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Promote Your Business With Email Marketing

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By Trevor Richards
If you are looking to promote the products or services offered by your company then email marketing is one of the most effective ways of doing this. You may think that email marketing is applicable only for ecommerce sites, however this is not necessarily the case as anyone can use this channel to reach out to their potential customers. This type of online marketing is preferable by some companies due to the high conversion rate and minimal cost. If you are serious about marketing your company then you need to consider using e-marketing.
So why would you specifically want to use email marketing as a means of promotion? Firstly, it as extremely quick way of reaching your potential customer base. It is an highly personalised method by which you can influence customers and encourage them to engage with the products and services which you offer. It also has the additional benefit of being one of the cheapest ways in which you can spread the word about what you have to offer. Email marketing allows you to monitor and track the results of your campaign in detail so you can see how many people your emails are reaching and more importantly – how many are bothering to open and read them. When you compare this form of marketing to other forms of online promotion you will see that it requires by far the least effort.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that a successful campaign is just a mouse click away. As with any other type of marketing, the right preparations must be made – in this case a database of potential customers email contacts. There are specialist companies who deal with selling email lists based around a particular demographic. Once you have a database of contacts, then you need to make sure that any emails which are sent out have been well written and contain a strong ‘call to action’ which will compel the reader to hopefully go on to convert into a sale.
You will no doubt receive a lot of junk emails so you will have an idea of how to craft your emails so that they stand out from the rest. Don’t fall into the trap of sending out emails just for the sake of sending them out as this will simply irritate your customers and will only have the effect of them deleting any future correspondence without reading it. Email marketing may be a relatively quick way of promoting your business, but that is not to say that you should spend as little time on writing the promotional copy as possible.
Email marketing isa proven marketing technique and is just as effective for new businesses as it is for established businesses. If you are determined to make sure that your online marketing is successful then you would be sensible to employ the services of an experienced internet marketing. Better still, approach a company who specialises in email campaign management so that you can be safe in the knowledge that your promotional campaign is being well looked after.
About the Author: Trevor Richards writes on behalf of Extravision, a UK supplier of
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Four new breeds in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
This year, four breeds of dogs are competing for the first time in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, United States.
The new breeds making their Westminister debuts this year, are the Plott, a hunting hound originally bred by two German immigrant brothers in North Carolina; the Tibetan Mastiff, once described by Marco Polo as “tall as a donkey with a voice as powerful as that of a lion.”; the Beauceron, a herding dog originally bred to herd flocks of sheep in France, later used to sniff out landmines and send messages during the World Wars; and the Swedish Vallhund, a breed dating back to the time of the Vikings, used on farms to catch vermin, herd cattle, and as a guard dog, noted for its double coat and harness markings.
This brings the number of unique breeds competing in the famous dog show to 169.
The Plott, the Beauceron, and the Vallhund were shown on Monday. The Tibetan Mastiff will be shown tonight as part of the Working Group.
Egypt protests: Army say they will not use force on demonstrators as Mubarak announces cabinet
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The president of Egypt has suffered a “devastating blow” after the country’s army announced they would not use force against their own people, who continue to protest against the government tonight. The news came hours after six journalists who reported on the protests were released from custody.
Hosni Mubarak yesterday announced a new cabinet, which does not include several figures who protesters largely do not approve of. Analysts have, however, suggested little had changed within the government; many positions, they say, are filled with military figures.
To the great people of Egypt, your armed forces, acknowledging the legitimate rights of the people … have not and will not use force against the Egyptian people. | ||
In a statement broadcast on state media in Egypt, the army said: “To the great people of Egypt, your armed forces, acknowledging the legitimate rights of the people … have not and will not use force against the Egyptian people.” A BBC correspondent in Cairo said the announcement meant it “now seems increasingly likely that the 30-year rule of Mr Mubarak is drawing to a close.”
“The presence of the army in the streets is for your sake and to ensure your safety and wellbeing. The armed forces will not resort to use of force against our great people,” the statement added. “Your armed forces, who are aware of the legitimacy of your demands and are keen to assume their responsibility in protecting the nation and the citizens, affirms that freedom of expression through peaceful means is guaranteed to everybody.”
Earlier today, six journalists from the independent news network Al-Jazeera were released from custody after being detained by police. The U.S. State Department criticized the arrests; equipment was reportedly confiscated from the journalists.
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Egyptian officials yesterday ordered the satellite channel to stop broadcasting in the country. Al-Jazeera said they were “appalled” by the government’s decision to close its Egyptian offices, which they described as the “latest attack by the Egyptian regime to strike at its freedom to report independently on the unprecedented events in Egypt.”
In a statement, the news agency added: “Al-Jazeera sees this as an act designed to stifle and repress the freedom of reporting by the network and its journalists. In this time of deep turmoil and unrest in Egyptian society it is imperative that voices from all sides be heard; the closing of our bureau by the Egyptian government is aimed at censoring and silencing the voices of the Egyptian people.”
