Digital Marketing

Blue Ocean Strategy

Do you want to create new demand with a new group of previous non-customers? Do you want to break out of the red ocean of bloody competition by creating uncontested market space, ripe for growth that makes competition irrelevant?Like human beings, corporations do smart things and crazy things. There is no such thing as a permanently excellent company or industry. To improve the quality of our success, the authors of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) have studied what we do that makes a positive difference and understood how to replicate it systematically. This is called making smart strategic moves or ‘value innovation’ – creating powerful leaps in value for both the firm and its buyers, rendering rivals obsolete and unleashing new demand. The strategic move that matters most is to create blue oceans.Voted as the bestseller by the Wall Street Journal and Business Week, BOS examines a wide range of strategic moves across a host of industries. The framework addresses not only the analytical aspects behind the creation of BOS but also the allimportant human aspects of how to bring an organisation and its people on its journey, with a willingness to translate these ideas into action. An understanding of how to build trust and commitment, as well as an understanding of the importance of intellectual and emotional strengths are highlighted and brought to the core of this strategy.Speaking recently at the London Business Forum, one of the authors, Renée Mauborgne, highlighted the six principles that every company can use to successfully formulate and execute blue ocean strategies.The six principles show how to:

  • reconstruct market boundaries;
  • focus on the big picture;
  • reach beyond existing demand;
  • get the strategic sequence right;
  • overcome organisational hurdles;
  • build execution into strategy.

Rejecting traditional thinking about strategy, this landmark book charts a bold new path to winning in the future. Are you ready to boldly go where no man has gone before and be the Star Trek, Comic Relief, Google or Twitter of your industry?Are you True Blue or Bloody Red?Answer the questions below to determine how blue is your ocean?

  • Is your company facing heightened competition from domestic and international rivals?
  • Do your sales representatives increasingly argue that they need to offer deeper and deeper price discounts to make sales?
  • Are you finding you need to advertise more to get noticed in the marketplace, yet the impact of each advertising pound spent is falling?
  • Is your company focused more on cost cutting, quality control, and brand management at the expense of growth, innovation, and brand creation?
  • Do you blame your slow growth on your market?
  • Do you see outsourcing to low cost companies or countries as a principal prerequisite to regain competitiveness?
  • Are mergers and acquisitions the principal means your company sees to grow?
  • Is it easier to get funding to match a strategic move made by your competitor, than it is to get internal funding to support a strategic move that allows you to break away from the competition?
  • Is commoditisation of offerings a frequent worry of your company?
  • List your key competitive factors; now list your competition’s. Are they largely the same?
  • If you answered yes to a majority of these questions, then your company is stuck in the red ocean.

Blue Ocean Strategy offers you a way to swim out of the red ocean filled with sharks. It presents a theory, tools, and frameworks to allow your company to break away from the competition and create a blue ocean of new market space.Read what clients have to say:After reading BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY, you will never again see your competition in quite the same light. Kim and Mauborgne present a compelling case for pursuing strategy with a creative, not combative, approach. Their emphasis on value innovation and stakeholder engagement alone makes this book a must-read for both executives and students of business.Carlos Ghosn, President and CEO, Renault & Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.This is an extremely valuable book to read. It examines the experience of companies in areas as diverse as watches, wine, cement, computers, automobiles, and even the circus to shed new light on the development offuture strategies.Nicolas G. Hayek, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swatch Group

How To Change An I Phone Battery

By Chad Rutt

Because consumers use their iPhones not just for conversations but for email and Internet, batteries can run down fairly quickly. The most common problem that you will have with your Apple Mobile Handheld Device will be the battery. Average Batter life is only 18 months and these devices will last at least 36 months if taken care of properly. If your iPhone won’t stay charged or if it has an extremely short battery life, it’s a sure sign that you need to replace the battery.

So with a dead battery you could either take it to a iPhone repair shop of change it yourself for much less. Here are detailed instructions on changing the battery of your iPhone. You will need the following to change the battery: a specialty screw driver that can be purchased in a Screw Driver Torx kit, a replacement battery, and most importantly patients. The kit and battery can be found on any electronics parts websites.


