
Our Top Ten Team Meeting Ice Breakers

By Amy Linley

Getting people comfortable in a group setting before a team meeting can be the best investment of ten to 15 minutes of time that you can make. Ice breakers get creative juices flowing, can increase the exchange of ideas, establish team identity, and create a sense of community. All of these items are important in forging top productive teams. But how do you get people to participate and not feel uncomfortable with an ice breaker?

For meetings in a business setting in which participants are professionals, ice breakers that require actions not normally associated with day-to-day behaviors in the office generally make people uncomfortable. Successful ice breakers for these type of groups generally consist of having attendees share memorable information with each other, create innovative ways to get people to introduce themselves to each other, or have group members collectively work on a problem where everyone has to contribute.

We’ve selected our top ten team meeting ice breakers that are sure to get your meeting participants relaxed and ready to focus on your agenda as well as to connect with others in the group.

1. Brainstorm!: Break the meeting into teams of four or five. Give each team a topic. Pick topics that are fun and simple like, “What would you take on a trip to the desert?” or “List things that are purple”. Give your teams two minutes, no more, and tell them “This is a contest and the team with the most items on their list wins.” Encourage the teams to write down as many things as they can and not to discuss anything, just list things as quickly as possible. At the end of two minutes, the team with the most items on their list wins! This helps people to share ideas without fearing what other people will think.


2. Same or Different: Divide the meeting into teams of three or four and give each team a large sheet of paper and then give each person a different colored marker. Have each person draw a large oval such that each oval overlaps with the other ovals in the center of the piece of paper. Give the group or groups, a theme that pertains to your meeting objectives. Ask the participants to write down at least five or more entries in the non-overlapping and mutually overlapping areas of their ovals. Give them five minutes, no more than that, to talk about their similarities and differences and write them in their own ovals on the paper. If there is more than one group, compare results and identify common themes in both parts of the diagrams and what light these similarities and differences shed on the purpose of the meeting. This helps team members develop an understanding of shared objectives and in a non-confrontational way learn how their views differ from others in the group.

3. Fact or Fiction: Have everyone write down three surprising things about themselves, two of which are true, and one of which is made up. Each person, in turn, reads their list and then the rest of the group votes on which “fact” they feel is the “false” one. If the group does not correctly pick a person’s made up “fact”, then that person wins. A group can have more than one winner. At the end, the whole group votes on which of the “winners” of the final round, had the most deceiving “fact”. This helps people get to know and remember their colleagues.

4. Free Association: The object of this ice breaker is to have small groups generate as many words or phrases as they can that are related to a particular topic that focuses on the objective of your meeting. Give the group or groups a key word you want them to associate with and then give them two minutes to list, as quickly as possible, as many words or thoughts that pop into their heads. For example, if your company is trying to decide on whether to reduce travel and increase the use of teleconferencing, you might use the word “teleconferencing” and have people list as many words or phrases they can that they associate with the key word. For example they might say: “saves money”, “saves time”, “impersonal”, “need to see other people”, “get distracted”, “sound quality”…. This reveals what people are thinking, similarities in viewpoints, and possibly even problem areas or topics that need addressing or further discussion.

5. Nametags: Prepare nametags for each person and put them in a box. As people walk into the room, each person picks a nametag (not their own). When everyone is present, participants are told to find the person whose nametag they drew and introduce and say a few interesting things about themselves. When everyone has their own nametag, each person in the group will introduce the person whose nametag they were initially given and mention something of interest about that person. This helps participants get to know and remember each other.

6. Desert Island: Group people in teams of five or six and tell them they will be marooned on a desert island. Give them 30 seconds to list all the things they think they should take and each person has to contribute at least three items. At the end of 30 seconds, tell the teams they can only take three things. Have the person who suggested each item on the list tell why they suggested it and defend why their item should be one of the chosen three. This helps the team learn about how each of them thinks, get to know each other’s values, and how they solve problems.

7. Commonality Plus: Group your meeting participants at tables. At each table ask the group to list ten ways that everyone in that group is similar. Let them know that they cannot list body parts or clothing and that what they select cannot have anything to do with work. One person at the table should be tasked to make their list. At the end of your time limit have the group share their list with all meeting members. This is a great opportunity for your meeting attendees to learn about each other’s hobbies, families, and common interests.

