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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Paul Johnstone, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A resident of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound his whole life, Correctional Services officer Paul Johnstone is running for the Ontario New Democratic Party in the Ontario provincial election. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Access Control System Principles}

Access Control System Principles



Jens White

Access control system, also known as entrance exit control system, it is a intelligent control system used to manage the entering or leaving of personals and goods. There are some common access control systems, such as: the use of password authentication accepted access control systems, non-contact IC card reader authentication access control system, fingerprint, iris, palm-type finger vein biometric access control systems in general. Introduction: Entrance access control security management system is a new modern safety management system, which combines computer automatic identification technology and modern safety measures as a whole, it involves a lot of new technology in electronics, machinery, optics, computer technology, communications technology, biotechnology and so on. It is an effective measure to solve the important sectors entrance implement security management. For a variety of confidential sectors, such as banks, hotels, server rooms, armory, confidential room, office, intelligence community, factories and so on.

The hardware can be divided into:

  • Multifunction Scanner: get laboratory personnel’s palm information and transfer to the host.
  • Host: Accept palm information that transmitted from the multifunction scanner and judgment to the controller orders and accepting controller information.
  • Controller: receiving orders from the host, and executed.
  • Motor: command execution controller, drive gear movement.
  • Transmission: transmitting motion between the motor and the door.
  • Sensor: human through induction.
  • Alarm system: alarm when illegally entering the laboratory experiments.

In the rapid development of digital technology and network technology today, access technology also has been rapid development. Access control system goes beyond the mere doorway and key management, it has evolved into a complete access control system. It plays a huge role in a safe working environment, personnel attendance management and other administrative work. Increase in the corresponding auxiliary equipment on the basis of the system can be elevator control, vehicle access control, property fire control, security patrol management, catering management fees, a truly regional smart card management.

System functions: Palm-type fingerprint iris biometric access control system is of high security, but the cost is high, due to the rejection rate and storage capacity for applications bottlenecks, it have not been widely accepted by the market. Now the most popular and common is non-contact IC card access control system. Non-contact IC card system is become into the mainstream because of its high safety, convenience and the best cost performance. Applicability: Functions of access control system should meet the actual needs, not flashy. If one-sided pursuit of system of advanced, certainly will cause excessive investment, from the actual need to drift too far. Therefore, the system’s utility is the first principle to be followed. At the same time, the front-end systems and system software products need have good learnability and operability. Especially operability (convenience), so with the primary computer operating level management personnel, by simple training can master the system operating essentials, to be able to complete the task on duty operating level. Stability: The access control system is an ongoing long-term work system, and are closely related to our normal life and work, so the stability of the system is very important. System requirements for the product to have a mature market success application experience, with the right customer base and customer service system. Safety: Access control system, all equipment and accessories in a safe and reliable operation performance, but also in line with the relevant international safety standards, and to work effectively in a non-ideal environment. Powerful real-time monitoring and alarm linkage function to provide fully guarantee the safety of the user environment. Scalability: Access Control System technology continues to move forward, the user needs are changing, so the design and implementation of access control systems should take into account the actual needs of the future can be extended, such as: flexibility decrease or update the various subsystems, to meet the different periods the need to maintain the leading position for a long time, become a model of intelligent building. When design the system, need to achieve rational allocation of functions, and this configuration can be changed, even after the project is completed, the configuration changes are possible and convenient. The corresponding system software upgrade and improve developer according to different historical periods in line with market demand, and the software upgrade to the appropriate application client. At the same time, it can be extended to time and attendance system, meeting attendance system, patrol management system, dining card management system project. Easy maintenance: Access control system maintenance should try to make it simple during operation. Operation of the system can be truly open electrical work, be able to run the plug level. And maintenance without the use of excessive special maintenance tools. From the configuration of the computer to the system configuration, the front-end configuration of the device are fully deliberated system reliability. And implementation of appropriate certification. We achieve the lowest failure rate of the system, but also because even when considering an unexpected problem occurs reasons to ensure easy and fast recovery of data stored, and to ensure emergency can quickly open the channel. Maintenance of the entire system is on-line, and does not maintain the part of the device, stop normal operation of all equipment. Advanced: In ensuring the stability, practicality and convenience of the premise, access control products should have a certain advancements , to ensure that will not be eliminated in the next few years and meet the access and use of the requirements and needs.

