
Tennessee closes down Christian ex-gay camp for treating mental illness without a license

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Tennessee state Department of Mental Health has ordered the closing of two Ex-gay ministries operated by Love In Action International Inc., a controversial Christian group that counsels gays to give up homosexuality.

The state deemed that Love in Action was “providing housing, meals and personal care for mentally ill patients without a license”. In particular, the state found that Love in Action was dispensing medication to patients without the required license.

Love in Action has repeatedly drawn fire from gay rights groups who view it as preying upon the fears of religious parents in order to make Christian ministers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson seem more acceptable to the uninformed public. Gay rights advocates view such bootcamp style Ex-Gay camps as “tantamount to child abuse”. [1] [2]

Love In Action is viewed as the first modern Ex-Gay group. Its co-founder John Evans, who abandoned the ministry, feels that it has led to “nothing but shattered lives, depression, and even suicide” and suggests that “The Church has been wrong in the past regarding moral issues and I’m sure there will be more before Christ returns.”

The American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association strongly affirm that “homosexuality is not an illness”, “does not require treatment” and “is not changeable.” They feel that “gay men and lesbians who have accepted their sexual orientation positively are better adjusted than those who have not done so,” and warn that people seeking conversion therapy may be doing so under pressure from religious groups. The American public is evenly divided on the question of whether homosexual orientation can be changed, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life [3].

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UK fighters confront Russian bombers over international waters

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Last week, RAF Leuchars in Fife scambled two Tornado F3 interceptors, when radar detected two Tupolev Tu-142 Bear Bombers and the alarm was sounded “Bears in the Air”.

The RAF would not disclose the exact time of the incident, which was to the north of the Outer Hebrides. It did say that no contact was made between the aircraft.

The Russian Bear Foxtrot bombers are renowned maritime raiders that regularly probed the United Kingdom’s airspace during the Cold War.

The Russian aircraft were snooping on Neptune Warrior, a Royal Navy exercise taking place near the Outer Hebrides last week. Neptune Warrior was a live-fire naval training exercise involving warships, submarines and aircraft that took place between April 22 and May 3.

The Russians obviously thought it might be worth coming to have a look at what we were up to and probably take some photos. It’s a throwback to the Cold War when they used to fly in regularly to poke and prod at the edges of British airspace and test our reaction times. It’s normal to let such aircraft know we’re there by pulling up alongside them and they left quietly. The whole encounter probably lasted 20 minutes.

The Tornado’s watched the Russians for approximately 15 minutes until the bombers returned to their home base in Murmansk.

This aircraft dates back to the 1950s and although the air frame might look dated it is still highly effective in terms of long-range maritime reconnaissance. These used to fly over the North Sea and the Greenland Gap daily during the Cold War and, while rare today, it’s by no means a unique occurrence. It’s nice to know the Russians are out and about again. The exercise was in international waters and the Russians have got just as much right to be there as we have. We do it to them, they do it to us. All the RAF is doing is telling them: We could do this for real if we wanted to, so go and tell your mates back home.’

During the Cold War in the 1970s and 1980s, Soviet spies were sometimes spotted watching from the perimeter of RAF stations to time exactly how long it took jets to take off and intercept Bear bombers, probing the United Kingdom’s defences and testing the response. Nato pilots in those days were well accustomed to an almost daily aerial game of cat-and-mouse.

Squadrons of Phantom interceptors were on constant quick-reaction standby through the 1970s and 1980s to deal with the threat of Soviet long-range bombers engaging in a long-range attack on Great Britain. The Bears can carry an arsenal of missiles, some nuclear-tipped, to strike NATO warships blocking the entrance to the vital North Atlantic sealanes between the United States and Europe.

In July, the Tornado will be replaced by the new Eurofighter Typhoon. Currently, RAF personnel on scrambling duty spend most of their time on counter-terrorist missions, checking out commercial airliners approaching Britain in ways that arouse suspicion, either because they have taken the wrong flight path or because the pilot has not contacted ground control.

