
Living with HIV during COVID-19: Wikinews talks to HIV-positive sex workers about how pandemic has affected their lives

Thursday, July 9, 2020


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Schools benefit from new California budget

Saturday, July 1, 2006

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bipartisan state budget Friday that invests a record $55.1 billion in education – an increase of $3.1 billion this year and $8.3 billion over the last two years – and allocates $4.9 billion to create a budget reserve and to pay down the state’s debt early.

Schwarzenegger credited bipartisan cooperation in coming up with a budget he was willing to sign, and do it on time, a rarity in recent California politics.

“It’s amazing what can be accomplished when Democrats and Republicans work together in Sacramento,” said Schwarzenegger. “I want to thank the legislative leadership – Senators Don Perata and Dick Ackerman, Speaker Fabian Nunez and Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia – for all their hard work on the budget. We put politics aside and were driven by the overwhelming desire to do what’s best for the people of California.

“I am especially proud that the budget expands preschool, and returns art, music and physical education classes to our children,” he said.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell said he is pleased by the budget. “The budget passed by the Legislature brings welcome support to education in California, making good on past debts to our schools and investing in sorely needed classroom programs,” he said.

He had his own budget favorites: “I’m particularly pleased that the budget includes increased funding for school counselors, teacher professional development, programs targeted to helping students pass the high school exit exam, and expanded and improved student nutrition programs.

“While there are some priorities over which we may disagree, I applaud the Governor and the Legislature for a budget that makes education a top priority.”

Barbara E. Kerr, president of the 335,000-member California Teachers Association, also likes the direction of the new budget.“The timely approval of the new state budget is good news for our public schools and students,” she said. “School districts and teachers can now plan ahead. The nearly six percent cost-of-living-adjustment will allow local schools to restore funding to education programs that have been cut over the past few years and provide for salary increases.”

Still, Kerr, said, the budget doesn’t go far enough. “This budget is a down payment on the debt owed to our schools. Teachers will continue to work with the governor and the Legislature to ensure repayment of the $3 billion still owed to our schools under Proposition 98 and the lawsuit settlement agreement announced last month. That money will help our schools of greatest need reduce class sizes, improve teacher training and increase parental involvement.”

How the budget affects the New Haven Unified School District and James Logan High School, or the James Logan Courier, specifically is not yet clear.

State Treasurer Phil Angelides, who is running for governor against Schwarzenegger, liked the increased education funding, and praised his fellow Democrats in the legislature for that, but criticized the entire budget for being out of balance.

“On higher education, Democrats in the Legislature did the right thing, when the governor would not, and gained a $6 per unit rollback in community college fees,” he said in a statement. “That is a start. But the governor’s budget will still leave community college fees nearly double what they were just three years ago. And the budget will also leave untouched the fees at CSU and UC, which have increased by $2,000 and $5,000 respectively under Governor Schwarzenegger.”

Missing from the budget, Angelides said, is funding to expand health care for low-income children. Schwarzenegger “failed to get members of his own party to agree to a budget that funds health care for more kids from low-income families on the Healthy Families program regardless of the families’ immigration status. Compassion requires – and intelligent public health practice demands – that all people residing in California have access to adequate health care,” Angelides said.

Schwarzenegger credited a strong economy that increased state revenues for providing the cash to cover the increased expenditures and set aside a $2.1 billion reserve and an additional $2.8 billion for debt prepayment. Included in that is $1.42 billion for repaying borrowed funds earmarked by the voters for transportation projects aimed at reducing traffic throughout the state. The early debt payment and the reserve account for nearly 4.7 percent of the overall budget – the highest in 25 years.

Still, Angelides said, the budget is out of balance and the state is running up more debt. “Despite his repeated pledges to ‘cut up the credit card’ Governor Schwarzenegger has produced a budget that still leaves a $3.3 billion structural budget deficit for 2006-07 and more deficits for years to come,” Angelides said, “It is a budget thatwill continue to shift the burden of today’s deficits onto the backs of futuregenerations.”