About Syncotek:Syncotek is one card reader manufacturer in China, you can find many different types of card readers such as swipe card reader, card reader writer, RFID reader, thermal printer. The products canbe widely deployed in industries of finance, mobile-payment, telecommunication, logistics, custom, insurance, transportation and government business.

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Indonesian human-to-human bird flu infection may be false alarm

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 Avian Flu (Bird Flu) virus was earlier suspected in an Indonesian nurse currently hospitalised who was showing symptoms of the virus. However it is now being reported that tests on the woman for avian virus have been returned showing negative results, and that the samples are being sent to a World Health Organization approved laboratory in Hong Kong for further analysis and confirmation.

“Thank God, the result came back negative,” said senior official for the Indonesian Health Ministry, Hariadi Wibisono.

The nurse had been in close contact with two children, brother and sister, who have died. The sister, nine, was confirmed of having died from the virus by local lab tests. The brother was buried before any blood tests could be taken, but showed similar symptoms.

It was reported on Friday that an analysis has shown that the virus has not mutated, and the WHO has said that there was no evidence so far of human-to-human transmission.

Other members of the same family are currently ill, but all members have received the Tamiflu antiviral drug.

“I think it is a cluster. The local test from the victim in Pamulang is bird flu positive. The symptoms of the virus are very similar to previous clusters we’ve had. The parents are also suffering from flu, and we are giving them a full dose of Tamiflu now,” said Indonesia’s Health Minister, Siti Fadilah Supari.

“The characteristics of germ (the boy had) is very similar (to his sister’s), and now their mother and father are suffering from flu. They are all in the Pamulang district,” added Supari.

The nurse, whose initials are “C.I.,” 25, has been put in isolation at Bandung’s Hasan Sadikin Hospital, but officials say that her condition is stable and that her case may be the result of human-to-human transmission due to the fact that she has not had any contact with poultry.

“We could not confirm whether she is positive of having been infected by avian influenza virus or not, although she had earlier have contacts with siblings, 18-year old Ad and 10-year old Ai, who died of bird flu virus recently,” said Hadi Yusuf, chief of the Bird Flu team at Sadikin Hospital.

“When she arrived at this hospital last night, her body temperature was very high, namely 39.6 Celsius degrees but now it has decreased to 37 Celsius degrees. After considering her contact with dead bird flu victims, we declared her a suspected bird flu case. But she is still fully conscious, her breathing problems are not too serious and she’s not experiencing chest pain,” added Yusuf.

The names of the children and the nurse have not been released. The nurse is undergoing treatment and has been administered Tamiflu. She is expected to be released when the required amount of doses is given, which officials say could be as early as next week.

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Sunnis fighting al-Qa’eda insurgents in Western Iraq

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Sunnis have turned their weapons on al Qa’eda fighters in a town in western Iraq.

The local Sunni leaders in Husaybeh are fighting the followers of a Jordanian born terrorist, Abu Musab Zarqawi, who uses the town as a point to smuggle foreign fighters into the country.

Fighting first broke out in May, when a local tribal sheik was murdered on the orders of Zarqawi, and fighting broke out using small arms and mortars. The Shiek had invited US Marines to lunch as a sign of goodwill.

The foreigners have also enforced a strict Islamic code forbidding the wearing of Western clothing, and shops selling music and satellite dishes have been closed.

Anyone suspected of helping Coalition troops is kidnapped or killed – even those seen to be helping the Iraqi government, such as officials responsible for water and electricity supplies. As a result, local services have collapsed.

