
North Korea’s rising tensions: Wikinews interviews Scott Snyder and Dr Robert Kelly

Thursday, April 4, 2013

In recent days, North Korea has been issuing threats of war to neighbouring South Korea and the United States. There has been an increase in tensions as well as the decision to close off the Kaesong Industrial Park to South Korean workers.

Wikinews interviewed Dr. Robert Kelly of Pusan National University (PNU) in South Korea, who specialises in security and diplomacy, about the recent threats; and Scott Snyder, a North Korean specialist from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States.

((Wikinews)) What is your job role?

Dr. Robert Kelly: I am a Professor of International Relations at PNU.
Scott Snyder: I am a senior fellow for Korea Studies and director of the program for U.S.–Korea policy at CFR.

((WN)) North Korea has issued many threats to South Korea, how likely do you think it is that they will carry out these threats?

RK: Very unlikely. North Korea would lose a war if one began, and if they use nuclear weapons, they will lose all sympathy in global opinion and China will abandon them. The point of these threats is to shake-down SK [South Korea] and its new president for aid, not to start a war.

File:Scott Snyder.jpg

SS: North Korea’s threats have a variety of purposes. Some are defensive and are primarily meant to deter other countries from taking aggressive stances in the face of North Korea’s own weakness; some are designed tactically to set up for negotiations; some are expressions of intent or aspiration that are beyond the capability of North Korea to implement without facing severe consequences, and some are very specific threats that North Korea will attempt to implement as part of a guerrilla strategy so as to avoid escalation and take advantage of the element of surprise. NK [North Korean] threats should be taken seriously, but evaluated carefully to determine circumstances under which they might actually be carried out.

((WN)) How do people in South Korea feel about North Korea’s nuclear weapon’s programme?

RK: They do not like it of course, but they worry far less about it than outsiders would expect. South Koreans have been living under this shadow for many years. The North has made many threats in the past. So NK is like the boy who cried wolf. No one expects them to launch a weapon.
SS: Increasingly unsettled and concerned, especially about the possibility of being subject to nuclear blackmail. At the same time, this circumstance thus far has had negligible impact on South Koreans’ daily lives.

((WN)) Are South Korean citizens carrying on their day to day lives as normal?

RK: Yes, they are. This is not like the Cuban Missile Crisis when people were emptying the store shelves and building bunkers in their basements. My students are coming and going like normal. Indeed, South Koreans’ composure is very impressive.
SS: Yes.

((WN)) Is North Korea becoming further isolated in the world?

RK: Yes, it is. Threatening nuclear war is a genuine escalation that would alienate any state. Importantly though, NK is already fairly isolated. And because China, its main aid supplier, does not cut it off, further isolation has few practical impacts.
SS: North Korea is increasingly politically isolated but it is comparatively more economically and informationally connected than it was a decade ago.

((WN)) Is the South Korean military well-prepared to deal with any conflicts with the North Korean military?

RK: Yes. The ROKA [Republic of Korea Army, of South Korea] is a modern, well-trained, well-groomed force with substantial technical and organization superiority over the KPA [Korean People’s Army, of North Korea]. To date, the South Koreans have not responded to Northern provocation in order to avoid escalation, not because they are incapable. SK conventional superiority is augmented further by US assistance.
SS: South Korea will decisively win most direct conventional engagements with the North, but is vulnerable in selected theaters where North Korea perceives a lack of readiness or a tactical advantage.

((WN)) Is the closure of Kaesong by North Korea, evidence of further escalating tensions between the two nations?

RK: Yes and no. It is important, because it is a source of hard currency for the North, so its closure suggests that the North is willing to carry genuine costs over this feud. On the other hand, the SK media identified the closure of Kaesong early as a marker of NK seriousness, saying very openly that if NK did not close the facility, they did not really mean what they were saying. In other words, NK was, I think, goaded into closing Kaesong in the war of words, not as a part of any larger strategic plan.
SS: Thus far, it is a symbolic evidence of potential for escalating tensions, but has not yet resulted in material changes. Let’s see how the situation plays out over the next couple of days. Kaesong will only become vulnerable when operations halt and when financial transfers connected to failure of operations become operative.

