
Beachside photos of New Jersey governor draw criticism, photo-mashups during state budget crisis

Thursday, July 6, 2017

On Sunday, a long-distance snapshot of New Jersey governor and former Republican United States presidential candidate Chris Christie and his family on a beach outside the gubernatorial residence in Island Beach State Park went public, raising criticism of the governor, who had ordered Island Beach and the rest of New Jersey’s state parks closed the previous Friday amid a budget dispute. The response included comments from fellow Republicans and tourists, a plane over Seaside Park, and a variety of memes showing the Governor’s beach chair digitally added to other images.

“[Christie’s] rise to national prominence was that he had this reputation as a fighter, and that when he was fighting he was on the side of the Everyman and the New Jersey taxpayer against the status quo,” Republican political strategist Kevin Madden offered. “I think the danger of the photos is that it undermines that.”

Christie’s lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, said, “If I were governor, I sure wouldn’t be sitting on the beach if taxpayers didn’t have access to state beaches. We need to end the shutdown now. It’s hurting small businesses and ordinary New Jerseyans.” Guadagno is planning to run for governor.

One visitor to Atlantic City, New Jersey — Matt Jenkins — told the press, “I think it’s a shame, it’s hideous.”

Regardless of whether they shared Jenkins’ opinion, users of Photoshop and similar programs added the Governor in his beach gear to images of television programs such as Jersey Shore and The Sopranos, movies like Jaws, and one scene from the Oval Office.

On Monday, a plane towed a banner over Seaside Park reading, “Tell Gov Christie: Get the hell off Island Beach State Park,” echoing the Governor’s own words in 2011, in which he told visitors “Get the hell off the beach” as Hurricane Irene approached. The plane received applause from beachgoers.

The dispute that precipitated the shutdown concerned a law letting the New Jersey state government decide how much money the state-founded health insurer Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey would be allowed to accumulate before being required to contribute to the New Jersey state health fund passed the state Senate but not the House, which is largely made up of Democrats. Governor Christie supported the bill. On Sunday, he told the press he would sign any budget the legislature sent him so long as the bill is passed as well: “If they send it to me with Horizon, I will sign it. If they send it to me without Horizon I will use my authority to make a smaller budget[…] If they send me a budget today the shutdown would be over. The Legislature is deciding not to send me either budget.” The smaller budget that the governor proposed would include less funding for schools and other programs. Late Monday, the state legislature complied with the governor’s stipulations, and Governor Christie signed the bill, reopening the state’s parks in time for the Fourth of July holiday.

Christie enjoyed an approval rating of roughly 70% after his response in 2012 to Hurricane Sandy, but his popularity suffered following a 2016 scandal called Bridgegate, in which some of his aides ordered some of the entry lanes into the George Washington Bridge, a major artery for the commute from New Jersey into New York City, closed during rush hour, possibly as political retaliation against a politician in Fort Lee, New Jersey, the town most potently affected by the closure. He also lost the Republican presidential nomination to now-President Donald Trump and the vice presidential nomination to Mike Pence.

Christie defended his decision not to cancel his family’s vacation plans by pointing out that many of New Jersey’s beaches, over 100 miles (160 km) remained open to visitors and saying that he has the right to use the gubernatorial residence and that his visit required no government services. The Guardian noted a state helicopter shuttled the governor between the park and the state capital, Trenton.

New Jersey is one of several U.S. states that did not have budgets ready for the fiscal year. The northeastern state of Maine also underwent a government shutdown.

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Skydiving Pants And T Shirts For Men

By Mr.Andrew Caxton

It used to be in the 1980s that parachute pants were all the rage in hip-hop fashion. If youre old enough. you can think back to kids wearing MC Hammer parachute pants to school. singing Cant Touch This and dancing down the halls. Those days are long gone. thankfully. And though skydiving pants are still part of some alternative fashion ensembles. such as hippy pants and other baggie gear that twenty-first century hippy types like to wear. they are very much an important part of skydiving gear in general.

And whats more important to skydivers but their gear? It is their gear that protects their lives. and they in fact put their lives in the hands. so to speak. of their skydiving gear. Now you can see the importance of skydiving pants. Skydivers can wear jeans or shorts underneath their parachute pants depending on the weather. but they sure as heck better have those skydiving pants on over top.