The budget largely mirrors the May Revise, which has since prompted all three Wall Street credit rating agencies to upgrade the state credit rating, reducing the cost of state borrowing. One of the agencies, Fitch, Inc., cited “California’s continuing economic recovery, strong revenue performance and continued progress in reducing fiscal imbalance” when upgrading their rating on the state’s general obligation debt from A to A+ last month. Standard and Poor’s also raised its rating from A to A+ in May. Moody’s Investors Service raised its rating from A2 to A1 the same month.

Despite the improved credit ratings, Angelides said, the three rating agencies still have reservations about the state’s fiscal future. The agencies “have corroborated my warning and that of the Legislative Analyst that while state revenues have improved, California’s fiscal condition will remain insecure until the state produces balanced budgets,” he said.

Highlights of AB 1801, the Budget Act of 2006 by Assembly member John Laird (D-Santa Cruz), include:

Preschool through High School Education – The budget includes $100 million for the Governor’s targeted preschool initiative, which will make preschool available to every four year old living in a low-performing school district. $50 million of this funding will be used to build and improve preschool facilities. The budget also includes $645 million to fund physical education, arts and music programs. Overall, $11,264 will be spent on each student, an increase of $516 from the current year.

Higher Education – The budget allocates $19.1 billion from all sources for higher education and eliminates tuition and fee increases at UC and CSU. California, which already has the lowest community college fees in the nation, will further lower student fees from $26 per unit to $20, effective Spring 2007.

Law Enforcement – The budget includes an additional $196 million to support law enforcement efforts, including money to fund Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement teams, 500 GPS devices to track and monitor the highest-risk parolees and four new Gang Suppression Enforcement Teams. The budget also proposes the addition of 235 California Highway Patrol positions, includes $56.4 million to replace the CHP’s existing radio system and allocates $6.4 million to handle the increasing number of wireless 9-1-1 calls. Additionally, the budget includes a $20 million investment to strengthen efforts to fight methamphetamine trafficking and $6 million to create three new California Methamphetamine Strategy program teams.

Disaster Preparedness – The budget provides $220 million to enhance California’s ability to prepare for, mitigate and respond to emergencies, including money to strengthen public health response during a disaster. This includes preparations to prevent a pandemic influenza outbreak and expanding efforts to help local governments develop disaster preparedness plans.

Public Health – The budget includes $22.6 million for counties to perform outreach and enrollment activities to reach the 428,000 children who are eligible for Medi-Cal or the Healthy Families program but are not enrolled. The budget for the Healthy Families program also covers enrollment growth for 78,200 additional children.

Transportation – In addition, the Budget makes a substantial investment in improving California’s transportation system. It provides $1.4 billion to fully fund Proposition 42 for the second consecutive year, and it provides an additional $1.4 billion for the early repayment of past loans from Proposition 42, for a total of $2.8 billion. Of the $1.4 billion repayment, $440 million is designated for cities and counties for local road and street maintenance that would otherwise not be funded.

The budget is the first on time budget since 2000 and the fourth in the last 20 years. The 2006-07 budget’s general fund is $101.3 billion and total is $131.4 billion. For a more detailed overview of the budget, please visit

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What To Expect From An Engine Tune Up Service In Forest Lake, Mn


Engine tune up service in Forest Lake MN commonly includes replacement of spark plugs and wires, replacing the distributor cap, and performing a visual inspection of engine components and related parts. Spark plugs are located on the head of each cylinder, and each is connected to an insulated wire. These parts gradually wear out over time. A computerized diagnostic service also may be performed to identify any problems not easily seen. Depending on the age of the vehicle, the mechanic may adjust the idle speed and ignition timing. This is only necessary on older models since computers automatically control idle and timing on newer cars and trucks.