8. Line Up: As people enter your meeting hand each one a piece of paper with a different number written on it. Ask the group to arrange themselves in numeric order without using their voices, hands, or showing their number. This helps the team to think of other ways to communicate with each other and to work together to achieve a common goal.

9. Meet and Greet Shoe Pile: This works great in large groups and is a variation of the name tag ice breaker. Have everyone take off one of their shoes and throw it into a pile. Have each group member pick up a shoe and walk around the meeting room greeting other people as they try to match their selected shoe to the one another team member is wearing. This is a great way for new people to meet several members in a group.

10. First or Worst: Have each member tell the group their first or worst job in turn. This easy to use ice breaker works great with teleconferences too and allows team members to spark conversation with each other and to have some fun commenting on the jobs that they have each done. Many of our top ten ice breakers can be used for on-site meetings and teleconferences alike. The nature of ice breakers is to get the group to talk, to share, and to get to know each other in a casual exchange. The best and most successful teams start with a little bit of fun; learning how to value what each member brings into the group. Ice breakers can help facilitate this exchange of information and comfort in doing so at the very start of the team forging process.

About the Author: Amy Linley gives practical and usable advice regarding communication and meetings at AccuConference-

. Find out more about our conference call, web conferencing and video conferencing services from AccuConference –



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Hiring Dedicated Seo Consultants

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When you have large volumes of SEO tasks, the best option for you will be to hire dedicated SEO experts from India. With full time SEO professionals you are assured of good search engines rankings, skilled resources, cost advantages, excellent communication, flawless project management, quick query handling and a result oriented approach.

Hiring dedicated Search Engine Marketing experts had separated those that succeeded in online marketing and those languishing at the bottom with no traffic to their websites. Full time SEO consultants had always been behind every success business person on the Internet.

Do you remember that you never go beyond the first page or a maximum of two or three pages in Google or other search engines, when you are looking for something? Your clients would be doing the same thing. Unless your web pages are going to be displayed at the top, you stand very little chance of attracting traffic. Dedicated SEO consultants would be able to help you in this matter in the correct fashion. Only they could come up with the content that is geared to best possible search engine optimization.

Benefits of hiring full time SEO experts:

1) Optimize Sites for Top search engine rankings

It is a hard game of survival or death out there. Either you get to the top pages of the search engines or you wait for ever expecting traffic to come. To achieve this, you either hire full time Search Engine Marketing specialists or you keep on wondering why nobody is visiting your website.

Dedicated SEO experts do a lot of research about your niche products or services and analyze your website and your competitors to build up an effective strategy in order to optimizing the website in right direction. They are masters with promoting a business in its local niche or say local search engine. If your targeted customers are based in UK, they your Search Engine Marketing specialist or the team will focus in promoting site in UK search engines like Google UK, Yahoo UK, MSN UK and others.

2) Manage Content for high visibility

Dedicated SEO experts know that right content creation is a very important route to high visibility. They are relentless in making the site search engine friendly and content completely optimized as per the search engine preferences. They are masters with keywords. They experiment with hundreds of keywords before coming up with the contents for your website.

3) Make your visitors stay longer in your site

Dedicated SEO consultants from quality SEO companies optimize the site in 100% ethical manner to get top rankings in the search engines naturally. Only organic rankings stay for longer and deliver better results. They ensure that your site is promoted with a strategy to drive target visitors and increase ROI.

The visitors would be guided step by step through the entire website in an unobtrusive manner, holding their full interest. The page titles, internal cross linking of the pages, and advanced page designs are crucial to retain the visitors.

The longer your visitors stay in your website, the more the chances of converting them to your business. The truth is simple. Hire dedicated SEO experts to succeed in your business or suffer the fate of thousands that had been left behind.

Benefits Of Group Business Coaching Vs. One On One Business Coaching

Benefits of Group Business Coaching Vs. One-on-One Business Coaching


Bruno Raynal

Many organizations regularly turn to professional business coaches to improve all areas of their business. From mentoring employees to defining goals to implementing growth strategies, business coaches are often seen as extensions of the executive management team.

While coaching in business can take many forms, there are two basic types: group business coaching and one-on-one coaching. Both types of business coaching are effective and cater to the specific needs of a companywhether its in a period of growth or crisis. Group business coaching and one-on-one coaching each has its unique benefits so you will need to assess your goals to decide which type will make the largest impact.