((WN)) North Korea has moved one of its missiles that carries a large range missile to its East Coast, is this a serious move?

RK: I don’t think it’s as serious a move as the media has made it out to be. First of all they just moved one [missile]. Second of all, it’s not clear that North Korea actually has nuclear warheads that are small enough to actually put on top of missiles; they tell us this but nuclear weapons are actually pretty heavy, which is why nuclear missiles are frequently quite large, so moving the weapon there doesn’t necessarily mean it’s pointed at the United States or Tokyo which I suppose would be the likely targets. It’s not clear that it’s necessarily a nuclear missile and it’s not being fueled or anything so far as I know so again it’s sort of more of the same… bluffing…sort of talking around the issue and sort of saying things that don’t actually have genuine consequences so my sense is it’s more of a war of words.

((WN)) There’s a lot of talk about Kim Jong-un being an inexperienced leader — do you think he knows where the ‘brink’ lies?

RK: That’s actually a really good question. No, I don’t, which is why we’re having this whole conversation. Kim’s father, Kim the second [Kim Jong-il], was actually very good about this, “good” in quotations I suppose. He knew really well how to play this game, he knew really well how to play the South, particularly for aid, rice, assistance, fuel, things like that. The new guy — he’s only been in there for a year-and-a-half, right, 14, 15 months — he didn’t go through the grooming institutions of the regime, he didn’t go through the military or the party. And he certainly has no military training, it’s not like he went to some military institute — he went to some boarding school in Switzerland, or something like that. So it’s not at all clear that this guy knows, sort of how this is done. I have a feeling myself that he’s being egged on by the generals at home, and the generals are really doing this because they do not want the military’s position to be lowered in the new order. Under the previous Kim, under the second Kim [Kim-Jong-il], the military was raised in the constitution to a very high level of importance, they were sort of the primary pillar of the government, this is called the ‘Military First’ policy. I think people now worry that the new Kim — in order to re-start the economy might downgrade the role of the military, and I think that is where all this is coming from. I don’t think they want a war.

((WN)) All of these threats, do you think they are just a way of getting more economic aid from the United Nations?

RK: I wouldn’t say the United Nations [UN] because the UN role in this is actually pretty minimal. It is true that there are some UN specialized agencies that operate in North Korea — the World Food Programme I believe is the big one because North Korea constantly has food problems — and there are western NGOs, and aid groups, charities and stuff like that, also operate in North Korea. I’ve actually been to North Korea and I’ve seen these charities operate. I’ve actually met some of the people who actually live there and do this stuff. But they’re actually pretty small, right? I mean, the North Koreans are pretty worried about Westerners running around in North Korea making trouble and saying things and this and that. Any kind of foreign penetration in North Korea is very, very limited. I think the real issue is actually North Korea’s neighbors, specifically Japan, China, the United States and South Korea. Russia’s really sort of a bit player in this drama. And that’s what they really want, the North Koreans now are very dependent on only the Chinese. They used to be able to play the Chinese off the South Koreans off the Japanese off the Americans and extract aid and concessions from each of those. In the last ten years or so it has become harder to do that — particularly Japan, the United States and South Korea have closed ranks and don’t really deal individually with North Korea anymore. This has pushed North Korea to China. North Korea doesn’t like being dependent on just one player. And so I think that’s what this is an effort to shake up, […] a very difficult game for the North were they an economic colony of China.
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Canadian National Exhibition takes place in Toronto

Sunday, September 2, 2007

From August 17 to September 3, 2007 the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE or The EX) came back to Toronto for its 128th year. It is the largest in Canada and the fifth largest in North America.

The three day Canadian International Airshow, the horse show called “Tom Bishop’s Trick Riding Show”, and many other events were the main attractions at this year’s CNE. An estimated 1.3 million people attend the CNE every year.

The 680 News tower made entirely from Lego’s was on display, with a fence around it.