Changing the air filter is a good idea if it hasn’t been done recently. Mechanics may recommend changing the fuel filter as well. A clean air filter means better gas mileage and engine performance. Fuel filters block tiny particles of debris in gasoline or diesel fuel that otherwise could get into the engine.

Although vehicle owners miles. Vehicle owners normally drive for years before getting a tuneup. They may not realize it’s time for a tuneup unless the “check engine” light comes on.

Pricing for Engine Tune Up Service in Forest Lake MN varies a great deal depending on the vehicle, the quality of spark plugs the owner chooses, and whether any other parts should be replaced. Of course, pricing also varies among garages for the same model and automotive work. Vehicle owners might want to call a few places to learn the cost of a standard tuneup. They should keep in mind, however, that the cheapest price doesn’t always mean the best option.

Essentially, a tuneup is intended to make an engine run smoother, improve performance, and boost fuel economy. Contact American Imports to schedule the service if it is due or if the vehicle has any symptoms indicating the need for a tuneup.

California meat packing firm recalls 143M pounds of beef

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am dismayed at the in-humane handling of cattle that has resulted in the violation of food safety regulations at the Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company.

In a press release today, California-based Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Co. indicated that it has voluntarily recalled just over 143 million pounds (65 million kilograms) of raw and frozen beef products, which is considered to be the largest single recall of beef products in U.S. history. The move follows an investigation by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) into allegations of animal cruelty and mishandling of cattle destined for the human food chain.

The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) had determined that beef products produced by the Chino, California company were unfit for human consumption as the cattle had not received “complete and proper inspection.”

The recall has been designated as Class II, which the USDA describes as “a health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product.”

On Friday, Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer indicated that charges had been laid against employees of the plant alleged to have taken part in the mistreatment of cattle. “Today [Friday], the San Bernardino District Attorney filed felony animal cruelty charges against two employees who were terminated by Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company,” said Schafer. “It is regrettable that these animals were mistreated and I am encouraged and supportive of these actions by the San Bernardino District Attorney in response to this mistreatment.”

The USDA learned of the possible inhumane handling of non-ambulatory (disabled) cattle at the packing plant on January 30 and has since suspended activities at the plant. “We continue to conduct a thorough investigation into whether any violations of food safety or additional humane handling regulations have occurred,” said Secretary Schafer in a press release. “On February 8, our Office of the Inspector General took the lead on the investigation. At that time, USDA extended the administrative hold on Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company products for the National School Lunch Program, the Emergency Food Assistance Program and the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations while the investigation continues,” said Schafer.

The FSIS reported that Hallmark/Westland had not contacted the FSIS public health veterinarian, as required, when cattle became ill or disabled after undergoing ante-mortem (slaughter) inspection, putting the company out of compliance with FSIS regulations. “Because the cattle did not receive complete and proper inspection FSIS has determined them to be unfit for human food and the company is conducting a recall,” explained Secretary Schafer.

The cruelty charges stem from an undercover video that reportedly showed sick cattle being moved by crews using forklifts.

“Words cannot accurately express how shocked and horrified I was at the depictions contained on the video that was taken by an individual who worked at our facility from October 3 thru November 14, 2007,” said Steve Mendell, President, Westland Meat Co. and Hallmark Meat Packing. “We have taken swift action regarding the two employees identified on the video and have already implemented aggressive measures to ensure all employees follow our humane handling policies and procedures. We are also cooperating with the USDA investigators on the allegations of inhumane handling treatment which is a serious breech of our company’s policies and training.”

The USDA stressed that it is “extremely unlikely” that the cattle involved were at risk for Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad-cow disease due to the employment of multiple safeguards. The USDA felt the recall was required, however, as the plant had allegedly violated USDA regulations.