Lets take a closer look at the difference between group coaching and one-on-one business coaching:

Group Business Coaching:

A group business coaching environment involves training towards a collective goal. The focus is placed on the common needs, challenges, and goals of the group rather than concentrating on an individual. Group business coaching sessions often result in employees developing a group synergy and camaraderie where everyone shares their opinions and learns about the experiences of other team members. These sessions can bring to light the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and entire teams which, once identified, can be effectively addressed and corrected. Group business coaching builds trust, support, and relationships that result in team cohesiveness and improved productivity.

One-on-One Business Coaching:

As the name suggests, one-on-one business coaching focuses on the individual. Whether its improving job skills or enhancing leadership abilities, one-on-one coaching seeks to stimulate growth in many areas and often results in facilitating a transformation from both a business and personal perspective. In fact, many business owners and employees of larger organizations are often surprised to find that their coaching sought for business actually has an important impact on the way they conduct themselves in their personal lives.

One-on-one coaching also has the benefit of being more flexible than group business coaching in that the individual defines the topics to discuss and there is generally no agenda other than to focus on the goals of the individual. Due to group dynamics, group business coaching sessions tend to focus on a specific subject that needs to be addressed by all team members to achieve company goals in the most efficient manner.

Hiring a Business Coach:

Even if youre responsible for a team of employees, if youre new to business coaching you may want to start with one-on-one coaching sessions at least once a week. This will give you the experience of working with a business coach and understanding how he or she can not only benefit your individual and business issues, but also the unique challenges of your team as well.

Remember that an effective business coach, whether through group business coaching or one-on-one coaching, can take you out of your comfort zone, expand your ideas of what is possible in both your professional and personal lives, and ultimately facilitate the growth to achieve your specific objectives.

Learn more about the benefits of hiring a firm to provide group business coaching or one-on-one coaching by visiting or calling 619.550.8052.

Bruno Raynal is the president and CEO of Blue Thinking, a business consulting firm based in San Diego, California. Bruno works with top level senior management to enhance their awareness of modern business practices and patterns so they can make informed choices, take the right action, and achieve their vision and goals. Learn more about Blue Thinking by visiting or calling 619.550.8052.

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Computer Security: Are You Phishing?

Submitted by: Hazel Leong

You can say that the Internet is a short cut for international networking. By just logging on, you can connect to people all over the world. They may be people you personally know or people you just know online. Whatever the case, there is always somebody on the other end of your Internet connection.

As accessible and easy daily life is now thanks to the Internet, there are disadvantages from this convenience. Criminal activities such as eliciting sexual activities on the web are an example of online problems society has to deal with.

Another online criminal activity is phishing. Phishing is acquiring personal information like passwords and credit card details by pretending to be a representative of a company. Phishing is done through email or instant messaging.


It is called phishing because it is similar to the recreational activity fishing. It fishes for users personal information such as passwords and financial data.

Phishers create accounts on AOL by using fake algorithmically generated credit card numbers. These accounts are maintained for a number of months. Due to the reports of phishing incidences, AOL has brought in measures preventing this from happening by securing the data of their users and confirming the information of those signing up for AOL accounts. Scan your registry for free at

On AOL, a phisher pretends that he is an AOL employee and sends out instant messages to a random customer that asks for passwords of their account. Luring the victim further, the phisher includes in the message verify your account or confirm billing information.

Thus, a number of clients get lured in and give off their password. Once the phisher gains access of this sensitive information, he can use the victim s account for spamming. Check your inbox and take a look at the spam messages you ve received. Yes, those are real names of people. These people s accounts have been hacked and are now being used to relay spam messages.

About the Author: To keep your computer in top performance, you must scan and clean your computer every 2 weeks. Get

Free Registry Cleaner

scan here!


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How To Choose The Right Industrial Rollers


Having a conveyor system helps you save time and money. You can save money because you don’t need as many employees. You can save time because the conveyor keeps your products moving and allows you to maintain a steady production schedule. When you’re moving a lot of product, whether its food or something else, you’ll want to have a reliable system of rollers. The type of roller you pick can directly affect productivity and effectiveness. Industrial rollers come in different materials and work differently depending on the type of conveyor system you are using. Knowing the difference will help you choose the best kind of system for your business.

Different Types of Conveyor Systems

When determining the type of rollers you need, you need to determine the type of conveyor system you’d most like to use. The first is a gravity conveyor. This is good for sorting packages or unloading large cartons. It doesn’t need a power source to move. The second is a belt conveyor which is the most common used in moving food or other raw materials. When looking at the type you need it’s a good idea to look at things like the weight of what you need to move and the amount of power needed. Another determining factor is space. How much space do you have where the work will be done?

