Author: Admin

Cadillac unveils Obama’s ‘Beast’, the 2009 Presidential State Car

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The US Secret Service has released the first photos Wednesday of the new presidential limousine that will transport Barack Obama down Pennsylvania Avenue next Tuesday as part of the 56th Presidential inaugural parade after he is sworn in at the Capitol. The First Limo – the 2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine – will replace President Bush’s Cadillac DTS Presidential Limousine that rolled out in 2004.

Nicknamed “The Beast”, the hulking machine is a new model year 2009, modified limousine. According to General Motors, the new “2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine” is the first not to carry a specific model name. The Obama Mobile was introduced on January 14 with noticeably different styling borrowed from the Cadillac Escalade and STS, while the suspension is most likely related to the Chevrolet Kodiak medium-duty truck.

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Mr. David Caldwell of General Motors has revealed that the sleek black car would include a hand-crafted interior and “state of the art electronics.” The car’s high-tech security features include five-inch-thick (12.7-centimeter-thick) bombproof glass, tough-as-nails tires, and a sealed interior that’s invulnerable to chemical attack. The armoured limousine has been heavily modified to withstand potential attacks by weapons or bombs. The San Francisco Chronicle puts it in a proper perspective noting, “a half-inch of transparent armor is enough to stop a .44 Magnum round at point-blank range; at a thickness of 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches, the same material can withstand higher-velocity bullets fired from military assault rifles.”

According to spy photographer, Brenda Priddy, and General Motors, the limousine, which has the intricate, dual-textured grille, is also equipped with standard Goodyear Regional RHS truck tires in a 285/70R19.5 size, on 19.5-inch wheels. The rims have a run-flat device (manufactured by Hutchinson Industries). Xenon headlights from the Escalade are installed in the front, while the rear has some STS part. The doors are at least 20 centimeters (8 inches) thick. It carries the US flag on the front fenders and an embroidered Seal of the President of the United States is affixed to several panels in the back.

According to the US Secret Service, the vehicle would be a “valuable asset” in providing the President with the highest level of protection. “Although many of the vehicle’s security enhancements cannot be discussed, it is safe to say that this car’s security and coded communications systems make it the most technologically advanced protection vehicle in the world,” Nicholas Trotta, Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations said in a statement. The new limousine is the responsibility of White House Transportation Agency.

One of the specifications is that we don’t talk about the specifications.

The Presidential State Car is the official state car used by the President of the United States. It is informally known as “Cadillac One”. The current Presidential State Car is a 2005 hand-crafted, armored, and stretched DTS (DeVille Touring Sedan) built on a GM four-wheel drive platform. It was first used on the second inauguration parade of George W. Bush in 2005. But the version to be used by President Obama uses a GMC Topkick chassis, while maintaining the Cadillac exterior.

The President of the United States travels in one of two armoured Cadillac limousines based upon the normal sedan, the Cadillac DTS, with heavy customisation. Lincoln cars have also been used in the past, most notably by President John F Kennedy. The current limousines were custom-built by O’Gara, Hess and Eisenhart, founded in Fairfield, Ohio in 1942. It specializes in armouring limousines for presidents and heads of state.

President William McKinley was the first US president to ride in an automobile. However, it was President Theodore Roosevelt who rode on the first government-owned car, a white Stanley Steamer. Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, was the first president to use a presidential state car that was permanently stored in the White House garage.

Meanwhile, Obama’s 2005 Chrysler 300C Hemi was auctioned on eBay with a starting bid of $100,000 and a buy-it-now price of $1,000,000. It has less than 21,000 miles on it and is in like-new condition. He leased the car in 2004 and traded it for a Ford Escape Hybrid in 2007. The car was sold to Tim O’Boyle.

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Skilled Physician Dr. Paul C Drago Gives His Best In Treating Ear And Nose Problems}

Submitted by: Dr. Paul C Drago

Patients look for effective doctors who can fluently treat the issues without much of tension. Doctors also have proved their expertise in treating dangerous problems and the article discusses the works of one such otolaryngologist.