The recall involves raw and frozen beef products produced on various dates from February 1, 2006 to February 2, 2008. For further information about the recall, consumers, media, and distributors are encouraged to contact Hallmark/Westland’s Plant Manager Stan Mendell or Food Safety Consultant Steve Sayer at (909) 590-3340 or the FSIS website,

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NFL: Ricky Williams applies for reinstatement

Friday, April 6, 2007

Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams, who has applied for reinstatement to the NFL, told ESPN Radio’s Dan Patrick on Friday that he hasn’t gotten high on drugs “in maybe three years.” Williams credited yoga with replacing drugs to ease stress.

Williams was suspended in April 2006 for violating the NFL’s Substance Abuse Policy. Reinstatement to the league requires clinical evaluation and sending a hand-written letter to Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL. Williams stated: For the most part, as long as you follow the rules, you have a pretty good shot to be reinstated. Half of it is testing and the other half is you have to talk to someone on a weekly basis.

During the radio broadcast, Patrick asked Williams when the last time he had been drug tested. Williams’ anwser was Two minutes ago. and that he had passed.

Williams blamed the high levels of stress involved in playing football with his use of Marijuana. He said the only way to deal with it was “to go home, relax on the couch, roll up a joint and take a couple of puffs.”

Williams told Patrick during the interview that he hadn’t spoken with new Dolphins head coach Cam Cameron yet. Addressing what the Dolphins may or may not choose to do with him, Williams said that he would be “fine with whatever happens.”

Williams said, when asked why he wants to return to the NFL: “For me, it’s a test to see if all this work I’ve done is really worth something. If I can go to the NFL and have success, that would speak a lot for yoga and what I’ve learned and offer a lot of people who have dealt with the same issues I have a way out.”

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Instant Decision Unsecured Loans: Quick Loans Without Security

By Gilbert Imlay

When an individual requires cash in a hurry, the quickest option available is a loan from a family member or a friend. However, not many people would like to divulge their financial crisis to a known person, as it might create an embarrassing situation at a later stage. A much more feasible option then, is a loan from a financial institution like a bank or a lending agency. Most financial lenders, however, have loan formats which involve extensive paperwork and intense verification process, which might cause unnecessary delay in accessing the loan amount. An emergency situation or a financial crisis requires immediate access to the loan amount and hence, many potential borrowers shy away form approaching a financial lender for a traditional loan. Such a situation can however be solved with the help of more customized loan plans like the instant decision unsecured loans, which involve no paperwork and require no collateral to be placed against the loans.

The quick and convenient processing of the instant decision unsecured loans, make them a popular choice among potential borrowers looking for instant financial solutions to short term fund crisis. Not only do the lenders provide such instant decision unsecured loans without a credit check on the borrower and without placement of collaterals, the lenders also further save the time and effort of the borrower by conducting the entire transaction through the medium of internet. Starting from the loan application to approval, processing, transaction and even repayment, all such processes are instantly carried out through online processes, making it possible for the borrower to get instant access to funds and meet any emergency at hand, easily.


A potential borrower can find all required information about the instant decision unsecured loans at the lender’s website and can even compare the various loan plans and rate of interest of the various loans available in the market. Accordingly, one can select a feasible plan that best meets his current financial requirements easily. A potential borrower can then apply for the loan, by simply filling up the online application form, available at every lender’s website, with basic personal and employment details and providing some necessary information about his bank account. Once the lender has verified the accuracy of such information, he gives instant decisions on the loan approval, enabling the borrower to have instant access to the loan amount, usually within 24 hours of loan approval.

The instant decision unsecured loans are easily available to borrowers of every category and as they involve no credit verification process for approval, even a borrower with a bad credit rating or multiple bad debts and arrears in his name, can apply and get access to such loans. Also, these loans have no restriction clause on their manner of expenditure and hence, they can be used for nay financial purpose which the borrower deems fit. As the loans are specially meant to cater to emergency financial situations, they are usually short term in nature and have a higher rate of interest tagged to them in comparison to the traditional, secured forms of loans. However, the advantages of such unsecured loans far outweigh the drawback of a high interest rate; hence, it is not surprising to see these loans emerge as one of the most feasible forms of meeting short term fund crisis in modern times.