Getting the Right Kind of Rollers

There are different materials you can get the industrial rollers made from. These include metal, plastic, nylon, and steel. You can determine the type of roller you should buy from the type of product you need to move. If your product is heavier, for example, you might go with a steel roller but if it’s light, you may go with plastic. If you go through a reliable and experienced roller replacement company, they allow you to build the custom roller that’s right for you. Industrial rollers are a cornerstone of businesses with a high production volume, make sure you choose the right ones.

Dlf Privana Low Rise 3 Bhk Luxury Apartments On Sohna Road, Gurgaon}

Submitted by: Annya Kumar

DLF gives a wonderful DLF Privana a society of low-rise selected residences where largeness plus privacy flourish. This managerial floor is situated on sohna road at SPR plus fraction of Alameda which contains of 150 Acre approximately. Huddled stuck between the Aravallis on single side along with over 500 acres of master plan emeralds’ on the previous it is deliberately positioned in parts 76 – 77, Gurgaon. At the convergence of NH8 SPR, it enlarges your individual space in addition to your earth.

DLF Privana is single of the housing scheme by DLF Group. It proposes hard work in addition to dexterously intended 3 BHK green region apartments. The scheme is well capable of with all the facilities to make easy the requirements of the occupants. These green apartments have a current residence design as well as they can as well serve as a daydream dwelling in Gurgaon.


Privana by DLF in Sohna road is a main municipality in this element of the metropolis in addition to will inspect 500 acres of green scrap which will be preserved by the Gurgaon authorities. The growth is running to be situated on the flowing together of NH 8 as well as Southern Periphery Road.

The expansion is going to be expediently situated which will permit the residents together to move back and forth as of the municipality. The region is setting out to be a vast alternative if you desire to shift here by means of your family, as this is a region where someone will love to look at his kids nurture. This since the expansion is a recyclable venture which will be a joyfully peculiar growth located in the middle of a fundamentally idyllic place. The destination will have best living spaces which are running to offer features for example best furnishings in addition to fittings, wooden floorings as well as much more.

DLF Privana Sector 76 77 Gurgaon is imagined to be a region where fond life span memories are joining jointly. This scheme offers you all the calm of residence by mean of 3 BHK + Utility Floors inside Stilt + 3 towers, which receives care of the needs of the whole family for renewal in addition to leisure. Relax in addition to renew as of the complex, disorganized, plus self-imposed violent deadline adjusted city way of life. Anticipating your supplies for comfort in addition to loneliness, this housing project builds each living region that will be your vision residence, the person that you wish for to live in it.

Regardless of if you are in the hunt for a dream dwelling or just for investment reason by means of this housing project, you are sure to be privileged. DLF Group proffers you a whole property management explanation consequently the ordinary preservation of the scheme is not heaviness on your schedule Sector 76 77 in Gurgaon is too much near than now green land it offers simple connectivity to lots of significant regions of Delhi NCR by its nearness from the junction of Golf Course Extension Road by way of National Highway 8. For more info visit

About the Author: A new attractive flats launch by DLF Group, DLF Privana located at Sectors 76 & 77, Gurgaon. This project is offering 3 BHK low rises special residences with usefulness arrangements are a fraction of DLF Garden City Township. For more info visit


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What Does It Mean To Be Human?

We can find answers to the question What does it mean to be human? in a multitude of places, from specific to global, objective to subjective. For example:

  • the chemistry of the human body
  • the biology of the human body
  • our physiology
  • our psychology
  • our ethnicity / culture
  • the study of sociology
  • the study of anthropology
  • our enjoyment of the arts
  • our appreciation of literature
  • our personal experiences.

Daniel Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, jokingly opens his book Stumbling on Happiness[1] with the idea that all psychologists at some point in their careers will publish the sentence, The human being is the only animal that , and then finish that sentence in whatever way best suits their argument. In some respects to answer the question What makes us human? invites me to finish Daniel Gilberts sentence. This is not a simple task as the reason we are who we are is because of countless evolutionary choices and opportunities.