On Friday, Wikinews reported the government had shut off practically all Internet traffic both out of and into the nation, as well as disrupting cellphone usage. A spokesperson for the social networking website Facebook said “limiting Internet access for millions of people is a matter of concern for the global community.”
A reported 50,000 campaigners, who are demanding the long-time leader step down and complaining of poverty, corruption, and oppression, filled Tahrir Square in Cairo today, chanting “We will stay until the coward leaves.” It is thought 100 people have so far died in the demonstrations. Today there have been protests in Suez, Mansoura, Damanhour, and Alexandria.
Speaking to news media in the area, many protesters said the new cabinet did little to quell their anger. “We want a complete change of government, with a civilian authority,” one said. Another added: “This is not a new government. This is the same regime—this is the same bluff. [Mubarak] has been bluffing us for 30 years.”
In Tahrir Square today, protesters played music as strings of barbed wire and army tanks stood nearby. Demonstrators scaled light poles, hanging Egyptian flags and calling for an end to Mubarak’s rule. “One poster featured Mubarak’s face plastered with a Hitler mustache, a sign of the deep resentment toward the 82-year-old leader they blame for widespread poverty, inflation and official indifference and brutality during his 30 years in power,” one journalist in the square reported this evening.
Colombia’s relations with Venezuela deteriorate over Swedish rockets
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, announced on Tuesday that “We will freeze relations with Colombia.” He attributed the decision to “new aggression by the government of Colombia.” Further, he said, “I’ve ordered to withdraw our ambassador from Bogota, to withdraw our diplomatic personnel.”
This diplomatic move follows claims by Colombia that amongst weapons its military has captured from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are AT4 anti-tank rockets manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamics of Sweden. Colombia further alleges that the weapons were first sold to Venezuela before being given to the FARC.
“This is not the first time that this happens,” Colombian Vice-President Francisco Santos said. “In several operations in which we have recovered weapons from the FARC, we have found powerful munitions and powerful equipment, including anti-tank weapons, from a European country that sold them to Venezuela and that turned up in the hands of the FARC.”
“It is correct that they have found these weapons to be Swedish-made,” said Jens Eriksson, adviser at the Swedish foreign ministry. “We are working together with Colombian authorities to investigate the matter further and we have contacted Venezuelan authorities to clear up how these arms ended up in Colombia.”
Venezuela denies the allegations. “To me it seems that this is a new attack against our government based on lies,” Venezuelan interior minister Tarek El Aissami said on Monday. “We absolutely deny that our government or our institutions are providing assistance to criminal and terrorist organizations. It’s laughable, it sounds like a cheap film made by the American government.”
Foreign minister Nicolás Maduro said that the whole thing is a campaign “to justify the presence of US bases” in Colombia.
E Cigarettes Vs Tobacco Dependence Study

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August, 2015 byadmin
Electronic cigarettes (often referred to as “e-cigs”) have become increasingly popular over the past few years, but relatively few electronic cigarette scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether or not e-cigarettes are likely to produce a lower level of physical dependency than traditional cigarettes. A recent study spearheaded by Dr. Jonathan Foulds, Professor of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, has aimed to remedy this lack of publicly available scientific research by way of conducting an online survey of over 3,600 current and former smokers who now use e-cigarettes as an alternative nicotine delivery system. The study found that most current e-cigarette users actually feel “less addicted” to e-cigarettes than they did when using traditional tobacco cigarettes.
The survey indicated that although e-cigarette users may not have changed their overall amount of nicotine intake (24 tobacco cigarettes per day versus 24 e-cigarettes per day), they did experience a noticeable decrease in the amount of withdrawal symptoms that normally accompany smoking cessation, such as irritability and physical urges. Below are some other interesting data points that were mined from the study:
* E-cigarette users did not feel the need to vape right after they wake up in the morning, a sharp contrast to the typical early morning cigarette urge that most traditional tobacco users experience.
* Most e-cig users could now make it through an entire night without waking up in the middle of the night to satisfy a nicotine craving.
* Roughly two-thirds of the survey participants reported a major reduction in nicotine cravings once they switched to e-cigarettes.
* Only 25% of participants reported feeling any kind of anxiety, irritability or nervousness when they were not able to use their e-cigarette. This is a sharp contrast to the over 90% of traditional tobacco cigarette smokers who experienced these types of symptoms.
Although there has been quite a bit of speculation as to what exactly accounts for the difference in physical dependency symptoms between e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, one of the most commonly accepted explanations is that e-cigarettes on average deliver less nicotine than traditional cigarettes. This is thought to help keep nicotine levels in users’ blood lower than what is typically experienced with tobacco cigarettes. The accessibility of e-cigarettes is also thought to be a factor; there is a certain amount of “craving buildup” that can happen when a person is not allowed to smoke in public facilities, which can sometimes lead to nicotine binges when they finally do get an opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. Since vaping is typically allowed in public places, users are better able to keep their nicotine cravings at bay.