About the Author: Gilbert Imlay is a financial advisor with years of experience and specializations in unsecured loans UK, instant decision unsecured loans, unsecured personal loans, bad creditunsecured loans and non homeowner unsecured loans. For more information visit


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Wikinews interviews Goronwy Price about the upcoming by-election in the Bradfield electorate of the Australian parliament

Thursday, December 3, 2009

With two federal by-elections coming up in Australia, many minor parties and independents will be looking to gain a seat in the House of Representatives. Goronwy Price is a candidate representing the Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy party.

Mr Price is an environmentalist, adventurer and businessman from the Sydney suburb of Cremorne.

“In 1975 I founded the adventure travel company World Expeditions and built it to be the world’s largest adventure organisation. I am currently Managing Director of a successful software company I founded in 1997. We export software around the world.,” Mr Price said.

Wikinews reporter Patrick Gillett held an exclusive email interview with Mr Price, candidate for the Division of Bradfield.

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Are There Tricks To Improve Credit Score?

By Tim H Lambert

Any person who has a poor credit score is eager to find some tricks to improve credit score. Why do they need good credit score? It is for the approval of the loans they applied. Good credit score also get them good insurance rates compared to poor credit score. Remember that creditors or lenders will look up to your credit score in evaluating your risk as a borrower. Here are some of the effective tricks that can boost your credit score in a short time.

The best and easiest trick to boost your credit score is by reducing your ratio of limit-to-balance in your credit accounts. Try to reduce you ratio in the range of 30% to 50%. For example, if you have a $10,000 limit on your credit account, you will want no more then $3000 to $5000 in your balance. Your credit will drop anytime you overuse your credit and the ratio exceeds the limit. The proven and fastest way in reducing your balance-to-limit ratio is to pay down all your balance, if you can. It is also good to give a call to the lender and then ask them to give you an increase in your credit line. If the two options do not materialize, you can choose to spread your balances to other credit cards while keeping all their ratios below 50%.


Another trick that will work for your good is to link an old credit line to your credit history. This is an old credit repair trick. In order to be successful in this trick, you will need a close friend or relative, and that friend or relative must have nice credit and a credit account having a low balance-to-limit ratio. You can add them as an authorized user in your account; this will help you placed a positive credit history in your credit report.However, this trick is not applicable to all. The key point here is that there is a person close to you that will not make a poor credit. If person suddenly starts late payment, it can affect your credit.

One of the most probably and best tricks to improve credit score is the utilization of a secured credit card. Secured cards can give quick positive history in your credit report that will definitely affect your score positively. Secured credit will work because it is like an ordinary credit card in terms of reporting, however, it is easier to get. All you really need is a job and the capability to re-pay the card.It is typical that the lenders hold cash deposit that equal to your credit limit in an account. This is an assurance that they will not lose their money. Defaulting on your account will prompt the lender to take the amount you borrow from the deposit. However, cancelling the account or getting upgrade to an unsecured account makes the deposit refundable.

Another simple trick you can do to increase your credit scores is by investigating your credit report. If you find any false or old items, dispute it. Most of the time, creditors, or lenders will not face disputes especially on the accounts that are three years old and above. Disputing is possible through the websites of the credit bureaus.

About the Author: Improve your credit score now, go to

. Let the experts show you how

tricks to improve credit score



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Polish mine explosion kills 8

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Methane gas was blamed for the explosion deaths of 8 miners in southern Polish‘s Halemba coal mine Tuesday, November 21. Officials say at least 15 are missing.

Rescue efforts were halted because dangerously high levels of methane gas returned, according to Zbigniew Madej, spokesman for state-owned Coal Co., which operates the mine.

The missing miners’ locater devices were not emitting signals, increasing rescurers’ concerns for their well-being. Grzegorz Pawlaszek, head of Coal Co., said the 15 missing miners’ fate is “not known,” but added that “there is a chance to find someone still alive.”