These pants are part of the whole jumpsuit. These arent necessary required to leap out of plane. but they can help to control your speed and give you more control when youre in freefall. These jumpsuits tend to made in two general styles. They can be made of special slippery fabrics and tailored tight around the body for faster speeds. Or they can be designed in that typical MC Hammer baggy fashion with canvas-like material to help slow down fall speeds.

Other clothing that doubles as protective and practical gear for skydivers includes a helmet and goggles. Helmets are mandatory clothing for beginner jumpers. but dont be embarrassed if you happen to be one. Most experts wear them too. You can even individualize yours. choosing from styles like old leather football helmets to hard. motorcycle-like helmets. Depending on your helmet. you may need to protect your eyes with goggles.

The pants. suits. and helmets are just one aspect of your skydiving equipment. Other gear includes an automatic activation device (or AAD). which helps to safeguard you in case you drop too low in altitude without pulling your cord. The AAD does it automatically for you. Also. there is the reserve static line (or RSL). which is another safety device. The RSL is your lifeline and pull cord for your reserve parachute.

About the Author: Andrew Caxton is the consultant of For additional information regarding skydiving t-shirts or parachutes go to

skydiving t-shirts


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Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

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Inspectors close Chicago landmark Healthy Food restaurant after finding dead mouse in cooler

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Chicago city inspectors closed the landmark Lithuanian restaurant Healthy Food on Thursday, after finding mouse feces on the meat slicer and cutting board, and a dead mouse in the cooler.

The restaurant has operated at 3236 S. Halsted, on the south side of the city in the Bridgeport neighborhood, since the 1930s.

Wikinews reporter David Vasquez placed a call to the restaurant to inquire if they were open. The call was answered by a woman who said, “No, we’re closed. There’s some technical difficulties. I’m sorry. Thank you for calling.” A second phone could be heard ringing in the background.

Streets and Sanitation spokesman Matt Smith told the Chicago Sun-Times, “To reopen, they’re going to have to present us with a revamped game plan for not only rodent control but also housekeeping, they’ll have to make all the corrections that our inspectors point out,” he continued, “and pass a very stringent follow-up inspection.”

Patrons have praised the restaurant’s sauerkraut soup and other dishes over the years. Before it was closed, the restaurant had a lot of traffic from the nearby Cook County Circuit Court. The restaurant was once voted “Best Ethnic Eastern European Restaurant in Chicago”, according to New City.

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Study says dogs can smell lung and breast cancer

Monday, August 7, 2006

Dogs can be trained to detect early and late stages of lung and breast cancer accurately according to a study published by California scientists in the little-known scientific journal Integrative Cancer Therapies.

The study took place over the last five years at the Pine Street Foundation, a non-profit organization which conducts evidence-based research on integrative medicine (combining complementary and alternative medicine and mainstream medicine). Michael McCulloch and colleagues used three Labrador Retrievers and two Portuguese Water Dogs, both common pets, that received basic behavioral dog training. The researchers trained the dogs to lie down next to a sample from a cancer patient and to ignore other samples.

The samples used were breath samples from 55 patients with lung cancer and 31 with breast cancer — the two types of cancer with the highest mortality rates in the United States.

After the training phase, the dogs’ accuracy diagnosis was tested in a double-blind experiment. Among lung cancer patients, the sensitivity and specificity were 99% accurate and for breast cancer sensitivity was 88% and specificity 98%. Because these figures seem almost too good to be true, cancer experts are the same time baffled and skeptical. The authors of the study themselves also say replication of the study is needed.

Importantly, this was independent of the cancer stage, meaning the dogs were able to pick up the scent of cancer in its early stages. This is important because in many cases, the success of any treatment depends on early diagnosis. However, the researchers don’t believe this will lead to the use of dogs in the clinic soon, rather they want to find out which chemicals are actually sensed by the canines, because they could be used in laboratory assays. “It’s not like someone would start chemotherapy based on a dog test,” Dr. Gansler of the American Cancer Society said, “They’d still get a biopsy.”.

The researchers were inspired by anecdotal reports about dogs detecting cancer. In 1989, a British women consulted with her family physician because her Dalmatian kept licking a mole on her leg. At biopsy it showed to be malignant melanoma. When diagnosed too late this form of cancer has a poor survival rate, but in this case early surgery was made possible, and the women survived. Prior studies showed that breath samples from patients with lung cancer or breast cancer contain distinct biochemical markers. This provides a basis for the hypothesis that some cancer types produce volatile chemicals that dogs could smell. A study published in the British Medical Journal already proved that dogs could use their exquisite sense of smell to detect bladder cancer in urine samples, but they were only correct in 41% of cases, and another study provided preliminary evidence that dogs could detect melanomas.