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Buddhist relic collection tours North America and world
Saturday, November 25, 2006
With the hopes of funding the creation of a statue in northern India that would end up dwarfing the Statue of Liberty, an unprecedented collection of Buddhist artifacts continue crisscrossing American, Europe, and Asia in three different, but related collections.
The Maitreya Project, the brainchild of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, seeks to build a monument and development dedicated to Buddhism at Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh in northern India. The centerpiece of this massive development will be a 152m (500 ft) bronze statue of the Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of the future.
Buddhist belief says that there have been Buddhas in the distant past and there will be Buddhas in the distant future. The historical Buddha, the one who was born in India about 2500 years ago, is known as Shakyamuni Buddha. Buddhist belief says that sometime in the distant future the teachings that Shakyamuni Buddha brought to Earth will fade away. At that point the Maitreya Buddha will be born and gain enlightenment in order to refresh and renew Buddhist teachings.
Along with the statue, the development is also planned to include temples, exhibition halls, parks, a museum, library, and a theater as well as a hospital and educational center.
In order to move forward with this project the Maitreya Project has created collections of artifacts that are touring the world. Once the statue is built these artifacts will be housed in it for viewing.
Buddhist artifacts are usually associated with the body of the person involved. While they can be such things as bone and teeth, usually they are pearl-like objects that are found and collected after the enlightened person is creamated. These pearl-like objects are called ringsel.
There are three collections of artifacts currently touring American, Europe, and East Asia. They include relics from the immediate past Buddha, called Kasyapa, the historical Buddha, five of his original disciples, several Tibetan and Zen masters, and the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.
Wikinews reporter Richard Kinne spent three days with the relics when the North American tour came to Ithaca, NY a few weeks ago. The relics travel with two caretakers, one of whom is always in close proximity to the relics. Setup for the relics display can take about four hours depending on the venue. Taking it down takes a bit under two hours.
Each morning of the tour the relics are taken out of their padded case and placed in clear plexiglass display cases. The relics are displayed individually in small containers called stupas. Some containers appear very full, while others contian just one very small object. Each evening the process is reversed and the padded case stays with the relic caretakers.
Between the morning and the evening people from all walks of life come to see the relics – believers, people who are curious, academics, Buddhist monks and nuns, both older folks and small children. While the Heart Relic Tour just does deals with displaying the relics, the sponsoring venue can add to the display in various ways such as lectures, meditation classes and demonstrations, or various other rituals.
The tour in North America reaches Jacksonville, FL during the first weekend of December. From there it will go to Miami between the 9th to the 11th, and then to Phoenix, AZ between the 15th to the 17th. In Asia the tour spends time in Malaysia in the first part of December.
Australian MPs suggest Australia and New Zealand unification
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
A committee of Australian MPs have suggested that Australia and New Zealand become a single nation in the future. The suggestion follows an investigation into harmonising the countries’ legal systems.
The two countries are separated by 1900 km (1200 miles) of sea. Australia has a population of 20 million, while New Zealand has a population of 4 million.
Prior to 1901, New Zealand was considered one of the seven British colonies of Australasia, six of which united to form Australia in 1901.
The committee, which had representatives from both sides of Australian politics found that there were close ties between the two countries. People are free to move between the two countries without visas and there is a high-degree of co-operation between governments. The committee’s report said “While New Zealand ultimately chose not to join the federation, it is still included in the definition of the states in the Australian constitution.
“This historical context forms a backdrop to the closeness and breadth of the relationship between Australia and New Zealand today.
“While Australia and New Zealand are, of course, two sovereign nations, it seems to the committee that the strong ties between the two countries – the economic, cultural, migration, defence, governmental, and people to people linkages – suggest that an even closer relationship, including the possibility of union, is both desirable and realistic.”
Chairman of the committee, Peter Slipper said Australia now wished for another committee to be established to look at integration between the two nations in the future. Such a committee would be poised to look at monetary and national union.
The committee acknowledged that despite legal harmonisation being relatively easy, the merger of the two countries could be difficult. “The committee is also mindful that the harmonisation of laws is very much the art of the possible. Thus the merger of Australia and New Zealand or the progression to a unitary system of government in Australia, however desirable, might not be easy to achieve,” the committee’s report said.
The suggestion has received a cold reception in New Zealand. New Zealand’s citizens have regularly rejected suggestions that their country be part of Australia, a sentiment echoed by Prime Minister Helen Clark. Mrs Clark said she had no intention of placing the proposal on the government’s agenda.
“It won’t be on our agenda 105 years later”, she said.