Dr. Paul C Drago is a renowned name in the field of otolaryngology especially because of his successful contribution. Doctors put all their effort in giving quality life to the patients and Dr. Paul C Drago is an immediate example when it comes to serving the community well. Due to hectic schedule and less time in hand, patients want a quick and permanent solution to their problems and the doctor trees his level best to provide them with quality treatment. He has completed his M.D.from Ohio state university college of Medicine in 1990. he is a specialist for nose, throat, ear and neck surgery both for adults and children. People can visit his profile online on various social media platforms and get to know his studies and experience.

With about 30 years of experience he is currently serving as Medical Director and otolaryngology consultant for the branch of correction in South Carolina. He has gained love and respect from his patients by providing best treatments that are irrespective of the squirming circumstances. Serving as a pre medical counsellor he started making way for his success with Presidents scholarship award. after that, he went on to complete his postdoctoral internship in general surgery at Yale new haven hospital with a fellowship in facial plastics and reconstructive surgery at LSU- shreveport.

While providing high quality care to the patients he is known for his friendliness and courteousness. For allergies and sinus, he ensures high quality of care is provided with latest technologies and treatment methods. This significantly cheaper methods are less intrusive and more effective. Patients appreciate the warm and comforting personality of the doctor with the patience that he possess. His responsibilities at Hampton medical centreVernville, South Carolina includes providing routing medical services, long term skin care and medical treatment. With quality achievements in the field of cosmetic surgery Dr. Paul C Drago has always believed in giving back to the community. He has volunteered in many foundation with tremendous effort to provide them with quality living. He is a licensed plastic expert who is capable of performing a wide mix of operations and helpful systems. He also has given many presentation across his area of interest and is known for the expertise in plastic surgery. his achievements also enlists designing electromagnetic hearing aid devices with investigation and development of Phthalocyanines.

Dr. Paul C Drago is a man of splendid heart and has always looked out for his patients. From his first surgical training in Yale he has continued to be an expert otolaryngologist at Queen Elizabeth hospital at Birmingham and university of Hospitals at Cleveland. A well experienced physician, he diagnoses and manages diseases and serves the best with enhanced technologies and quality treatment to promote better living as is well trained in both surgical and medical aspects.

About the Author: Patients look for reliable doctors who can effectively treat the problems without much of hassle.

Doctors also have proved their expertise in treating serious problems and the article discusses the works of one such otolaryngologist.


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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green Party candidate John Ogilvie, Carleton—Mississippi Mills

Sunday, October 7, 2007

John Ogilvie is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Carleton—Mississippi Mills riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Author Amy Scobee recounts abuse as Scientology executive

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wikinews interviewed author Amy Scobee about her book Scientology – Abuse at the Top, and asked her about her experiences working as an executive within the organization. Scobee joined the organization at age 14, and worked at Scientology’s international management headquarters for several years before leaving in 2005. She served as a Scientology executive in multiple high-ranking positions, working out of the international headquarters of Scientology known as “Gold Base”, located in Gilman Hot Springs near Hemet, California.

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United States spies accused of illegally bugging the United Nations headquarters

Monday, August 26, 2013

German weekly publication Der Spiegel yesterday accused the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) of spying on the United Nations headquarters in New York. The magazine claims to have access to official NSA documents, provided by former NSA and CIA computer specialist and current fugitive Edward Snowden.

If the allegations of bugging are confirmed, it would mean that the United States has breached International Treaties including the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. The Treaty states that countries must not carry out covert operations that relate to the UN’s activities.

“The property and assets of the United Nations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action”, the Convention stipulates.

The documents analysed by Der Spiegel indicate that the NSA runs bugging programs in more than 80 embassies and consulates across the globe, in what is reportedly called the “Special Collection Service”.