This doesn’t mean you can show your breasts to your dog and it will tell you if you have cancer, other physicians caution, and scientists do not advise people to train their dogs to sniff for cancer. Unresolved issues from the study include the fact that subjects were required to breathe deeper than normal, so it’s not sure whether dogs can smell cancer in normal breath. Also, whether this is a permanent skill that would be retained by dogs was not tested.

Finally, there are concerns that could arise over liability issues: who would be responsible when the dog makes a mistake?

Current detection methods for both lung and breast cancer are not flawless. For lung cancer, chest X-ray and sputum cytology (detecting cancer cells in coughed up fluid) fail to detect many early cases, and CT scan produces many false-positive results unless combined with expensive PET scans. Although it might be comparing apples and oranges, a $2.5 million CT scanner has an accuracy of 85 to 90%. Mammography also produces false-positive results, and it may be difficult in women with dense breast tissue. As such, another type of “pet”-scan, using dogs as a biological assay, might prove feasible for screening if supported by further research. Current tests are also expensive so the use of dogs for preliminary cancer testing could prove to be an affordable alternative for countries in the developing world.

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Snug Today, Loose Tomorrow: The Mystery Of Loose Dentures In Fort Lauderdale Unraveled

Submitted by: Michael Smitha

Loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale can create a world of misery for those who are forced to wear them. Not only do they shift around, causing discomfort for the underlying gum and jaw bone ridge, but they also come with an acute risk of social embarrassment! Unnatural smile aesthetics, difficulty eating, oral sores and ulcers, the need for messy adhesives and the trouble of trying to keep them clean these are but a few of the endless challenges associated with removable dentures. And unfortunately, with time, loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale becomes an inevitability due to unimpeded bone loss in the jaw; a direct result of tooth loss and bone atrophy.

Loose Dentures in Fort Lauderdale: Why False Teeth are Never a Permanent Solution


It can be difficult to understand why the dentures that fit so snugly before are now shifting around in your mouth and causing so much discomfort. Well, it s not your now-loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale that have changed it s your jaw! You see, the roots of your teeth [the ones that are now missing] provide an essential source of stimulation to the underlying bone tissue. Through the natural forces and pressures associated with chewing, grinding and biting, your tooth roots maintain a healthy blood circulation, which essentially keeps the tissue here alive. When you started to lose all your teeth, this stimulation was lost and the bone tissue began to atrophy and waste away. This is one of the biggest problems facing those that choose to wear removable dentures. Because these archaic tooth replacement devices do nothing to prevent the underlying jaw bone tissue from deteriorating, with time, loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale become inevitable as the jaw bone wastes away.

Loose Dentures in Fort Lauderdale: Making that Important Investment

Thankfully, there is a sophisticated solution for multiple missing teeth, edentulism [not having any of your original adult teeth left] and loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale. And you need not look further than the dental implants dentist in Fort Lauderdale. Dental implants don t just replace the crown of the tooth, they replace the roots as well, which helps to maintain healthy blood circulation and prevent atrophy. They also enable patients to eat all the foods they love but previously couldn t with missing teeth or loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale. As for problems such as bad breath, constant self-consciousness, low self-esteem due to poor smile aesthetics and endless expenses such as messy adhesives, cleaning agents and the need for refitting every few years or so well, thanks to the work of the dental implants dentist in Fort Lauderdale, patients can forever leave these unpleasantries behind them!

Dental Implants Dentist in Fort Lauderdale: A Final Note

The immediate cost of dentures can convince patients to opt for this archaic tooth replacement solution rather than seek the advice of the dental implants dentist in Fort Lauderdale. However, making that initial investment in dental implants works out to be far more economical than struggling with the challenges and repeated costs of loose dentures in Fort Lauderdale for years and decades! If you have lost one or more of your teeth, or are facing an immediate future of edentulism, then it is imperative that you seek the advice of the dental implants dentist in Fort Lauderdale. Your future need not be one marked by ceaseless struggle and social embarrassment!

About the Author: Michael Smith is a reputed medical writer in Fort Lauderdale, who offers useful insights on treatment of Loose Dentures in Fort Lauderdale. He also informs on the state of the art procedures as well as the cost of treatment involved in the Dental Implants.


