019

An individual has been arrested after Pawe? Adamowicz, mayor of the Polish city of Gda?sk, was stabbed last night whilst on stage at a fundraising event. He died today.

We couldn’t win

Reports on the implement used vary between a knife and a “sharp tool”. The attacker is reported to have jumped on stage during the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and claimed he was wrongfully imprisoned under Adamowicz’s former party Civic Platform’s time in government. Adamowicz was an early supporter of democracy, and has been mayor since 1998.

Ex-Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the current President of the European Council, wrote “Let’s all pray for Mayor Adamowicz. Pawe?, we are with you.” Tusk, a founding Civic Platform member, is from Gda?sk. Interior Minister Joachim Brudzi?ski called the stabbing “an act of inexplicable barbarity.” He said “I can’t find the words, an explanation, for this kind of act. Especially since the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has for the last 27 years always been associated with good, with something joyful, positive.”

The fundraiser was intending this year to obtain money for children’s hospitals to buy equipment. It raises money annually to assist the nation’s medical services.

Brudzi?ski said Adamowicz required resuscitation, and was in a “serious” condition; TVN24 reported he received surgery. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki tweeted “We are with Mayor Adamowicz in our thoughts and prayers.” President Andrzej Duda remarked, “Today I am unconditionally with him and his loved ones, just as I hope all of us compatriots are. I pray for his return to health and full strength.”

Duda told local media Adamowicz’s heart was restarted by doctors “and there is hope, but his condition is very difficult.” Police spokesman Mariusz Ciarka said a press badge was used by the assailant, reported by The Guardian as convicted of assaults and by Associated Press of bank robberies, to gain entry. The detained suspect’s identity is restricted to ‘Stefan W’ owing to Polish privacy legislation.

Adamowicz was taken to the Medical University of Gda?sk, where Dr. Tomasz Stefaniak was met with applause early today upon announcing to journalists Adamowicz remained alive. “The next hours will decide everything,” Stefaniak said. Politicians and the Archbishop of Gda?sk, S?awoj Leszek G?ód?, were reported by local media to have visited the hospital while Adamowicz received emergency surgery.

Adamowicz subsequently was announced to have died. Health Minister ?ukasz Szumowski said “We couldn’t win,” and the city flag is at half-mast. Gda?sk residents donated blood by the hundreds today in a bid to assist. Vigils nationwide this evening were attended by thousands.

Adamowicz, 53, has supported LGBT rights and and the inclusion of minority groups. He recently condemned anti-semitism after vandalism against a synagogue in the city. Adamowicz was at the event after collecting money for the organisation in Gda?sk’s streets alongside volunteers nationwide.

A potential charge of murder against Stefan W carries a possible life sentence. Prosecutor Krzysztof Sierak told reporters today psychiatric assessments will be carried out to confirm if Stefan W is fit for trial.

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US Boy Scouts and hikers airlifted from wildfire in Utah

Friday, July 20, 2007

On Friday, a group of hikers and 18 boy scouts were airlifted by helicopters away from a wildfire in Nephi Canyon, Utah. The hikers and scouts escaped into a rough rocky area to keep a safe distance from the dangerous wildfire after it advanced on their campground.

The wildfire started in a campground in Salt Creek Canyon, 85 miles from Salt Lake City, and has burned 13,000 acres across 20 square miles as of Friday. The fire has burned a campground and motel, and forced the evacuation of all campgrounds and cabins in its path.

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Why Hire A Shredding Service?


Every business owner knows how important it is to properly dispose of documents containing proprietary information. When those hard copies are no longer needed, the most common approach is to shred them. While it is possible to invest money in shredding equipment, a better approach is to hire a professional to take care of this important task. Here are some of the benefits that come with hiring a Shredding Service.

Employees Are Free to Take Care of Other Tasks

On the surface, buying a shredder may seem like a good investment. After all, employees can take on the task of shredding documents if necessary. The thing to remember is that every minute an employee stands at the machine shredding printouts and other hard copies, that is a minute the employee could be working on something else. Rather than tying up employees with this type of task, have a Shredding Service destroy those unwanted documents. Doing so means all of the employees can devote themselves to tasks that help generate more business volume.

Secure Disposal

With a professional taking care of the shredding, there is no chance of the documents finding their way into the hands of competitors. This is because professional shredders typically use equipment that reduces the documents to extremely small pieces. Not all the shredders available at the local office supply house will produce the same results.

In addition, the team who arrives on the site are not likely to hold out a document and see who would be interested in purchasing it. Their goal is to maintain a good business relationship with the customer. That means making sure every document scheduled for shredding is completely destroyed.

Aiding the Recycling Effort

Not everyone realizes that shredding companies recycle those shredded documents. Once they are reduced to tiny bits, the paper can be turned in at a recycling center and used to create new paper products. As an alternative, the customer can keep the tiny shreds and use them as packing materials. With either approach, those old documents serve a purpose other than taking up space in a landfill.

Business owners who are interested in learning more about shredding should Call Us Today for a FREE Consultation & Estimate. After learning more about the benefits and the cost, the owner will want to get started with the plan right away.


BDSM as business: Interviews with Dominatrixes

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Whether the Civil War, World War II or the Iraq War, it can be challenging to face how conflict penetrates the psyche of a nation and surfaces in the nuances of life. There are thousands—if not millions—of individuals who indulge in fantasies others would deem perverse that have their nascence in some of the darkest moments of human history. It is possible someone you know pays a person to dress like a German Nazi to treat them like a “dirty Jew”, or to force them to pick cotton off the floor like a slave.

