
The Marvels Of The Down Under

The term ‘Down Under’ refers to Australia and New Zealand and is derived from the fact that these two countries are located in the southern hemisphere, ‘underneath’ many other countries on the world map. This stunning region is characterized by unique biodiversity, charismatic cities, rich culture, vibrant indigenous history, and a laid-back lifestyle attracting millions of visitors every year.

Australia, the main host of ‘Down Under’, is known for its distinctive landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock (Uluru), the Great Barrier Reef, and of course, the iconic kangaroos and koalas. Meanwhile, New Zealand, with its breathtaking fjords, rugby heritage, and Hobbiton movie set, adds further charm to the Down Under.

But these countries offer more than just sightseeing opportunities. They also present distinctive lifestyle experiences that showcase their unique charm and character. One of these experiences is the growing popularity of well-being practices such as yoga, especially in many thriving Australian cities.

In recent years, Australia has experienced a surge in interest and participation in yoga. This trend is particularly noticeable in cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Newcastle. Of note is the burgeoning ‘Newcastle yoga‘ scene, rapidly becoming a local culture cornerstone.

Newcastle is the seventh largest city in Australia and combines its nineteenth-century charm with modern urbanising appetite. As part of Newcastle’s focus on health and well-being, yoga has become intrinsic to the community. The city boasts a diverse range of yoga studios, each offering something unique – different styles of yoga, meditation classes, workshops, and even yoga retreats. Newcastle yoga is not just an exercise fad but part of a balanced lifestyle that combines the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

And it’s not just the locals who are partaking in the Newcastle yoga scene. The city’s stunning coastline, serene natural settings, and relaxing beach-life atmosphere make it an ideal destination for yoga enthusiasts worldwide. Besides, yoga events such as beach yoga sessions and outdoor yoga festivals are gaining popularity, further enhancing Newcastle’s reputation as a thriving hub for wellness and fitness.

From hot yoga to Hatha, Vinyasa to Yin, the variety of yoga styles caters for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner looking to try something new, there’s a Newcastle yoga class to suit your needs.

But Newcastle yoga is more than just the physical aspect; it’s about community. It signifies the embracing of a philosophy that values health, well-being, and unity. The experience of attending a yoga class in Newcastle goes beyond stretching; it’s about connecting with oneself, others, and the energy of the universe.

Overall, the Down Under is more than its stunning landscapes and charismatic wildlife; it is a unique lifestyle experience. The surge in wellness practices like Newcastle yoga is a testament to this, showcasing the profound blend of physical wellness, mental well-being, and community spirit found in the heart of Australia.

‘Down Under,’ therefore, encapsulates a unique sense of place that beautifully combines a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural scapes, a distinguished urban lifestyle, and now a distinct wellness culture, offering an enriching experience to every visitor who steps onto its land.

Have You Created A Life Of Vitality? Take My Quiz To Find Out. Blog Category: Eating Well, Healthy Eating}

Submitted by: Lynda Enright

What does vitality mean to you?

The Websters definition of vitality is: a) capacity to live and develop, b) physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed, c) power of enduring.

To me, vitality means living a life where you are:


feeling good every day healthy and strong

participating fully in your life

engaged with family, friends and colleagues

not solely in the absence of poor health but in a state of great health

We know from research of populations around the world who live long and thrive that there are many factors to creating a life of vitality. Food is certainly one component, but in addition a sense of purpose, community, physical activity and spirituality are important components as well.

Are you living a life of vitality? Take my quiz to find out.

1. Do you choose foods that are fresh as often as possible?

2. Do you choose foods that are grown locally when available?

3. Do you choose foods that are in season where you live?

4. Do you prepare foods using plant oils such as coconut, olive, avocado, walnut or grapeseed?

5. Do you sweeten your foods with fruit juices or butters, pure maple syrup or honey?

6. Do you get salt from fish, sea vegetables or sea salt?

7. Do you purchase free range meats?

8. Do you eat naturally fermented and cultured foods?

9. Do you cook with a variety of herbs and spices?

10. Do you spend time with people in your community?

11. Do you have a sense of purpose in your life?

12. Do you spend time with both the young and the old?

13. Do you move your body daily?

14. Do you spend time in spiritual or restorative practice?

If you answered YES to 7 or more questions you are making choices to live a life of vitality. If you answered YES to fewer than 7 questions you have greater opportunities to thrive!

Food is not simply energy, it is information.

Populations who live a life of vitality make food choices that provide different information to their body than the Standard American Diet today.