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Four arrested in three Naperville, Illinois prostitution stings

Monday, March 15, 2010

An undercover investigation by Naperville, Illinois law enforcement has led to the arrest last Thursday of four people allegedly involved in prostitution. The stings came after police received tips that people were using websites like Craigslist and to sell sexual performances in Naperville hotels. 

Patricia H. Scoleri of Naperville was arrested after an unidentified neighbor observed consistently suspicious activity at Scoleri’s home. Traffic was unusually heavy and consisted mostly of luxury cars in an otherwise quiet, middle-class neighborhood. Also, the visitors were mainly middle-aged men, and an odd string of lavender-colored lights were hung on the front window.

Police say Scoleri worked alone. She was arrested at 2 p.m. local time (2000 UTC) and is charged with violation of anti-prostitution laws, anti-cannabis laws, and the Massage Licensing Act. She apparently has four children, but the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has neither contacted her nor received a police report on her.

The second sting occurred at 5:30 p.m the same day (2330 UTC) and resulted in the arrest of Chicago resident Tonya M. Adams. She is charged with prostitution and driving without a license. Another sting about an hour later resulted in the arrests of Jessica M. Walley, a Skokie resident, and Mark A. Williams, a self-admitted Schaumburg gang member. “Walley was charged with prostitution and unlawful possession of cannabis. Williams was charged with pimping, obstructing a peace officer, driving with a suspended license and driving without insurance,” reports WBBM News Radio 780.

All four suspects are free, having paid the required ten percent of their $1,000 bail. They may face additional charges related to crack cocaine discovered during the police investigation. Arraignment is scheduled for next month at the DuPage County Circuit Courthouse in Wheaton.

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PETA protests Burberry in White Plains, NY

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today, at 12:00 p.m. EDT (UTC-4) the Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) staged a “naked” protest in White Plains, New York. The target of the protest was British fashion house, Burberry, and their fur practices.

Two “naked” female PETA members, wearing nothing but bikini bottoms and body paint held billboards with the slogan, “When plaid goes bad.” The body paint was done in the trademarked Burberry Check plaid design.

Two other PETA members were there handing out leaflets and showing a video presentation. The painted protesters were spattered with far less fake blood than other documented PETA protests in this campaign.

PETA is protesting Burberry for the company’s use of fur in its products and how it is obtained. The group has staged similar protests around the world in its ongoing “BloodyBurberry”-campaign.

The protest took place at the intersection of Westchester Avenue and Bloomingdale Road in front of the The Westchester, an upscale shopping mall owned by Simon Property Group. Burberry has a retail store in the mall.

This corner is far from the mall’s entrances and sees little pedestrian traffic. However, it does see heavy traffic by motorists, before whom the protestors were in plain sight. While Wikinews was on the scene, police and news media were the only other pedestrians.

The police presence was significant, numbering at least two vehicles and two mounted police officers. But since there was no crowd to control, they just hung back. Media was also there in numbers. At least two television crews could be observed.

As far as Wikinews can tell, Burberry has yet to make any public comment about any of the “BloodyBurberry” protests.

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Why Is Spray Foam So Great As An Insulator?

Submitted by: Mark Munns

Today, more and more emphasis is being placed on having an energy-efficient home. More people are recognizing that resources are limited and each person needs to make an individual effort to reduce the amount of energy they use. Most residents in the United States live in areas where there are at least two distinct seasons. Winters are often cold and icy, and indoor heating is required for a comfortable living environment. In the summer months, temperatures can get very hot and many homes use air conditioning to keep the environment cool. Using heating or cooling systems takes up a huge amount of energy. You, therefore, want to make sure that the warm or cool air is being retained in your home. If not, a large amount of energy is being wasted. This is where insulation becomes important.

How Good Insulation Improves the Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Good insulation, especially in your roof, can make a huge difference in the energy efficiency of your home. It keeps the warm air circulating in your home which means that you do not need to use excess energy to keep heat in your home. You will never be able to insulate your home completely; in fact, it would be unhealthy to do so. You can, however, use good insulation to help slow the convection and reduction effect so you are not making your heating system work harder than it should be. This refers to the rate at which heat escapes from your home or the way in which the flow of hot air into your home during the summer months can greatly reduce the effectiveness of your cooling system.