On Saturday at 1:00 p.m. was the airshow, which featured award winning aviators, including the Canadian Forces (CF) snowbirds, flying planes used in Afghanistan. The United States Air Force (USAF) also flew planes used in the military and a new F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft for its first time in an international show. A CF-18 Hornet, Canadian version of the USAF F/A-18 Hornet, 1943 Boeing Stock Stearman PT-17, and many other rare planes were also flown. Everyone could see the airshow but for a good photo and video opportunity freelance Wikinews journalist and others paid CA$5.00 to get on top of Ontario Place, across from the exhibition grounds. There was a ton of stairs to get to the top, but it was well worth it if one wanted excellent photos and video to watch with their family.

“I used to come to the air show every year with my dad … being out there flying over Lake Ontario in my hometown is unbelievable,” said Capt. Yanick “Crank” Gregoire of the CF-18 Hornet, on its 25th anniversary.

General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff of the Canadian Forces, made a brief speech and talked about Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. Followed by was a pre-recorded speech made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Then the American and Canadian national anthems were played and the show begun, it even included a live pilot in a Canadian Forces plane talking through his microphone into the speakers on top of Ontario Place. The airshow was something not to be missed as the staggering planes are always best watched live.

In the Direct Energy Centre at Exhibition Place were many vendors and people selling books, cloths, inventions, and even some live cooking shows. There was also a arts, crafts, and hobbies building, which was one of the best places to visit at this year’s CNE. Rides and attractions filled the grounds across Ontario Place.

The famous Iams-sponsored Superdogs performed dog tricks for an audience in a large area, while behind the curtains were salespeople at booths advertising and selling Iams dog food. They perform at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and other fairs in Canada.

At 5:00pm was the horse show at the Riding Academy “Horse Palace“, hosted by Tom Bishop Sr. There was a woman representing Ontario, a 15-year-old girl from Alberta representing Canada, and a man from the United States on a black horse. One of the horse riders, a champion, was from Canada but moved to the U.S. and has toured both countries. Tom Bishop Jr. stood and rode on top of two “Canadians”, the most rare and oldest horse breed in North America. The horses had to jump over a line of gas-led fire, Tom Bishop Sr. noted beforehand that horses are scared of fire.

At 9:00 p.m. was the Human Cannon Ball, from the U.S. Performed by David “The Bullet” Smith, Jr., son of Cannonball Smith, is the second person in the world that can do the “don’t-do-this-at-home-or-else!” stunt. It is their third year at the CNE. Most people came 20 minutes before to get a good spot. The shot was so loud that some had to plug their ears, and if one didn’t their heart would be beating hard. Smith jumped out like he’s done that stunt a thousand times, he did a push up on the ground and quickly ran back.

While walking to the Ontario Place parking lot, as soon as the “Human Cannon Ball” was finished, the Canadian Forces had several of their vehicles used in Afghanistan on display outside. A snowbirds plane, some LAV III’s, tanks, a helicopter, and a boat were on display. Soldiers were outside to greet and talk to the visitors, and had photos taken. A large banner was hung and old music was playing. People even signed a board beside a tank showing their support and thanks to the soldiers currently deployed. There was also a large tent with real Canadian soldiers giving away bracelets and showing actual uniforms used. They were very heavy and one soldier actually said the cloths are comfortable. It wasn’t clear which base the soldiers came from but one said that he came from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The CNE closes every night at 11:00pm.

It ends on Labour Day at 7:00pm.

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What Is A Membrane Roof?


A membrane roofing system is a popular choice for a commercial roof; it is designed to reduce the possibility of pooling and to reduce the incidence of leaks which are often associated with other roofing systems. This type of roof is rapidly becoming the favorite type of commercial roof, replacing the old traditional roofs that were used in the past. Membranes roofs are used on flat roofs or roofs which are only slightly sloped. The roofing system is available in three types; thermo-set, thermoplastic and modified bitumen.

A thermo-set roof consists of rubber sheets which are laid on the roof surface, the rubber sheets overlap at the edges. The overlapped seams are heated which causes the rubber to melt, resulting in the series of sheets to become one large continuous membrane. The rubber that is used in manufacturing the sheets is designed to form a chemical bond when heated; the seal becomes as strong as the sheet.