Food that is fresh, local and in season is richer and more diverse in nutrients.

Food that is cooked from scratch and preserved using natural methods such as fermentation has higher nutrient value and helps to nourish your gut more than foods that are highly processed to allow for shelf stability.

Fats that are consumed from plants nourish your body to protect your heart and against disease.

Salts that come from the sea are rich in a variety of minerals.

Herbs and spices can add so much more to your diet than just flavor. They may have antimicrobial, antiviral or antibiotic properties.

A lifestyle of vitality

In addition to food, there are components of a life of vitality we can learn from long living populations that you can incorporate into your days as well. Research repeatedly shows that having social connection improves health and increases longevity. You may spend your days getting done what needs to get done without thinking about your real purpose. A sense of purpose may protect your heart and add years to your life.

Remember the days when everyone got a day off? When there was for so many an actual day of rest? Stores were closed, time was spent with family. Today our 24/7/365 lifestyle is taking a toll.

Some research has looked at daily movement versus sitting and then exercising. It seems as though building more daily movement into your life may have greater benefit than going to the gym after a day of being sedentary. We know from populations who thrive exercise is not the norm, but rather movement happens every day throughout the day.

What choices can you make?

My hope for each of you is not that you just get through your days or years. But you do it doing what you love, being with people who are important to you, nourishing your body so that you feel well, have energy and a clear head. We can learn from people around the world who not only live long but live well. You may not have the choice to move to a remote island where life moves more slowly and fresh food is available all year round. But you can make choices each day to shift where you can to choose foods that nourish rather than those highly processed, to choose movement instead of a chair, to choose friends and family rather than solitude.

Each choice you make will create your own vitality. Take a step. Your good health is worth it.

About the Author: Lynda Enright, MS, RD, CLT is certified as a Wellness Coach and LEAP Therapist who partners with individuals who want to look and feel amazing. Lynda helps individuals improve their health by addressing each individual as the whole person finding the causes of weight gain, fatigue, bloating, acid reflux, congestion, brain fog or achy joints. This article was originally published at

and has been syndicated with permission. For more tips on eating well and balancing a healthy lifestyle, visit


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E Cigarettes Vs Tobacco Dependence Study

August, 2015 byadmin

Electronic cigarettes (often referred to as “e-cigs”) have become increasingly popular over the past few years, but relatively few electronic cigarette scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether or not e-cigarettes are likely to produce a lower level of physical dependency than traditional cigarettes. A recent study spearheaded by Dr. Jonathan Foulds, Professor of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, has aimed to remedy this lack of publicly available scientific research by way of conducting an online survey of over 3,600 current and former smokers who now use e-cigarettes as an alternative nicotine delivery system. The study found that most current e-cigarette users actually feel “less addicted” to e-cigarettes than they did when using traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The survey indicated that although e-cigarette users may not have changed their overall amount of nicotine intake (24 tobacco cigarettes per day versus 24 e-cigarettes per day), they did experience a noticeable decrease in the amount of withdrawal symptoms that normally accompany smoking cessation, such as irritability and physical urges. Below are some other interesting data points that were mined from the study:

* E-cigarette users did not feel the need to vape right after they wake up in the morning, a sharp contrast to the typical early morning cigarette urge that most traditional tobacco users experience.

* Most e-cig users could now make it through an entire night without waking up in the middle of the night to satisfy a nicotine craving.

* Roughly two-thirds of the survey participants reported a major reduction in nicotine cravings once they switched to e-cigarettes.

* Only 25% of participants reported feeling any kind of anxiety, irritability or nervousness when they were not able to use their e-cigarette. This is a sharp contrast to the over 90% of traditional tobacco cigarette smokers who experienced these types of symptoms.

Although there has been quite a bit of speculation as to what exactly accounts for the difference in physical dependency symptoms between e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, one of the most commonly accepted explanations is that e-cigarettes on average deliver less nicotine than traditional cigarettes. This is thought to help keep nicotine levels in users’ blood lower than what is typically experienced with tobacco cigarettes. The accessibility of e-cigarettes is also thought to be a factor; there is a certain amount of “craving buildup” that can happen when a person is not allowed to smoke in public facilities, which can sometimes lead to nicotine binges when they finally do get an opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. Since vaping is typically allowed in public places, users are better able to keep their nicotine cravings at bay.

Breathe Intelligent Cigarette provides the public with educational information regarding the Electronic Cigarette Industry. Please visit to learn more and to purchase electronic cigarette, vaping, and e-hookah products including wholesale distribution.