Der Spiegel claimed that, according to their intelligence, the NSA was able to bug the UN headquarters by hacking into its video conferencing system in the summer of 2012. Their article included quotes from the leaked documents like ““The data traffic gives us internal video teleconferences of the United Nations (yay!)”.

Allegedly, decoded UN communications rose from 12 to 458 within three weeks of the NSA gaining access. Analysed documents also indicated the NSA found evidence Chinese spies were also monitoring the UN, and began logging what the Chinese were accessing.

The UN’s nuclear watchdog in Vienna, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Union are said to be among the organisations NSA spies have been targeting. The US government has previously denied any wrongdoing by the NSA, although President Barack Obama this month announced plans to curb government spying activities.

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Refinance Mortgage: The Cost Of Doing Business

By Rony Walker

There is always a possibility of getting a no-cost refinance. Mortgage rates being what they are, this is, of course, a very welcome option. But lenders are in business to make money. Keep this in mind when you are trying to get a refinance. Mortgage problems make your entire fiscal situation even worse if not properly managed.

If your creditor is not earning income by charging direct costs for the loan, those fees will be integrated into the loan or you will be paying through an interest rate that is higher than normal. It is true that some banks offer true no-cost loans but not a lot of them do. Make sure you read your agreement thoroughly. You can get a Good Faith Estimate. When you do, ask the lender to guarantee it. Legally, Good Faith Estimates do not have to be guaranteed. This makes them almost worthless. However, lenders will guarantee these estimates if they do business with you.

It is a complex thing to seek refinance. Mortgage transactions have many costs attached. These include, loan discount points, processing costs, administration costs, application costs, and many others. Lender charges can be negotiated by the borrower. Some of them can even be waived. A Yield Spread Premium is the money that banks give to mortgage brokers for bringing your loan. Ask about this beforehand as you might have received a lower interest rate if the lender did not pay the broker a Yield Spread Premium.


What Is The Downside?

The bad things about a refinance? Mortgage refinance fees you pay to acquire the loan for one thing. You might not recoup these fees for a number of years. Another is the extension of the amortization period. You may be qualified to shorten it but you simply may not want to pay more each month. Also, a mortgage refinance makes the entire mortgage just that much bigger. The position of your equity will be affected by the refinance. Mortgage will increase if you take out the refinance in cash

Bill payment is something people do with a refinance. Mortgage payment is not the priority for them. They also use the cash to pay off credit cards. This is not a wise course of action. You will only dig yourself deeper into debt.

And The Upside?

Sticking with the home long enough will help you break even on the cost of the mortgage refinance. Lower interest rates and monthly payments will greatly improve your cash flow. You can also shorten your loan period in exchange for higher mortgage payments. Finally, the cash you obtain can help you in another investment. You just have to make sure the rate of return is higher than your interest payments.

Clearly, there is a lot to learn about mortgage refinance. A lot of it depends on your particular situation. As with most things, seeking professional advice will yield better results. Make sure that the counselor understands your situation and what you intend to do with the refinance.

About the Author: What is a refinance mortgage? Check cuurent mortgage rates for a Colorado refinance when you visit


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Disposal of fracking wastewater poses potential environmental problems

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A recent study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows that the oil and gas industry are creating earthquakes. New information from the Midwest region of the United States points out that these man-made earthquakes are happening more frequently than expected. While more frequent earthquakes are less of a problem for regions like the Midwest, a geology professor from the University of Southern Indiana, Dr. Paul K. Doss, believes the disposal of wastewater from the hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”) process used in extracting oil and gas has the possibility to pose potential problems for groundwater.

“We are taking this fluid that has a whole host of chemicals in it that are useful for fracking and putting it back into the Earth,” Doss said. “From a purely seismic perspective these are not big earthquakes that are going to cause damage or initiate, as far as we know, any larger kinds of earthquakes activity for Midwest. [The issue] is a water quality issue in terms of the ground water resources that we use.”