New Zealand’s Foreign Minister, Winston Peters dismissed the proposal calling it a case of “parliamentary adventurism”. He said despite the two countries close relationship, the two countries were too geographically separated. “New Zealand is 1200 miles (1900 km) away from Australia and that’s 1200 reasons why I don’t go along with that committee, nor will New Zealanders,” Mr Peters said.
Wikinews interviews Bob Ely, Democratic Party presidential challenger to Barack Obama
Saturday, May 26, 2012
U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate Bob Ely of Illinois took some time to answer a few questions from Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn.
Ely, a graduate of Yale University, worked for 18 years as an investment banker in Chicago before leaving the industry in 2000 to become a full-time investor and entrepreneur. Last year, he opened a campaign website and filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) as a candidate challenging President Barack Obama for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
Thus far, Ely has appeared on the Democratic primary ballot in New Hampshire, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. His strongest showing occurred in Louisiana, where he won 6.57 percent of the vote, finishing in third place behind Obama and attorney John Wolfe, Jr.. Discussing the primary, he told Politico that despite being “a candidate who bought no ads and did exactly zero campaigning,” he won 120 of Louisiana’s 4,395 voting precincts, and defeated President Obama in 457. Overall, Ely has won a total of 15,502 primary votes.
On Tuesday May 29, Ely will appear on the Texas primary ballot alongside Obama, Wolfe, and historian Darcy Richardson, who suspended his campaign last month. It will be Ely’s last chance to qualify for Democratic National Convention delegates. Four of his fellow challengers have already done so: anti-abortion activist Randall Terry and perennial candidate Jim Rogers both qualified in Oklahoma, Wolfe qualified in Louisiana and Arkansas, and prison inmate Keith Russell Judd qualified in West Virginia. For various reasons, the Democratic Party stripped the delegates from each of these candidates.
On his campaign website, Ely outlines a plan for a “job’s bank”, which would use the existing organization for unemployment benefits to create a program where businesses can hire individuals to new positions with government salaries of minimum wage. He also wants to make it easier for businesses to terminate employees, and has proposed an increase in taxes and tariffs. He is concerned about the federal budget deficit and wishes to significantly reduce government spending. On other issues, Ely has proposed a plan for “basic health care” coverage, endorses “amnesty” for illegal immigrants in certain situations, and supports a strong, but frugal military used only to “protect America, Americans and America’s clear national interests”
With Wikinews, Ely discusses his personal background and views of President Obama, a few details about his campaign, and such political issues as jobs, energy, taxes, and nuclear proliferation.
Dating Advice: Top 6 Things To Look For When Dating A Man

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By Emily Heart
While it’s easy to tell if you like the look of your dating partner, how can you tell if they’re right for you in other ways, such as personality, values and goals?
In a recent interview, Michelle Obama urged women not to judge their dating partners purely by the way they look. ‘Cute is good’, she said. ‘But cute only lasts for so long, and then it’s, who are you as a person?’
Here are the top 6 things you need to look out for when dating a man, so you can tell if they might be right for you in the long term.
Is there chemistry between you?
Sometimes you can tell straight away if the two of you might work well as a couple, because for some people the chemistry just sizzles from the first moment. However, if this does not happen straight away, it doesn’t mean it never will. Getting to know someone better can lead to passion and, in some cases, it is these bonds which turn out to be the strongest. However, if you are physically or emotionally turned off by the person you are dating, it’s more likely that chemistry will never happen.
Can you see yourself feeling love and affection for this person?
As Mrs Obama says, ‘Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul’. No matter how good your dating partner is on paper, if you can’t feel genuine affection and love for the man himself, your relationship will never feel complete. Try and see beyond the job title to the person inside.
Can you communicate?
Dating a man who leaves you guessing may seem fun in the short term, for a long-term relationship it’s important to know you can communicate your thoughts and feelings in an open and honest way. A man who cannot communicate anything meaningful about himself could make for a very frustrating partner!
Do you share values?
This doesn’t have to mean that you both vote for the same political party, or even that you are of the same religion. In most cases, it is the thousands of day-to-day choices people must make which will have the most impact on whether a relationship survives or fails. If you and the person you are dating can agree on the basics, that’s a great start.
Do you have common goals?
While this point may not be for a first date, it is important to get an idea over time for whether or not you share long-term goals with your dating partner, such as if you would like to get married, have children or simply would like to enjoy a carefree life of fun and travel. Get too far down the line without figuring these things out and you could be in for a nasty surprise.
Do you feel happier with him around?
The last thing Michelle Obama pointed out is that, for a relationship to work, you have to feel genuinely happy and at peace when you are with the man you are dating, and that he treats you with courtesy and respect at all times. ‘When you’re dating a man,’ she said, ‘you should always feel good. You shouldn’t be in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t make you completely happy and make you feel whole.’
About the Author: is the UK’s biggest
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