A commercial roof using a thermoplastic membrane is quite similar to a thermo-set roofing system but the material is PVC rather than rubber. The sheets of PVC do not form a chemical bond but they do form a tight seal when heated but the seal is effective on keeping out water. A thermoplastic membrane roof is somewhat less expensive than a thermo-set roof but it will need a little more maintenance.

Of the three systems, modified bitumen is the least expensive and the most common. The bitumen comprises rubber compounds and certain modifiers which are added to normal asphalt roofing compound. The modified bitumen is heated so that when it installed on the roof it forms a tight seal. There are new variation’s of this material; the new material does not need heat for application, it is produced in sheets in the factory; the sheets are lapped and held in place by self-adhesive strips, the seams, which overlap form a watertight seal.

A classic membrane roof system is prone to leaks because of the way it is constructed; this is not the case when a membrane is used as the commercial roof. In the case of traditional membrane roofs the seams are not sealed tightly, this is not the case with modern membrane roofs. Another advantage is that there is no need to place a gravel overlay which is normally the case with an asphalt roof. Because membrane roofing sheets are fastened directly to the roof, there is no need for gravel to hold them in place.

A flat or low slope commercial roof is constructed using one of the three different membrane roofing systems. For complete details on membrane roofs you are invited to contact StormForce of Jacksonville.

Fur fans flock to Toronto’s Furnal Equinox 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

From March 15 to 17, the Canadian city of Toronto played host to the tenth Furnal Equinox, an annual event dedicated to the “furry fandom.” Wikinews attended. Programming ranged from music to gender, science to art, covering dozens of aspects of the varied subculture. The event’s featured guests were visual artists Moth Monarch and Cat-Monk Shiro, as well as the co-owners of US fursuit costume builders Don’t Hug Cacti.

The event raised nearly CDN$11,000 for Pet Patrol, a non-profit rescue organization in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, run by volunteers. This exceeded their goal of $10,000, the funds needed to finish a rural sanctuary. The furry community is well-known for their charitable efforts. Along with direct donations, the funds were raised through a charity auction offering original artwork, and a fursuit design by guests of honour “Don’t Hug Cacti.” Last year, Furnal Equinox raised funds for a farm animal sanctuary.

While only 10–15% of people within the fandom own a fursuit according to a 2011 study, event organizers reported this year 908 of the 2240 attendees at Furnal Equinox brought at least one elaborate outfit to the event. The outfits are usually based on original characters, known as “fursonas”.

Guests of Honour Cherie and Sean O’Donnell, known within the community as “Lucky and Skuff Coyote”, held a session on fursuit construction on Saturday afternoon. The married couple are among the most prominent builders in the fandom, under the name Don’t Hug Cacti. The scale of their business was evident, as Sean had made over a thousand pairs of “handpaws”, costume gloves.

The couple encouraged attendees to continue developing their technique, sharing that all professional fursuit makers had developed different techniques. They felt that they learned more from failed projects than successful ones, citing the Chuck Jones quote that “every artist has thousands of bad drawings,” and that you have to work through them to achieve. Cherie, known as Lucky, recalled receiving a Sylvester the Cat plush toy from a Six Flags theme park at age 10. She promptly hollowed the toy out, turning it into a costume. Creating a costume isn’t without its hazards: the company uses 450°F (232°C) glue guns. They’re “like sticking your hand in an oven.”

Other programming included improv comedy, dances, life drawing of fursuiters, a review of scientific research by a research group at four universities called FurScience, a pin collector’s social, and workshops in writing.

The “Dealer’s Den” hall was expanded this year, with even more retailers and artists. While many offered “furry” versions of traditional products, at least one business focused on “pushing the boundaries of fursuit technology.” Along with 3D printing a bone-shaped name tag when Wikinews visited, Grivik was demonstrating miniature computer screens that could be used as “eyes” for a fursuit. The electronic displays projected an animation of eyes looking around, blinking occasionally. The maker has also developed “a way to install a camera inside suit heads, to improve fursuiter visibility.” He hopes the tech would reduce suiting risks and accidents. Without the need for eyeholes, fursuit makers would have “more options for building different eyestyles.”