“This is a tragedy. People have died here,” Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said when he came to Ruda Slaska to see the blast.

Earlier Wednesday, a reconnaissance rescue team descended 3000 feet toward the blast scene, only to retreat because of safety concerns related to high methane gas levels. Rescue digging efforts were also halted because of explosion concerns.

The missing men were aged 21-59. One of the miner’s family members, Andrzej Pytlik, 30, remained on scene with his sister, hoping and waiting for news of her husband, Krystian Gaszka.

Pytlik, also a miner, said through teary eyes that, “I work in the mines and I know that hope is scant because that’s the truth.”

The explosion occurred in a closed portion of the mine where the now-missing miners were working to retrieve abandoned equipment. According to Pawlaszek, the value of the equipment was $23 million, adding that “It was new equipment and that is why we decided to retrieve it.”

He indicated that the recovery work was performed under the supervision of gas detection specialists, and that the bodies of the recovered miners were difficult to identify because of the severity of burns and because their ID tags were blown away in the explosion.

The Halemba mine, located in Ruda Slaska, has produced coal for nearly 50 years, has been fraught with safety concerns and has a track record of serious accidents. One of the oldest mines in Poland, it is centrally located in the industrial Silesia region.

Earlier this year, a miner was trapped underground in the Halemba mine five days after a cave-in. In 1990, 19 miners were killed and 20 hurt in a gas explosion, and five were killed in collapse in 1991.

Inside, priests and mining officials were comforting and counseling with distraught relatives. Outside, eight white candles flickered on a main gate wall.

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Gibson Les Paul Studio Guitar

Submitted by: David Drofdoow

This electric guitar has been around for about 25 years and is one of the most sought after instruments by guitarists. Find out why in our short article which features comments by owners of the Gibson Les Paul. The Gibson Les Paul studio guitar is considered by many to be the best electric guitar for a studio musician. This electric guitar has been around for about 25 years and is one of the most sought after instruments by musicians who play a variety of genres. It is a guitar known for sonic capabilities and amazing harmony. It is a no non-sense guitar without any frills and comes in a cherry red color.

The guitar has a traditional round neck shape, a mahogany back and maple top. It comes with 490R and 498T pickups. It has good tone balance. The rosewood fingerboards and inlays in trapezoid, are common features of Les Paul guitars since the 1950 models. The newer models still use the same fingerboards. The rosewood used for these guitars are of the best quality you can find.

One of the things that really make this model of guitar outstanding, is the pickups and electrical components that make up the guitar, along with its quality wood craftsmanship. Each piece of wood is manually inspected by a group of wood experts before being used for the construction of the guitars. The fingerboards are stable and gives clear sound for each note and chord. The trapezoid inlays are made of acrylic yet look like real pearl inlays. The guitar weighs about 31.6 pounds and measures 43.3″ x 20.5″ x 5.9″.



One user said that the natural wood finish looked very classy. Some buyers said that the way it was constructed was very good considering the modest price it. The frets and neck are also good, even for long play, according to another buyer.

A review mentioned that the Gibson Les Paul studio guitar arrived in the mail in a high quality Gibson case, which is a nice feature. The fret work also seemed very finely made according to the same user.

Some people who have used these guitars say that this model is lighter than others of the same ilk. Typically, Les Paul guitars tend to be quite heavy.

A number of people also said that the sound is very good for blues and jazz music. According to many people, it is not a bad guitar for less than $1000.


A review did say that there was a buzzing sound on the A and E strings when he tried it for the first time. Another buyer noticed sharp edges on the fret.

An experienced guitar player said it was not the ideal guitar for metal rock music.

Basically, the Gibson Les Paul studio guitar brings with it over 2 decades of quality workmanship. For the studio, it is very useful and provides value for your money. It is light and more comfortable to use than other heavy guitars. The sound is good and it plays like a professional grade guitar with a price tag that won’t break the bank.

About the Author: For more information go to our Gibson Les Paul Guitar



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