“We thought they were patriotic. Now we discovered that they are sick and crazy. They interfered in everything, even how we raise our children. They turned the city into hell, and we cannot live in it anymore,” said Arkan Salim, 56, who fled the town with his wife and four children.

The US military in the town has not been targeted – in fact the insurgents have taken care to avoid firing mortar rounds too close to the US base, less they become involved in the fighting. Local tribes have secretly tipped off the US military so they can bomb the terrorists.

Iraqis said that the fighting is a sign of the fracturing in support foreign fighters in Iraq are experiencing. They have been losing public support amongst Sunni communities, the Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jafari said, after attempts to include Sunnis in the political process.

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Wikinews interviews specialists on China, Iran, Russia support for al-Assad

Monday, September 23, 2013

Over the past week, diplomatic actions have averted — or, at least delayed — military strikes on Syria by the United States. Wikinews sought input from a range of international experts on the situation; and, the tensions caused by Russia’s support for the al-Assad regime despite its apparent use of chemical weapons.

File:Ghouta chemical attack map.svg

Tensions in the country increased dramatically, late August when it was reported between 100 and 1,300 people were killed in an alleged chemical attack. Many of those killed appeared to be children, with some of the pictures and video coming out of the country showing — according to witnesses — those who died from apparent suffocation; some foaming at the mouth, others having convulsions.

Amongst Syria’s few remaining allies, Iran, China, and Russia continue to oppose calls for military intervention. In an effort to provide a better-understanding of the reasoning behind their ongoing support, the following people were posed a range of questions.

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Uncontested Divorce And Child Custody

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which both sides might accept to the terms of the divorce. By having an uncontested divorce, both parties settle the terms of the divorce without court process. One lawyer represents one of the parties and works on the divorce documents. Generally speaking, the lawyer will meet with the party they are representing and start the divorce proceedings. The parties negotiate the terms until both parties are contented. There are lots of things that needs to be agree upon to be able to arrive at a mutually approved settlement so that you will have to be able to file uncontested divorce forms. Though property division could be high on your mind, child custody and also the future of your kids is one factor you should devote a lot of time to. If you do not treat it in a practical way it could become a hindrance into your plan to file uncontested divorce forms. The first thing to consider is that you’ve agreed to be on a similar platform as your partner and have to walk that extra mile for a mutual settlement to help you file uncontested divorce forms. It has been observed that a lot of parents make child custody a pride concern and turn down to listen to good advice.

An uncontested divorce is considerably cheaper compared to going to court. If you possibly can settle the terms of the divorce agreement prior to contacting legal counsel to begin the divorce proceedings, the cost is minimal. It saves time for everyone involved. When dealing with a divorce, lowering costs is a great benefit. An uncontested divorce may also help maintain a level of calmness between the parties. If the parties to the divorce have an amiable relationship, i suggest you try to save that mutual respect, particularly if there are children involved. One more benefit is the privateness that an uncontested divorce provides contrary to court procedures. The divorce will be a matter of public record, however the awareness of the negotiations and the actions taken is often times confidential and restricted by what the parties disclose in the documents.


One thing that you need to realize is that if you do not file uncontested divorce forms and choose to contest on the issue of child custody the judge will make the decision. And that may not necessarily be in your favor. The judge has particular pre-set standards based on what s/he decides and passes an order in regards to child custody. These criteria include age of the child, emotional ties among child and parents and grandparents which can be provide for the child. Usually financial ability of a parent to provide for the child may possibly take priority over emotional attachment.

Do your research well and then try to determine what particularly do sole and joint, physical and legal custody,and visitation rights means. Somewhere unknown in the meanings you’ll surely get the arrangement that you want. And more importantly, do not ever make child custody a pride issue but arrive at an settlement which is efficient as well as assures the future of your children. Once that is done, use uncontested divorce forms for a fast divorce to get on with your life.