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Chinese government to safeguard old Beijing

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Beijing’s city legislature has approved a bill, one year in the making, to safeguard the historical and cultural heritage of old Beijing. The new 41-article set of regulations will come into effect May 1, requiring the city to protect listed heritage sites and unlisted sites deemed of historical or cultural value. It also guarantees protection for the area within the city’s Second Ring Road.

Director of the Beijing Administrative Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Mei Ninghua, said “the most encouraging content of the regulations is that Beijing will pay more attention to protecting the old city’s landscape in its entirety, rather than just focussing on scattered heritage sites.” This means the old city layout, colours of buildings, and the names of houses and lanes will have legal protection.

“We took measures to protect the city’s siheyuan courtyard houses by tagging protection plates on more than 650 of them in 2003, preventing them from being demolished or damaged during the city’s massive housing reconstruction projects,” said Mei.

“Now the new regulations give legal buttress to the protection of siheyuan courtyard homes, as well as other unmovable ancient treasures, that have yet to be listed but are at risk of being demolished during urban renovation.”

Modern Beijing, capital of China for 850 years, was built by Mongul Emporer Kublai Khan in 1267 AD. In the vicinity of the current city once was Ji (?), the capital of the State of Yan (?), a power of the Warring States Period – but it has been lost in the mists of time.

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Massage For Your Child S Headache

Submitted by: Matilda French

There are many reasons your child may be suffering from a headache. He or she may unfortunately get headaches due to hereditary. If a parent or close family member is susceptible to headaches your child may be as well.

Stress is another reason your child may get headaches. Age does not show prejudice when it comes to headaches. If your child has a lot of homework and worry this can easily trigger a headache.

Sinuses can cause pain from small headaches to very painful headaches. Sinus infections cause nasal blockage and inflammation of the passages directly behind the nose and the eyes. Your child may suffer from a headache along with a sore throat (due to the drainage irritating the back of the throat) as well as malaise.

If your child does not sleep well the night before, he or she may wake up with a headache. If your child does not get enough sleep a headache can also creep up later during the day.


Hopefully your child does not get heat stroke as this can cause a headache. The headache may be severe. Be careful about getting too much sun whether you are a child or an adult.

If your child has a fever or viral infection these symptoms can cause a headache. Both of these symptoms cause the blood vessels to dilate in the entire body as well as the head, thus causing a headache.

Your child may get frequent headaches when it is time to get new glasses. Whether your child is getting his/her first pair of glasses or second pair, third pair, etc. Weak eyesight makes one try to focus and strain the eyes and causes a headache.

If your child is getting frequent headaches always consult your family doctor or child s pediatrician. Your doctor can determine which type of headache your child is frequently suffering from. Your child may need a specific medication to help prevent headaches or stop the pain caused by headaches. For example, if your child s headache is due to the flu or a cold your doctor may give your child an antibiotic to kill the infection. Make sure your child takes the entire bottle prescribed by your doctor when taking an antibiotic. When your child is suffering from certain fevers and sinus infections your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics. When your child suffers from sunstroke make sure you give him or her plenty of fresh cold water/fluids and a cold compress.

If you are going to give your child pain reliever for his or her headache always follow the directions on the over-the-counter medication bottle. If your child is under age of the ages listed on the medication, always follow the medication bottle s directions and consult your doctor on how much medication to give him or her. Usually medication goes by your baby or child s weight so make sure you know how much your baby/child weighs when you call your doctor.

A head massage is fantastic for your child s headache. Gently rub your child s skull in circular motions. You can gently run your fingers across your child s forehead and cheeks. Gently play with your child s hair to make him or her feel more relaxed and to help relieve the headache. You may look into getting hot stones for your child s headaches to help sooth the pain, too.

About the Author: I write for AML Stone Source, the leading

hot stone

supplies provider. They carry products such for

hot stone therapy

, as well as cold stone therapy.