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Grey Hair | Hair Care

Grey Hair | Hair Care by Juliet CohenThere is no scientific evidence that any food, herb, supplement or product can reduce or reverse gray hair. Grey hair is usually a natural result of aging. Pigment in the hair shaft comes from special cells at the root (base) hair. These cells are genetically programmed to make a certain amount of pigment (melanin) at specific ages. At some point in the aging process, these cells make less and less pigment until the hair has very little pigment. Most people in the gray front to back, but again it is inherited. It is common also to obtain a wisp of gray, and a few people get to a state where the gray hair then turns to the natural color along.Its length every millimeter or two. People may have gray hair at any age. Some people go gray at an early age – when they are in high school or college – while others can be 30 to 40 years before seeing the first gray. In some cases, gray hair may instead be caused by a deficiency of B12 or a thyroid imbalance. Thyroid conditions such as Grave ‘s disease, Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and were associated with premature gray hair. Cigarette smoking has been linked to premature gray hair. Vitiligo is the state in which your skin loses melanocytes, causing very slight staining of the skin.Grey hair is more important in people with darker hair because it stands out, but people with naturally lighter hair are just as likely to gray. From the moment an individual opinion of a few gray hairs.It could take more than 10 years for all of this person’s turn gray. People rarely go gray overnight. If they do, it is usually because of alopecia areata. This condition causes thicker, darker hair before stopping at the culture as it affects the growth of gray hair – giving the impression of an ageing of the night. Alopecia Areata causes round spots. Some people think that a big shock or trauma can change a person hair white or gray overnight.Get information on hair styles photo, hair trends and hairstyle gallery, including sections dealing with bob hairstyles and medium hairstyles.Article Source:

Media reports exaggerate cell phone risks again

Monday, September 22, 2008

Several mainstream news outlets have misstated and overstated a possible link between cellular phone use and decreased fertility in men. A single experiment, which has not yet been published in any peer reviewed journal or replicated by other scientists, observed an average decrease in sperm motility and an increase in free radicals among laboratory sperm samples that were exposed to radiation similar to the radiation produced by cellular phone use.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal of the Cleveland Clinic estimates the overall health impact of cellular phones as “very safe” and reassured a Cable News Network reporter that the research was too premature to advise lifestyle changes for the public. “Our study has not provided proof that you should stop putting cell phones in your pocket. There are many things that need to be proven before we get to that stage.” He noted that his own cell phone was in his trouser pocket while he was giving the interview. Dr. Agarwal is the lead researcher for the study and Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

Cell phone industry spokesman Joe Farren agreed with Dr. Agarwal’s assessment about the devices’ overall safety: “The weight of the published scientific evidence, in addition to the opinion of global health organizations, shows that there is no link between wireless usage and adverse health effects.”

The controlled experiment used sperm samples from thirty-two donors: twenty-three healthy men and nine men who had fertility problems. Sperm were then exposed to radiation for one hour at 850 megahertz, the most common frequency for cell phones in the United States. Dr. Agarwal’s study raises a possible concern that cell phones kept on belts or trouser pockets and used in conjunction with wireless bluetooth earpieces “could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads.” He also noted that follow-up research is needed to determine whether the body’s skin and other tissue affords protection from the potential damage.

Several news sources ran misleading reports that overstated the risk.

The Los Angeles Times asserted a fallacious causal relationship that Dr. Agarwhal had not drawn and ignored his opinions that cellular phones are safe and no change in phone use is necessary. Instead, the piece opened by ordering men to stop keeping cell phones in their pockets:

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“Attention male cellphone users of reproductive age: Take that phone out of your pocket. Information published today suggests that the radio-frequency energy released by cellphones decreases sperm quality in men.”

Ciol News ran a similar account:

“Beware men! Do you have the habit of keeping your mobile phone in the pockets of your trousers while talking on hand-free? Or do clip the mobile to your belt while talking? If so you are doing that at the cost of your fertility, warns a recent study.”

Mobile Magazine went a step further, also alluding to previous media exaggerations about cellular phone dangers:

“Oh no! It seems that mobile phones are getting even more problematic than ever. After getting linked to everything from migraines to cancer, it seems that the radiation from cell phones is now being connected to stupid sperm. Yes, I’m talking about the little swimmers that lead into a conversation about the birds and the bees.”

Mobile Magazine also ended in a misleading manner with “I wonder if it’s healthier to put your phone in your shirt pocket instead,” failing to mention that Dr. Agarwal had addressed that concern and had called it an unnecessary precaution.

Not all news sources overplayed the findings. CNN and United Press International ran balanced reports that did not suggest dangers or precautions beyond the lead researcher’s conclusions.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
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Athletes prepare for 2012 Summer Paralympics at the Paralympic Fitness Centre

Monday, August 27, 2012

London, England — As Paralympians ready for the Games which are set to open later this week, they have access to a world class fitness center inside the Paralympic Village which is designed to maximise their pre-Game preparations.

According to volunteers staffing the center, instead of being a single large room, as in Beijing, the building has numerous rooms. It, along with the adjacent Village Services Centre, is designed to be converted into a school after the games conclude. Rooms have been structured as a gym, an auditorium, and science laboratories.

Gym equipment is supplied by Technogym, an Italian firm that has supplied gym equipment for the Olympics since 2000. Equipment has been provided not just for for the Fitness Centre, but for gyms at all the Olympic venues. The newest equipment is oriented toward maximum flexibility, allowing athletes to exercise the particular muscles that they most require for their sport.