Lets focus for now on just one critical element of the human body our minds. In our mind lies our ability to master the tools of evolution itself. We live in an age and a part of the world that allow us to stand on the shoulders and call on the ideas of millions of others around the world and across human history. There are some key things that allow us to do this and perhaps this is where our humanity lies:

  • the cultural element (or memes)
  • consciousness
  • communication
  • collaboration

The Cultural Element, or Memes

In his book The Selfish Gene,[2] Richard Dawkins reminds us of the biology of genes. When two parents produce an offspring, that offspring carries half of the fathers genes and half of the mothers genes. When the two halves combine there is a small mutation, and an individual is produced. Dawkins suggests that a similar thing happens when we communicate ideas, behaviours or personal styles. The recipient of an idea filters that idea through his or her experiences and then the idea mutates a little to form a slight variation. This variation is then tested and/or passed on to others. By doing this we are using the process of evolution itself to determine the survival of ideas, behaviours and styles.


Our ability to be aware that we are separate to our environment provides us with the belief (rightly or wrongly) that we have free will. Our mind enables us to understand the difference between the past, the present and the future. Being aware of the passing of time encourages us to plan and act. Robert Levine conducted research that strongly suggests that the closer to the equator you live, the less aware you are of the passing of time.[3] Jared Diamond, in his work Guns, Germs and Steel,[4] suggests that the vast majority of industry and development happens in the temperate zones, at least in part because the changing of the seasons reminds us of the passing of time. Our own mortality is also a powerful motivator.


Speech has allowed us to communicate ideas from one person to another with a nuance that dramatically improves on mimicry alone. Humans are able to convey abstract concepts and discuss things that are not present. Pre-history, communication occurred through story, song, rhyme and metaphor. Today, if a group of people is gathered around a barbecue, at a dinner party or in a pub, they will still communicate primarily through the telling of stories. The advent of writing and the internet have dramatically sped up the process of communication. And Smartphones many people can now access nearly all of human knowledge through their phones, the true implications of which are yet to be determined.


We communicate with others because we are primarily a cooperative species. Yes, perhaps the West is going through an individualistic stage at the moment, but the work of Clare W. Graves and the theory of Spiral Dynamics[5] would suggest that this is necessary for us to evolve to a more sacrificial way of life. Robert Wright, the author of The Moral Animal,[6] suggests that there is no racism in Business Class on international flights because people travelling overseas in Business Class know that their success and survival are dependent on the success and survival of the people they trade with. So while it can be convenient and easy to take aim at corporations, it could be that those corporations are at the leading edge of evolution.

In the end, therefore, we are human because of countless decisions and opportunities along the evolutionary pathway. Perhaps of more importance are the tools we have picked up along the way that will help us continue to evolve. These are the tools of consciousness, the awareness of the passing of time and our own mortality, our advanced ability to communicate and our capacity to collaborate with other humans outside of our tribe.

[1] Gilbert, Daniel (2005), Stumbling on Happiness, Vintage Books, New York

[2] Dawkins, Richard (2006), The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press, USA

[3] Levine, Robert (1997), The Geography of Time: The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist, Basic Books, New York

[4] Diamond, Jared (1999), Guns, Germs and Steel, W.W. Norton & Company, USA

[5] Graves, Clare, W. (1974), The Futurist, World Future Society, Maryland, pp. 7287

Beck, Don Edward and Cowan, Christopher (1996), Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change, Blackwell Publishing, Carlton, Victoria

[6] Wright, Robert (1994), The Moral Animal, Vintage Books, New York

Chicago Car Dealers Insurance, Coverage Issues And Prices

By Ed Sneineh

Chicago Car Dealers Insurance, Issues And Prices

Do all used car dealers need insurance?

Definitely. All new and used car dealerships will need to have some sort of garage insurance policy that must be filed with the state by the insurance carrier. A cancellation of their insurance policy will end up in a suspension of their business license granted to them by the state. Used car dealers insurance in Chicago is the law.

What form of coverage do you need?

Necessary Coverages:


Car dealers need a garage liability policy covering the business as well as the workers, sales persons of your business (who must also be listed on the policy) in the events your business conduct as a car dealer result in damages to the properties of others or harm to their body. Neither you, nor officers of your business, or employees are covered under any bodily injury or property damage coverage provided by the garage liability. The minimal level of garage liability insurance in Illinois is a split limit of $100,000/300,000/50,000, also expressed as [100/300/50]. These numbers stand for the max totals that your insurance company will spend on your behalf for bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident, property damage per accident; correspondingly; in the event that you, your business officials or reported employees cause any at fault accident in relation with your dealership actions. Certain companies offer this minimum as a Combined Single Limit (CSL) of $350,000 bodily harm and property damage per accident, which is normally more expensive than the split limit. Used car dealers that operate larger operations should be worried about liability limits. The author suggests a million dollar as a combined single limit.