An S&M dungeon is a place where these individuals act out such taboos. Businesses that operate to meet their needs are often hidden, but they do exist and are typically legal. The clients want to remain confidential for fear of ostracism in their respective communities. As Sigmund Freud wrote, “Anyone who has violated a taboo becomes taboo himself because he possesses the dangerous quality of tempting others to follow his example.”

Last week Wikinews published the first in a two part series on the BDSM business: an interview with Bill & Rebecca, the owners of Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber. This week we publish the second part: an interview with three dungeon employees, Mistress Alex, Mistress Jada and Mistress Veronica. In their world, BDSM is a game, a harmless pursuit of roleplaying exercises that satiate the desires of the tabooed. These Dominatrixes are the kind of women men fantasize about, but they all look like they could be babysitting your children this Saturday night. Most likely, they will not be.

Mistress Alex has a distinctive sheen when David Shankbone walks into the room. Her moist skin cools quickly from the blow of the air conditioner she stands in front of. Just having finished an hour and a half session, she is dressed in a latex one-piece skirt and matching boots. Mistress Jada, a shapely Latina dressed in red, joins the conversation and remains throughout. When Alex needs to tend to a client, Mistress Veronica, who looks like she would be as comfortable teaching kindergarten as she would “tanning a man’s hide”, takes over for her.

The interview was neither sensational nor typical, but what you read may surprise, repulse, or even awaken feelings you never knew you had. Below is David Shankbone’s interview with three Dominatrixes.

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Tour de France: Daniele Bennati wins stage 17

Thursday, July 26, 2007

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Daniele Bennati of Italy has won stage 17 of the 2007 Tour de France in a time of 4h 14′ 04″.

Alberto Contador of Spain, who finished with the peleton gets the yellow jersey since Rabobank pulled the previous leader, Michael Rasmussen from the Tour.

The 188.5 km road stage, from Pau to Castelsarrasin, leaves the mountains behind and turns north towards Paris. This stage has a series of small climbs, but should give those sprinters who have survived the chance to earn some points.

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British scholar Tony Judt dies aged 62

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

British historian Tony Judt died Friday of complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 62. Judt was known for his contributions to European history and his controversial position regarding the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Judt’s death was announced in a statement from New York University (NYU), where he was a professor. He died in his home in Manhattan, said the school. Judt is survived by his third wife, dance critic Jennifer Homans, and their two children, Nicholas and Daniel. Judt’s first two marriages both ended in a divorce.

Tony Robert Judt, a secular Jew, was born on January 2, 1948 in London, but spent much of his adult life in the United States. The descendant of Marxist Lithuanian rabbis, he was sent to a camp in Israel as a teenager, and became a Zionist. Later, he spoke at a Zionist convention in Paris and worked as a translator for the Israel Defense Forces in 1967, starting with the Six-Day War.

An alumnus of King’s College, he began teaching at NYU as Professor of European studies in 1987. Judt had previously taught at Cambridge, the University of California, and Oxford University.

Judt, also an author, became a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his 2005 book Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945. The almost 900-page book covers the history of the development of Europe after World War II. He also wrote about topics such as the fall of Marxism and Communism.

In September 2008, Judt was diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. One form of motor neurone disease, ALS targets nerve cells and causes a loss of speech and movement abilities. Left paralyzed and unable to breathe without assistance, Judt continued to lecture. Earlier this year, Judt was able to write a group of personal essays for The New York Review of Books, in which he discussed the disease. “In contrast to almost every other serious or deadly disease, one is thus left free to contemplate at leisure and in minimal discomfort the catastrophic progress of one’s own deterioration,” he wrote. In 2009, Judt was the recipient of a special Orwell Prize, given to him for “intelligence, insight and conspicuous courage.”

Judt’s later views on Israel differed from those he had held as a teenager. In 1983, he called Israel a “belligerently intolerant, faith-driven ethno state,” opposing a two-state solution. Earlier this year, he wrote, “most Israelis were not transplanted latter-day agrarian socialists but young, prejudiced urban Jews who differed from their European or American counterparts chiefly in their macho, swaggering self-confidence, and access to armed weapons.” His stance on the topic was the subject of much controversy, even leading to his removal from the editorial committee for The New Republic.

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Choosing A Professionally Laid Patio

byAlma Abell

Many families in the Rutherford, TN area enjoy spending time in the outdoors. One of the best ways to do that is to consider adding a patio. A patio is an excellent place to hold parties, a great place for your kids to play and is perfect when you simply want to sit outside and listen to the birds sing. Though some people may think that they can lay a patio on their own, the truth is, you should only allow professional installers of patios in Rutherford, TN take care of the job. A professional will be able to take care of problems, they will know what tools they will need and they will be able to ensure the patio is even.

What to Look for in Patio Contractors

When you are trying to find a contractor of patios in Rutherford, TN, there are certain things you should look for. For instance, it is imperative that they are bonded and insured. If they aren’t, you could be looking at possible issues in the near future. You should also make sure that you are working with a company that has been in business for several years. This way, you can be sure that they have the right experience. On top of that, make sure they are using only the best products and tools. Finally, don’t forget to check references before settling on a patio contractor.

You Get What You Pay For

When it comes to patios, you will certainly get what you pay for. If you choose to work with someone who is not a professional, you will get a sub-standard patio. The same goes for if you attempt to do it on your own. Sure, you will save money up front, but what happens when you start having drainage issues or other problems due to a patio that was not made correctly? This issues can be quite expensive to fix and can end up causing a lot of issues and problems. This is why it will always be in your best interest to work with a professional.

These are only a few of the many things that you should know about if you are considering a patio for your home. Find a reputable company today and get started on building the patio of your dreams.

Click here to know more.