What Is the Measure of a Good Insulator?

In the building and construction industry, an R-rating is used to rank the effectiveness of an insulating material. The rating looks at how well the insulator repels cold or heat, prevents the flow of air from one area to another, and how well it manages to retain an ambient temperature in a certain environment. When you compare the R-rating of spray foam against other types of insulators, you can start to see why spray foam is considered to be such a great insulator. In terms of an R-ratting, most spray foams rate between 6 and 7.7. Open cell types of spray foam may have a rating as low as 4. Another typical type of insulator that is used in many homes in fiberglass matting. This has an R-rating of only 3.5. When compared to spray foam, you can see how even the lowest level of spray foam insulation is far more effective than fiberglass mats.

Added Benefits of Using Spray Foam as an Insulato

There can be little doubt that spray foam is a great insulator but is it really the best option for your home? What about the installation and the cost? Spray foam may initially seem to be a more expensive insulation option but you need to look at it from a long-term perspective. Spray foam is an incredibly durable substance. When applied properly, it can last for many years. It is also far more resistant to the buildup of moisture and mold, making your home a safer environment to live in. Spray foam will not break apart or wear down over time in the same way fiberglass mats do. Once applied, spray foam will outlast most other forms of insulation.

Spray foam can also help to strengthen walls and the structure of your home. It can be applied to small crawlspaces and hard-to-reach cracks. In this way, it can help keep insects and vermin out of your home. To apply spray foam to your home, there are a number of options available. You can choose an option that suits your budget and the time you have available to manage the project. If you are quite handy with DIY projects, you can buy a spray foam kit online. It comes will all the necessary components and safety gear and has easy-to-follow instructions. You can apply the spray foam yourself and save yourself some money if you have the time available to take on the project. If you are less confident in your ability to apply the spray foam yourself, then you can use the services of a professional contractor. They can be in and out of your home in a matter of hours or days, depending on the size of a project.

About the Author: Spray Foam Direct features quick and easy do-it-yourself spray foam insulation which will save you money and energy.

Guardian Energy Technologies Inc. offers the added benefits of reducing our carbon footprint by offering foam it green solutions


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Three die in Cornwall, UK caravan park of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning

Monday, February 25, 2013

Carbon monoxide poisoning is thought to have been the cause of the deaths of three people and one Jack Russell dog in a caravan park in Cornwall in South West England. Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) were alerted to the incident in Tremarle Home Park in the town of Camborne at 12:56 UTC on Saturday.

We have seen a big increase in the number of carbon monoxide incidents in Cornwall over recent years

Inspector David Eldridge said Devon and Cornwall Police were alerted to the caravan park incident after “a helper had been unable to get a reply from an elderly couple who lived in the caravan”. He said that upon their arrival, “We were able to see that there was a figure sat in a chair but they were unresponsive to knocks at the door.” CFRS workers called to the area “forced entry into the property and found that the three occupants were all dead”, Inspector Eldridge said. A hazardous material advisor was also present at the scene in North Roskear. The Health and Safety Executive is now investigating the incident but the deaths are not considered as being of a suspicious nature.

The three fatalities have been identified as Audrey Cook, aged 86, her husband Alfred, aged 90, and Maureen, their 46-year-old daughter. David Biggs, a member of Camborne Town Council, said the incident came as “a shock” to him; Tremarle Home Park is “a well established facility and is very well run”, according to him. Biggs described the loss of three lives as an “appalling tragedy”.

The incident came five days after Cornwall Council announced its Family Placement Service would launch a joint venture with Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service to place carbon monoxide detectors in the houses of foster carers. The programme, entitled ‘Be Gas Safe’, has seen 200 carbon monoxide detectors and 2000 leaflets to raise awareness about carbon monoxide being given to CFRS. Mark Blatchford, Group Manager of CFRS, said: “We have seen a big increase in the number of carbon monoxide incidents in Cornwall over recent years”. He described carbon monoxide detectors as being “as important as a smoke alarm as it provides a valuable early warning”.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, colourless, tasteless and odourless gas which is created when such carbon-based fuels as oil, gas, coal and wood are not completely incinerated. The human body’s capacity to hold oxygen in the blood can be reduced by inhalation of the gas, which in turn may cause death. The Gas Safe Register has said dizziness, headaches, queasiness, lack of ability to breathe, fainting and losing consciousness are all symptoms of a person experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning.

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