In addition to the equipment, the Fitness Centre also provides instructors trained in the use of the equipment, the likes of which athletes from many countries have never seen before. There are also a number of instructors available to provide motivational training.

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Try Mari Windsor Pilates A True Pilates Workout

Try Mari Windsor Pilates – A True Pilates Workout


Dana Fischer

Everyone today is interested in their good health and has turned to physical fitness and reasonably healthy and nutritious meals. With so many different fitness programs on the market, it is difficult to find one that suits everyone, so why not try Mari Windsor Pilates dvd?

The man responsible for bringing the Pilates fitness programs to the world was Joseph Humbertus Pilates who was born in Germany in 1880, of Greek parentage. When he was a small child he suffered from such illnesses as asthma, rickets n rheumatic fever and when he reached adolescence he vowed he would bring good health to himself. He went on to study Yoga discipline and martial arts. He added to these studies the art of bodybuilding, gymnastics, boxing and sports. At the age of fourteen his physique was such that he was posing for charts of anatomy. He moved from Germany to England where he ended up in jail along with other German nationalists where he instituted an exercise regimen. His fitness program helped him and his fellow inmates to survive the 1918 influenza epidemic. After the war he worked with veterans whose bodies were so badly deteriorated that they were unable to walk, some were in wheelchairs, some had atrophied muscles. Again, using his fitness program he brought there veterans back to health.


One of the exercises in the Pilates program is the flexing of the spine. We spend the better part of our lives sitting in one position, be it at the computer, the television, when we drive, etc. When we exercise we either walk or run and our spine is still in the same position as if we were sitting. In Pilates, one exercise concentrates on the spine and its flexibility. Since the spine is flexing in the Pilates program then it is important that your shoulders and hips join into the movement. The mantra here is mobilize the hips and shoulders. Then, on to the core. One thing that Joseph Pilates felt passionate about was breathing. He used the Yoga principle of diaphragmatic breathing where you breathe from the diaphragm. This is not easy to learn, but when you do learn you will see a great change in the ease with which you can breathe.

There are many exercises within the Pilates fitness system but they are not meant to be anything but fitness programs. Pilates exercises are slow but definite. Movements are all deliberate, precise and slow.

Winsor Pilates is a leading home pilates series and is perfect for beginners and advanced pilates students. Mari Windsor, the world renowned creator of Windsor Pilates, can get you in shape while working to your pilates technique and form.

Want to work out from the comfort of your own home? As managing editor of, Dana helps you find a

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Neanderthals ‘knew what they were doing’: Archæologist Dr Naomi Martisius discusses her findings about Neanderthals’ behaviour with Wikinews

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Last month, a study conducted by archæologist Dr. Naomi Martisius and other researchers concluded Neanderthals living in Europe tens of thousands of years ago were more sophisticated than previously thought. The now-extinct species used to carefully select bones from a particular animal species to manufacture their bone tools, the research showed. The research was published on May 8 in Nature’s Scientific Reports journal.

Dr Martisius and her team used five bone tools discovered from Neanderthals’ sites in southwest France for this research. Four of these bone tools were found in a site called Abri Peyrony and the other one was from Pech-de-l’Azé I. These tools were just a few centimetres in size and were about 50 thousand years old, Dr Martisius told Wikinews. Microscopy analysis of these bone tools called lissoirs (smoothers) suggested Neanderthals used these tools for working animal skin to leathers.

The study stated the fauna of the sites were primarily medium-sized ungulates such as reindeer, in one layer nearly 90%. Despite the overabundance of medium-sized ungulates, Neanderthals used ribs of large bovids for making lissoirs. Dr Martisius told Wikinews this was likely due to the physical characteristics of the bovid ribs, which were “thicker” and “stronger” as compared to the “thin and flimsy ribs” of reindeers. In order to check the origins of the bone tools, the researchers used a technology called non-destructive Zooarchæology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS).

Instead of damaging the bone artefacts in order to discover its origins, the researchers collected collagen from the plastic containers in which these artefacts were kept. Collagen is a type of protein. These bone artefacts were kept in plastic containers: some were kept for about five years, some for just a few months. During this time, the collagen proteins from bone tools were stuck to the walls of its plastic containers. The collagen samples collected from the walls of the containers are broken into smaller molecules called peptides by using a chemical enzyme called trypsin.

After the trypsin has broken collagen fibres into peptides, it is analysed using a technology called Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (ToF MS). The assisting matrix is a coloured compound. The acidic peptide is combined with the matrix, vapourised, and peptides are released. Some of them are positively-charged particles which travel across a vacuum tube in an electric field. Depending on the weight of the peptides, these molecules reach the end of the vacuum tube at different instances of time, forming a spectrum. These graphs are like unique fingerprints of a species: they are different for different species of animals. Looking at the database of such graphs, taxonomic identifications of the collagen proteins came be made.