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About Author:

Heidi Culbertson is the Director of Client Development at Harris Family Law. Harris Family Law specializes in Denver divorce, Colorado family law and Colorado child custody laws.Author: Heidi Culbertson

Apple unveils new MacBook Air laptops, iLife ’11 software suite

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In a Wednesday media event, Apple Inc. released a new lineup of MacBook Air laptops and the 2011 version of the company’s iLife software suite. The “Back to the Mac” event also included a preview of Apple’s forthcoming Mac OS X Lion operating system, to be released in mid-2011.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new products at the Cupertino, California event, saying the company has “been inspired by the work [it has] done on the iPad, and [it wants] to bring it back to the Mac.” Apple has plans to import more features of its iOS mobile operating system to the Mac OS X operating system.

Jobs announced today that the “Lion” release to OS X, which is scheduled for release next summer, will include more support for multitouch and a desktop version of the company’s App Store. He said that the App Store will be available for Apple’s current OS “Snow Leopard” within 90 days, and that applications can be submitted starting next month. Jobs also announced that a beta version of FaceTime, Apple’s IOS video calling application, would be available for OS X users immediately. Several new applications will be added in OS X Lion, dubbed “Mission Control” and “Launchpad.”

“Lion brings many of the best ideas from iPad back to the Mac, plus some fresh new ones like Mission Control that Mac users will really like. Lion has a ton of new features, and we hope the few we had time to preview today will give users a good idea of where we are headed.”

In his keynote address Wednesday, Jobs announced the release of Apple’s iLife ’11 software suite, which includes the iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand programs. iPhoto has new slide show templates, while iMovie has added audio editing capabilities. GarageBand now includes several new piano- and guitar-playing lessons. iLife ’11 was released on Wednesday as a US$49 upgrade, and is also available free with new Mac purchases.

In another move to bring iOS functionality to Macintosh computers, Jobs announced an updated MacBook Air series of laptops, on sale now. The new MacBook Air uses flash memory rather than a traditional hard drive, and has no CD/DVD drive, an approach seen on the iPad tablet computer. In addition, the laptop’s battery life has been extended, even though it is only 0.68 in (1.73 cm) thick and weighs less than 3 lbs (1.36 kg). “We think it’s the future of notebooks,” said Jobs. There are now two models of the MacBook Air: an 11.6-inch (29.46-cm) version and a 13.3-inch (33.78-cm) model. Analyst Shawn Wu says the company “priced it really aggressively,” referring to the computer’s base price of US$999.

Jobs said that his company sold 13.7 million Macs last year, totaling US$22 billion. In the last financial quarter, Mac sales increased 22 percent, comprising 24 percent of total revenue for Apple. However, the original MacBook Air did not fare so well. Sales and hype over the first Air decreased soon after its introduction, and the line was overshadowed by the release of Apple’s 13-inch (33.02-cm) MacBook Pro. The MacBook Air had not been significantly updated since 2008.

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Atlantic storm Danielle strengthens to hurricane force

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tropical Storm Danielle is now a Category 1 hurricane, with winds up to 130 km/h (80 mph). The storm is headed towards Bermuda and forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida expect it to strengthen over the next two days. Hurricane Danielle is the second hurricane of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season.

North America is simultaneously threatened by Tropical Storm Frank. The 80 km/h (50 mph) storm in the Pacific Ocean is about 210 km (130 miles) south-south west of Acapulco, Mexico. Mexico has issued a tropical storm watch in the area.

Hurricane Danielle formed near the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of West Africa, being classified as Tropical Depression Six. It then developed into a more organized cyclone.

Meteorologists predict that Danielle will be the first of several storms to form within the next two weeks, as the Atlantic hurricane season is currently at its peak. “There are signs that the Atlantic is acting like it should in August and September. We’re seeing more activity than we did earlier in the season,” said Rick Knabb of the Weather Channel.

Even though the 2010 season seems to be one with low activity, emergency officials are still stressing safety and awareness to residents in hurricane-prone areas. “It only takes one storm to cause a loss of lives and devastating property damage,” Lauren McKeague, Florida Division of Emergency Management, says. Hurricane Andrew was a catastrophic Category 5 storm that came during a year when it was a lower-than-average season.