Price of garage liability relies on many issues including limits of garage liability insurance, geographical location, number of dealer plates (some companies verify it with the state); and number, ages, MVRs of each operator listed on the policy. A used car dealer insurance policy with minimum plates and most desirable conditions to the issuing company will be approximately $3,000 per year in the City of Chicago. It is less expensive in the suburban areas of Chicago. Nevertheless, extra discounts may apply such as experience with no loss. Also there might be more surcharges if there are younger drivers or if you have employees with not good driving records.

Sometimes the City of Chicago may also ask you to show a evidence of driveway insurance. Typically it is set at $1,000,000 by the City. Certain garage policies issued at lower liability limits in the City of Chicago may be endorsed, for a minimal additional charges, to satisfy the requirements of the City of Chicago. Nevertheless in other conditions, you might need to get a separate policy for that if your policy does not provide that protection.

Illinois Workers Compensation is a very important coverage, one that is also very well missed by car dealerships. You need workers compensation for your dealership in order to meet your legal and moral obligations towards your company and staff. Officers and owners of the organization have the option to include or exclude themselves from workers compensation coverage. In case they want to be excluded (perhaps they get wage and do not do any real work at the dealership) they have to sign some exclusion form. Keep in mind that no employees/contractor/ officer of the dealership is protected for bodily injury in connection with any at fault auto accident related to the measures of the dealers. Coverage for employees for these situations are delivered under a workers compensation policy.

Workers compensation premiums are based on how much salary you will pay in the next 12 months. It has nothing to do with the past. People covered include all the staff with W2s (must include by law), contractors with 1099 (can be excluded only if you can show that they have workers comp coverage on their own) and directors/ owners of the business except if specially excluded. For independent contractors (i.e. drivers who transport autos from car auctions to dealership) they have be added unless they show you that they have workers comp coverage somewhere else. It is tough to estimate fees of workers comp because it is based on future payroll. For that reason, your insurance company gives you an estimate in the beginning, then it will audit your wage towards the end of the policy term, after which date they will tell the final premium. For that reason, you might be charged extra, or simply get a returned premium, at the end of the policy period for the previous policy!

Bonds: A used car surety bond is normally required for new used car dealer ventures which are less than three years. The value of the bond is $20,000. The bond is some kind of guarantee by the bonding company that the used car dealer will adhere to the guidelines set by the State of Illinois. A major issue related to bond is its price. The price of the bond could vary from $200 to $2,000 depending on the credit of the Principal on the bond (owner / partners of the dealership). The vast majority companies will not issue bonds for people with severe credit troubles. Keep in mind that any government organization may ask for a bond. For example, Cook County Treasurer may require a Chicago used car dealer for a bond to guarantee payments of sales tax! This could be brought on by situations related to the experience of the tax authorities with particular places, old owners of business, or new owners/ officer.

Non Mandatory Coverages

There are some optional coverages that used car dealership may be interested in, based on their wants.

Dealer Open Lot refers to the collision and comprehensive coverages on dealer owned autos. There is normally a limit set on coverage per auto. So if a dealer acquire a dealer open lot coverage with $150,000 per site, that policy may limit coverage per vehicle of $25,000. Dealers must analyze their policies.

One of the source of trouble is related to the Coinsurance Penalty Clause. To reduce premiums, a used car dealer may get dealer open lot coverage of $100,000 on his/her lot which has $400,000 of used cars. The coinsurance penalty ratio is the ratio which is used to figure out if a particular dealer is properly insured or not. Coinsurance percentages range from 80% to 100%, and they are normally stipulated on the policy declaration page. In the previous scenario if the customer has 80% coinsurance, then the dealer must keep at least $320,000 to be rightly insured. If the dealer maintains lower than that amount, then the company will provide only partial payments on the claims made, because the client was paying partial payments in relation to what he/she was supposed to should have paid. The amount the company will pay is based on the rate of what the customer currently has [100,000] divided by the minimum that was supposed to be carried [320,000]. In other words, the insurance company will pay about 31.25% [100,000/320,000] of any potential claim, after the deductible!