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Australia women’s national goalball team loses 0-3 to United States in pool play in London

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

London, England — A winless Australia women’s national goalball team met the United States in group play yesterday night at London’s Copper Box and failed to pick up their first win, going down 0–3.

Prior to the start of the game, both team’s fans made themselves heard with Australian supporters chanting “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!” and United States fans chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A!” The United States’s Jen Armbruster scored all three of the United States goals, one of them coming off a penalty shot. While the United States had no fouls in the game, Australia had four for high balls.

The two teams played with contrasting styles. The United States spent most of their time upright, only dropping and lunging to block the ball after the Australians threw it. Meanwhile, the Australians spent most of their time low and close to the ground as they lunged to prevent the ball from going into the goal. The Australians, who were all wearing green and gold socks, were louder than the United States and talked to each other more while on court.

Australia came into the match having lost 1–3 to both Japan and Canada. They have one game left to play at the London Paralympics when the play Sweden, who have lost 1–5 to the United States, tied Japan 0–0 and beaten Canada 2–1.

With a 5–1 win against Sweden and a 1–2 loss to Japan, the United States still has to play Canada in pool play.

Goalball was created in 1946 as a sport exclusively for people with a visual disability and designed to help veterans returning from World War II with their rehabilitation. Games in the Paralympics have two twelve minute periods, with a three minute break between halves. Players are blindfolded to insure equal ability to see while on the court, and the game can be stopped to ensure goggles are properly fitted. Standing in front of a long goal, they throw the ball at the opposition team’s net who in turn try to block it by hearing the ball, which contains a bell, and using their bodies to prevent the ball from going in. The audience is asked to remain silent during play.

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Colombia’s relations with Venezuela deteriorate over Swedish rockets

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, announced on Tuesday that “We will freeze relations with Colombia.” He attributed the decision to “new aggression by the government of Colombia.” Further, he said, “I’ve ordered to withdraw our ambassador from Bogota, to withdraw our diplomatic personnel.”

This diplomatic move follows claims by Colombia that amongst weapons its military has captured from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are AT4 anti-tank rockets manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamics of Sweden. Colombia further alleges that the weapons were first sold to Venezuela before being given to the FARC.

“This is not the first time that this happens,” Colombian Vice-President Francisco Santos said. “In several operations in which we have recovered weapons from the FARC, we have found powerful munitions and powerful equipment, including anti-tank weapons, from a European country that sold them to Venezuela and that turned up in the hands of the FARC.”

“It is correct that they have found these weapons to be Swedish-made,” said Jens Eriksson, adviser at the Swedish foreign ministry. “We are working together with Colombian authorities to investigate the matter further and we have contacted Venezuelan authorities to clear up how these arms ended up in Colombia.”

Venezuela denies the allegations. “To me it seems that this is a new attack against our government based on lies,” Venezuelan interior minister Tarek El Aissami said on Monday. “We absolutely deny that our government or our institutions are providing assistance to criminal and terrorist organizations. It’s laughable, it sounds like a cheap film made by the American government.”

Foreign minister Nicolás Maduro said that the whole thing is a campaign “to justify the presence of US bases” in Colombia.

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Suspected serial killer appears in British court

Friday, May 28, 2010

A man accused of being a serial killer has appeared in Bradford magistrates court in West Yorkshire today charged with three counts of murder. 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Susan Rushworth, 43, and Shelley Armitage, 31, all prostitutes.

Griffiths, a former van driver with a degree in psychology and studying for a PhD in criminology, gave his name as “Crossbow Cannibal” when asked. He has been in police custody since Monday when police were alerted to a CCTV recording that appeared to show a murder.

A caretaker had been reviewing footage from the flats where Griffiths lives when he saw footage of a woman and a man enter a flat early on Saturday morning. Two minutes later, she ran out and was followed by the man, who beat her to the ground and shot her in the head with a crossbow. Over the course of the weekend, the man was seen several times with bin bags and a rucksack.

On Tuesday, the day after the arrest of Griffiths, Blamires’ remains were found in the River Aire in nearby Shipley. She had been cut into several pieces and her head was located in a rucksack. Police continue to search for the other two alleged victims; Rushworth has been missing since June last year and Armitage vanished in April.