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Things To Look After Before Buying Auto Parts

A car will usually last longer than the parts inside of it. While having a car is a huge convenience, it is completely inconvenient when you have car trouble or when your car breaks down. Some parts will wear out more quickly than others, so it is your job to replace the ones that wear out sooner & when your car breaks down and you are looking for new parts, there are plenty of options out there. One option is to take your car to the manufacturer and have brand new parts installed. Another option is to purchase the brand new parts and do it yourself.If you replace these parts with a good replacement, your car will run well and last a long time. As you look for Subaru Baja parts, there are a few things you should keep in mind. This will help you get quality auto parts that you will not have to pay to replace again and that will work the best for your car.When you go looking for auto parts, keep in mind that every make and model of car is different. Some parts that are replaced regularly, like air filters, can be bought anywhere. As long as you buy the right size, it will work in your car. However, other parts in the engine are made specifically for one model of car. Make sure that the parts you are looking at are all made specifically for your model of car. Otherwise, the part will not fit properly and you will have wasted your money. Tell the seller what kind of car you have and what year it was made. They should be able to direct you to the right part for your car, or may at least be able to tell you where to get it.It is usually best to buy your auto parts new. If you do choose to buy your parts used, it can save you money. However, the parts should only be slightly used and they need to be in good condition. Otherwise, you will end up spending more money as you replace the parts again. If you buy your parts new, you can expect to have them last a very long time. You will have no surprises in the future from a part that has been worn out. When you buy a part, either used or new, make sure that it has a warranty. Any good place should give you a warranty so that if the part malfunctions or there is another problem, you can either get the part replaced or get your money back to buy it somewhere else. You should never have to take the fall for being sold a part that does not work properly. When you buy Subaru Baja parts, you should be able to rely on them no matter what.

Parts of New Jersey government stopped as budget fails to clear Legislature in time

Monday, July 3, 2006

New Jersey —Numerous non-essential state services have ceased operation indefinitely from July 1. These include road work, the New Jersey Lottery, and the Motor Vehicle Commission, with Atlantic City casinos and racetracks (which require state monitoring) and public beaches and parks closing from July 5.

As a result of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 2 of the New Jersey State Constitution, the state is required to determine all debts for “as far as can be ascertained or reasonably foreseen” and provide for them in a single budget act. As the 2005-2006 Fiscal Year for the state ended with June 31 and the 2006-2007 budget has not passed the state is blocked from expending any money, also by VIII, II, 2. The current ascertainment shows the state ending up in the red by 4.5 billion USD.

The main cause of the problem is a furious deadlock between the Democratic majority is the New Jersey General Assembly, the lower house of the New Jersey Legislature, which is given the power of starting the budget, and the Democratic Governor of New Jersey Jon Corzine. The main concern is Corzine’s plan to raise taxes, such as the sales tax. The Assembly majority dislikes this and some in the New Jersey Senate, which has the power to block the budget, also disagree with his measure.

Originally the racetracks were to close with the state lottery, however a court order has kept them running past the 4th. The casinos attempted to get a similar exemption, but that was definitively rejected by the New Jersey Supreme Court. “Critical” services like the New Jersey State Police, the state’s prisons, and hospitals will continue to operate without funding. All non-essential employees of the state were given leave from July 1 on.

All 12 casinos in Atlantic City locked their doors for the first time in the 28-year history of legalized gambling in New Jersey. Casino inspectors, who are state employees, are no longer working. While the casino floor is shut down, many casinos have remained open for hotel, restaurant, and entertainment business.

Members of both houses of the Legislature have been kept in the capital, Trenton, to help a speedy passage.

A similar situation occurred in Minnesota exactly one year ago as the Legislature failed to pass the budget before they were forced to adjourn by a hard-wired date in the state constitution.

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