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique used by the oil and gas industries which inject highly pressurized water down into the Earth’s crust to break rock and extract natural gas. Most of the fluids used for fracking are proprietary, so information about what chemicals are used in the various fluids are unknown to the public and to create a competitive edge.

Last Monday four researchers from the University of New Brunswick released an editorial that sheds light on the potential risks that the current wastewater disposal system could have on the province’s water resources. The researchers share the concern that Dr. Doss has and have come out to say that they believe fracking should be stopped in the province until there is an environ­mentally safe way to dispose the waste wastewater.

“If groundwater becomes contamin­ated, it takes years to decades to try to clean up an aquifer system,” University of New Brunswick professor Tom Al said.

While the USGS group which conducted the study says it is unclear how the earthquake rates may be related to oil and gas production, they’ve made the correlation between the disposal of wastewater used in fracking and the recent upsurge in earthquakes. Because of the recent information surfacing that shows this connection between the disposal process and earthquakes, individual states in the United States are now passing laws regarding disposal wells.

The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak.

“The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak,” Doss said. “A perfect case-in-point is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, that oil was being drilled at 18,000 feet but leaked at the surface. And that’s the concern because there’s no assurance that some of these unknown chemical cocktails won’t escape before it gets down to where they are trying to get rid of them.”

It was said in the study released by the New Brunswick University professors that if fracking wastewater would contaminate groundwater, that current conventional water treatment would not be sufficient enough to remove the high concentration of chemicals used in fracking. The researchers did find that the wastewater could be recycled, can also be disposed of at proper sites or even pumped further underground into saline aquifers.

The New Brunswick professors have come to the conclusion that current fracking methods used by companies, which use the water, should be replaced with carbon diox­ide or liquefied propane gas.

“You eliminate all the water-related issues that we’re raising, and that peo­ple have raised in general across North America,” Al said.

In New Brunswick liquefied propane gas has been used successfully in fracking some wells, but according to water specialist with the province’s Natural Resources De­partment Annie Daigle, it may not be the go-to solution for New Brunswick due its geological makeup.

“It has been used successfully by Corridor Resources here in New Bruns­wick for lower volume hydraulic frac­turing operations, but it is still a fairly new technology,” Daigle said.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with U.S. states to come up with guidelines to manage seismic risks due to wastewater. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the EPA is the organization that also deals with the policies for wells.

Oil wells, which are under regulation, pump out salt water known as brine, and after brine is pumped out of the ground it’s disposed of by being pumped back into the ground. The difference between pumping brine and the high pressurized fracking fluid back in the ground is the volume that it is disposed of.

“Brine has never caused this kind of earthquake activity,” Doss said. “[The whole oil and gas industry] has developed around the removal of natural gas by fracking techniques and has outpaced regulatory development. The regulation is tied to the ‘the run-of-the-mill’ disposal of waste, in other words the rush to produce this gas has occurred before regulatory agencies have had the opportunity to respond.”

According to the USGS study, the increase in injecting wastewater into the ground may explain the sixfold increase of earthquakes in the central part of the United States from 2000 – 2011. USGS researchers also found that in decades prior to 2000 seismic events that happened in the midsection of the U.S. averaged 21 annually, in 2009 it spiked to 50 and in 2011 seismic events hit 134.

“The incredible volumes and intense disposal of fracking fluids in concentrated areas is what’s new,” Doss said. “There is not a body of regulation in place to manage the how these fluids are disposed of.”

The study by the USGS was presented at the annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America on April 18, 2012.

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Apple unveils iPod nano

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Apple today unveiled its latest addition to the iPod line, the iPod nano. The announcement came today at a special music event hosted by Apple, held in the Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco.

The iPod Nano comes in two colors, white and black, as well as two sizes, a 2GB and a 4GB, capable of holding 500 and 1,000 songs and will cost $199 and $249 USD respectively. The iPod nano is the second model of the iPod family to utilize flash memory, after the Shuffle was introduced in January.