Police have searched much of Bradford’s red-light district, where Griffiths’ third-floor flat is located. Forensic investigations at the flat are expected to last around three weeks. There are plans to search landfill sites for bodies, and police may yet expand the inquiry to cover three more cold cases, although at present they have not been linked to the current inquiry.

Sniffer dogs have been used throughout the city, and police have been taking away plastic evidence bags. Some alleyways remain closed off. Police charged their suspect yesterday.

Griffiths was known as “the lizard man” in his block of flats owing to his habit of walking his two pet monitor lizards in the area. One neighbour is reported to have quoted him as saying he was studying for “a PhD in murder and Jack the Ripper,” and he has spent time in a high-security psychiatric hospital. During his five-minute court appearance he did not enter a plea, kept his head bowed and fidgeted with his cuffed hands. He said “Here, I guess,” when asked for his address.

As he stood in the glass-fronted dock, guarded by three security officers, he was watched by the families of Rushworth and Armitage, who were accompanied by police family liaison officers. Blamires’ family chose not to be present, but the victim’s mother Nicky Blamires, 54, has told the press that Suzanne was a “much-loved” family member even though she “went down the wrong path and did not have the life she was meant to have.” “Nobody deserves this,” she said. “All these girls were human beings and people’s daughters.”

Griffiths’ morning court appearance was followed by a second one this afternoon, at Bradford Crown Court. This time, he confirmed his name without incident. He was remanded into custody until next month, when he will appear in court again.

British media has been quick to compare the case to Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the “Yorkshire Ripper”. Sutcliffe was a Bradford killer responsible for thirteen murders and seven attempted murders, including several prostitutes. Since his 1981 conviction he has spent most of the last three decades in Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital near London.

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Fix Your I Pod

Submitted by: Stuartuh Cox

Fix your iPod

Now the Ipod device is 1 the greatest devices of this generation, and it does some fantastic points, plays music, audio books, videos, films, games, and retailers your pictures. Its as close to an almost everything product that we presently have, and each and every 12 months when they release a new 1 and each yr it just gets greater, but there is an additional side of this gadget that most individuals don’t feel about when their at their local electronics store buying the Ipod device. This is truth that these iPods as good as they are, even now do break from time to time, and you will then be in the position of needing to Fix your iPod. Now when it will come to repairing your Ipod nano there are choices out there, and acquiring your Ipod device fixed is a whole lot simpler than you might assume.


There are many excellent businesses on the web that are capable to Fix your iPod. To discover several of these organizations all you will need to do is go to Google and lookup the term “Fix your iPod” If you do this there ought to be several organizations that are identified that are ready to aid you in your pursuit of the fixing of your Ipod device.

Most of these organizations will provide a couple of solutions when it will come to staying able to Fix your iPod. The very first answer most of these fix services provide is a professional installation choice. This would suggest that you would require to mail your Ipod device off to them, they would then diagnose it, and arrive up with a fix price and let you know what the expense will be. They would then give you the selection if you want to Fix your iPod or not. There is an additional choice most of these organizations provide this would be the choice to self-diagnose your personal Ipod nano, that would imply that you require to know exactly what is wrong with it, then with the details you get from your self-diagnosis you then would have to have to purchase the element that you would need to Fix your iPod, and then they would ship the element to you and let you set up it oneself, you generally can discover guides on the internet that will inform you on how to put in the parts oneself, so if you have any technical knowledge this may possibly be your ideal and lowest price wager. When it will come to getting ready to Fix your iPod, don’t forget you have two options when you are outside your guarantee with Apple or when the warranty does cover the restore that you will need. You can add the new component required your self, or you can mail your Ipod nano off to a Ipod nano restore facility that will professionally put in the element for you and they will be capable to guarantee that your Ipod device will function correctly right after the set up, I would say this is the safest wager out there, and then you do not will need to be concerned about any injury to your Ipod, when you are attempting to repair it.

Fix your iPod info

About the Author: Repaired thousands of iPod and Zunes, and has repaired many other small electronic devices.



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