Your business also needs Garage Keeper Liability, if you work on autos that you do not own, such as customers who bring their cars for minor repair work. Vehicles that you do not own require physical damage coverage (comprehensive and collision) with certain deductible ($500 to $1,000). Garage Keeper Liability insurance is not needed if the dealer does not perform any maintenance or repair work on vehicles they do not own. Garage keeper liability is not an expensive coverage and is based only on the amount of coverage you need. Normally the minimum amount is $25,000 per car. The difference between $25,000 and $50,000 in coverage is very minimal. You can tell how much you need by knowing the average value of all automobiles that exist on your lot which you do not own.

There are other elective coverages that used car dealers may need. These include coverage on Building, Business Property, Security, Business Income, Crime (Robbery etc.) and some forms of Professional Liability.

About the Author: Insurance Navy is a leader in providing

auto insurance Chicago

. Please check our website blog for details on how you can get

used car dealers insurance in Chicago



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Automatic Forex Trading System Earn While You Sleep

Automatic Forex Trading System Earn While You Sleep



Several of the Forex trading programs currently claim that they can simply present you with consistent amount of profits. Although it’s known to every one that majority of the Forex traders end up in loses but still people buy the software as if the ads say only the truth. An automated application is no replacement for a trained fund manager; you would only lose the money if you try to trade with the Forex trading systems.

The Forex systems will permit you to effortlessly trade using this easy and proficient method. Frequently these Forex programs stay ahead of the other difficult competitors. With a little effort in your work and little time spent in a whole week you can easily get your income from the market.


Several people consider that more profit can be gained by frequent trading which is not the truth and trading frequently can corner you to take a low odd risk which often ends unproductively. Moreover, several believe to be smart and meticulous traders to achieve success. This may be true for every profession but not necessarily for Forex trading. If you want profits with the Forex trading, you need to have determination to wait for high probability trades that can make huge profits without affording much work or time.

Forex authority counselors and programs expect that you believe the markets change by a superior power and yet science on any account couldn’t stimulate stock exchange. The individuals who run the stock exchange set up the charges and dictate what the fees will be. Since individual characteristic is not predictable the market cannot be calculated with any sort of exactness. If there is way by which we could guess what would happen in Forex market, traders are not needed because everyone will know what will happen before it actually happens. Dealing with Forex is risky. Forex trading depend on the probability, you can get decent amount of profits in long term if you reduce your amount of losses which can get back your investments. What is there if you cannot predict the future since a smart trading can make you a future.

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Earning consistent profits through Forex while you are away from your computer is possible only with Beginners will have the ability to earn without any knowledge of how Forex works!

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Venkat Siddhu is forex trader and trading since 1999.

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Marketing Your Home Business Through The Internet And Attract Prospects Successfully

Marketing Your Home Business Through The Internet And Attract Prospects Successfully


Alan Lim

It is very simple and cost-effective to advertise online and there are many consultants, software packages, websites and other marketing tools that you can use to create an online presence.

Regardless of the marketing system you use, internet marketing starts with generating traffic or visitors to visit your website, mainly because you are selling a service or a product. So primarily, you need to create your website in order that you can connect with customers and display information about your services and products. Turning your prospects into clients through your website can be successfully done with copywriting and getting your prospects onto your website is called website marketing. Here is how you can use internet marketing for your home business to be successfully: 1. Build your website, it should: Be easy to navigate Fast download time Have good quality and informative content Have opt-in email Encourage Bookmarks. On your webpage, remind your visitors to bookmark your website if they want. If they do, chances are, they will visit again. Be regularly updated. Occasionally provide new resources or information. Offer freebies like ezines. Provide your contact information. 2. Memorable domain name. Look for a specific domain name that speaks of your products as well as it is catchy. 3. Post your website in search engines. Nobody will discover your website if you do not announce it. Post it on search engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, Google and Alta Vista. 4. Link Exchange. Exchanging Links are effective in exposing your website to individuals who are interested already in the subject matter that has something to do with your site. Look for other successful websites whose content are related in your subject and propose to trade links. 5. Newsgroups. Usenet newsgroups are specifically for publicizing new websites. This is another effective method to let online users know that your site exists. A website that is well-promoted and well designed brings feedback from potential or current customers, increase customer base, intensify your home business visibility and assist you reach yours and your business objectives. All of these make all your efforts in promoting and announcing your website indeed, time spent wisely.

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Marketing Your Home Business Through The Internet And Attract Prospects Successfully