All four bone tools from Abri Peyrony gave positive results and showed that the bones were made from large bovids, even though reindeer were more abundant during that time. One of the advantages of using bovid ribs over reindeer’s thin ribs was the bovid ribs would be more resistant to breaking during flexion, Dr Martisius said.

Dr Martisius said such non-destructive ZooMS analysis was previously conducted, but for tools no older than a few centuries. She said such an analysis had never been previously conducted for artefacts so ancient.

Wikinews caught up with Dr Martisius to discuss this research in-depth.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Liberal candidate Kate Holloway, Trinity-Spadina

Monday, October 1, 2007

Kate Holloway is running for the Ontario Liberal Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Trinity-Spadina riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Choosing Your Carpet Underlay

By Derek Rogers

A carpet underlay is the layer under your carpet that both insulates and protects your carpet. It is a support layer that also adds an extra layer of cushion underfoot. It insulates for heat, moisture, and sound, it will also take most of the impact from the carpet allowing your carpet to last longer.

The main materials that can be used for an underlay are rubber, foam and other synthetic material.

Waffle rubber is a common type used, which comes in many different weights and thicknesses. It is best to use the heaviest you can get but thicker is not always better. It can get in the way when you are laying it and it can actually increase how fast your carpet wears. One of the best kinds of underlay you can use is flat rubber. This tends to be the most expensive but is well worth the price since it will last as long as your carpet will. When your carpet needs replacing, this type of underlay may not!

There is another type of carpet underlay that is made entirely out of recycled furniture. It is growing in popularity all over the world which is known bonded polyurethane chips underlay. There is prime polyurethane and then there are bonded polyurethane chips.


There are other types of foam underlay for example:

* Nimbus underlay

* Cirrus underlay * Cumulus underlay * Silver Lining underlay * Contract underlay * Super Contract underlay

Nimbus is an underlay that is easy to handle while the Cirrus underlay is good for reducing sound and keeping heat. Cumulus is good for that extra bit of comfort and cushion that feels so good on your feet. Silver lining is the best for floor that is going to be traversed allot. Contract and Super contract underlay is for those heavy domestic and contract flooring.

When carpet underlay insulates from heat, it does not only keep the heat in but keeps the cold out. During those cold winter nights, a good quality carpet underlay will keep your heating bills down to a minimum. No more cold nights curled up under your blankets, shivering.

Using a good carpet underlay can help to sound proof your home as well. Have rude neighbors that play their music all night? Well say goodbye to them as this will help to keep out all that noise as well as keep IN a lot of the noise you will make. That way you will not be the noisy neighbor!

When you are putting down carpet the right kind of underlay is essential, as this will help your carpet last longer and stay in good shape. If none of the underlay’s that are in this article seem right for you then go to your nearest carpet store or log on the internet at home and look into it in more detail. All sorts of different sites will pop up as well as sites that will help you understand the correct way of installing.

About the Author: Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For a wide range of underlay, he recommends Completely Flooring, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Carpet Underlay.


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Telecom New Zealand to sell Yellow Page Group

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Telecom New Zealand has announced that it is going to sell its Yellow Page Group business and is expecting at least NZ$2 billion. The Yellow Page Group includes the Yellow Pages, White Pages (which includes both offline and online services), New Zealand Retirement Guide and New Zealand Tourism Online.

However Chief Financial Officer, Mark Bogoievski, will not comment on how much the reserve price is.

The company says that the money they get from selling the directories will be used to repay almost $3.5 billion worth of debt.

Theresa Gattung, Chief Executive of Telecom, said: “There has already been considerable interest shown in the future of Yellow Pages Group based on recent media speculation. We expect that the sale should be completed by the end of this financial year.”

The Yellow Page Group generates $250 million worth of revenue per annum and employs 600 people.

Ms Gattung said: “In the long term the business will be dominated by the global players. It’s really prudent off us to take this opportunity to see what value we can get looking at the sale of this business at this stage.”

Analysts are warning Telecom that it would miss out on the digital media possibilities. “It looks to me that it is a bit of a panic reaction in order to generate some quick cash,” said, telecommunications expert, Paul Budde, “I think it’s a short-term sort of strategy to generate some cash, but it will undermine its long term strategy to move from the old Telecom’s world into the new digital media world.”

Ms Gattung said that the privacy of the individuals will be kept, “obviously we’re only going to sell to a very reputable party.”

Telecom is also hinting at cutting hundreds of jobs to invest in new technology to beat off competition.

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