Now lets change your iPhone battery. First step for the iPhone battery is to open the back side of the phone by inserting an open safety pin into the tiny hole located near the headphone jack input. This opens the bowl part of the back iPhone panel which you will then need to unscrew and remove the two small screws on each side of the iPhone bowl. Now you will need to separate from back from the front LCD screen. To separate the front and back panel you will need to use the tool called the spudger which is located in the Screw Driver Torx kit. Insert the spudger between the front panel and circular chrome ring. Do not tear the stationary connectors of the two plates or you will damage the functionality of the device.

Now it’s time to remove the numbered cables. Locate cable number 1 and 2 and separate with the spudger. This will allow the front and rear cases to be separated completely, ensuring you have no obstructions in your work space. Next you will unscrew the bottom screws of the motherboard. Loosen cable labeled number 4. The only band left connected at this point is the camera. Remove the cable for the camera and motherboard. Make sure that all screws connecting the motherboard are kept safe as you will need them to put the phone back together once the battery has been replaces. Lastly remove the battery by pulling on the tab. Replace the battery and put the iPhone back together in reverse order.

Be sure and recycle your used battery or dispose of it properly as batteries can get punctured in landfills and leak toxic chemicals into the environment. Additionally, remember that there are a lot of little pieces inside your iPhone and to use care so as not to loose any parts. Remember, fixing the iPhone battery is common place and doesn’t necessarily reflect upon the quality of your device. Once you have inserted your new battery, look on the Apple website for tips on how to extend battery life. Often times you can change the settings which will give you extra hours a day of power, not to mention put less wear on your battery.

About the Author: Chad Rutt is the digital marketing strategist for the company iBroken Inc, a mobile iPhone, iPad, and iPod repair truck that services Los Angeles, CA and its surrounding areas.

iPhone repair


is an affordable alternative to purchasing a new mobile device.


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What Is A Membrane Roof?


A membrane roofing system is a popular choice for a commercial roof; it is designed to reduce the possibility of pooling and to reduce the incidence of leaks which are often associated with other roofing systems. This type of roof is rapidly becoming the favorite type of commercial roof, replacing the old traditional roofs that were used in the past. Membranes roofs are used on flat roofs or roofs which are only slightly sloped. The roofing system is available in three types; thermo-set, thermoplastic and modified bitumen.

A thermo-set roof consists of rubber sheets which are laid on the roof surface, the rubber sheets overlap at the edges. The overlapped seams are heated which causes the rubber to melt, resulting in the series of sheets to become one large continuous membrane. The rubber that is used in manufacturing the sheets is designed to form a chemical bond when heated; the seal becomes as strong as the sheet.

A commercial roof using a thermoplastic membrane is quite similar to a thermo-set roofing system but the material is PVC rather than rubber. The sheets of PVC do not form a chemical bond but they do form a tight seal when heated but the seal is effective on keeping out water. A thermoplastic membrane roof is somewhat less expensive than a thermo-set roof but it will need a little more maintenance.

Of the three systems, modified bitumen is the least expensive and the most common. The bitumen comprises rubber compounds and certain modifiers which are added to normal asphalt roofing compound. The modified bitumen is heated so that when it installed on the roof it forms a tight seal. There are new variation’s of this material; the new material does not need heat for application, it is produced in sheets in the factory; the sheets are lapped and held in place by self-adhesive strips, the seams, which overlap form a watertight seal.

A classic membrane roof system is prone to leaks because of the way it is constructed; this is not the case when a membrane is used as the commercial roof. In the case of traditional membrane roofs the seams are not sealed tightly, this is not the case with modern membrane roofs. Another advantage is that there is no need to place a gravel overlay which is normally the case with an asphalt roof. Because membrane roofing sheets are fastened directly to the roof, there is no need for gravel to hold them in place.

A flat or low slope commercial roof is constructed using one of the three different membrane roofing systems. For complete details on membrane roofs you are invited to contact StormForce of Jacksonville.