The iPod nano replaces the similar iPod Mini in the iPod family. The iPod nano’s maximum capacity is 2GB smaller than that of the last version of the iPod Mini, which held 6GB for the same price of $249.

Apple also announced an iTunes-compatible cell phone, the Motorola ROKR E1, which will be available exclusively from Cingular Wireless in the United States, Virgin will be in the UK. The ROKR has a color display for viewing album art and features built-in stereo speakers, as well as stereo headphones that also serve as a mobile headset with microphone. Users can randomly autofill or manually fill the mobile phone with playlists of music, audiobooks and Podcasts from their iTunes library via a USB 1.1 connection. The Motorola ROKR pauses music automatically when users take a call and offers the ability to listen to music while messaging or taking a photo. It will cost $250 with a two-year cell service contract.

A new version of iTunes was also announced at the event, bringing it to version 5. Along with a new look, it also features a customizable randomization, improved search for the Library and Music Store, and greater parental controls on songs with explicit lyrics in the iTunes Music Store as well as controlling content of Podcasts.

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Game Designer Jobs What They’re Like

Submitted by: Alduin Montagno

The gaming industry has come a long way in the last 40 years and is now a respected and profitable part of the business establishment. Video play sales have boomed all over the world and just in the United States alone this industry produced over $12.5 billion last year. The development and expansion in the computer game market implies that companies that design and manufacture the games are looking for well qualified workers. You have a good number of employment posts available in the gaming industry. One half of the jobs positions in this industry are creative and the rest are related to the business marketing.

If you happen to be thinking of getting into the computer game field, then you will need to have some expertise and training for that business. You have varying requirements for different employment positions but for getting a job on the creative side, it is usually necessary to have a university or college four year degree in an area like computer programming, video tournament design or computer sciences. Jobs in the video game designer field increased as computer games become more complex. The audiovisual tournament designer job description is in a constant state of change because of the ongoing evolution of computer games.


The video game designer job description is varying every day so as to keep up with all the changes in the video games themselves however a good range of technological and artistic skills are still required to create video games that could be in demand in the market. A key position in the creation of a video game is that of the video game designer. Audiovisual games are often developed by a team of junior designers, under the supervision of a lead designer. The lead designer is in charge of the junior game designers and is also responsible for successful project completion and management of the funds.

A group of junior creative designers with a variety of design tasks usually work in a team under the guidance of the lead designer. A crucial part of the video game design process for big and complicated games is that of the environmental designer or levels designer. The levels designers should create the many levels or stages that are inherent in modern computer games and they are also responsible for developing a game environment which flows smoothly and seamlessly throughout play. One more function that may be given to junior game designers is that of creating an effective user interface for the video game.

One more important animation game designer job description for junior designers is that of systems designer or game mechanics designer. These people are responsible for setting game rules, the story line and also the characters involved. These types of video game design jobs obviously need training and knowledge and to be competitive in the market a graduate degree in video game programming, computer sciences or computer engineering is compulsory. There are several higher education facilities which are now offering degrees that are specifically aimed at the computer sports industry. Jobs in the computer game industry are very well paid.

About the Author: Video games have become a huge, multi-billion dollar industry and have grown at an exceptionally fast rate over the past decade or so. To get the latest video game news and tips visit our website at



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South Australia enters week-long lockdown to contain COVID-19 Delta variant spread

Friday, July 23, 2021

With five active cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19, South Australia begun a one-week lockdown on Monday. Announcing the lockdown, state Premier Steven Marshall declared “we have no alternative but to impose some fairly heavy and immediate restrictions”.

The first case out of South Australia’s active cases was presented to Modbury Hospital on Sunday night, having returned from Argentina earlier this month. The fifth, which Premier Marshall noted as “far more worrying”, visited The Greek on Halifax restaurant at the same time as someone who was later confirmed to be carrying the virus. Chief Public Health Officer for the state Nicola Spurrier said “if anyone has been at The Greek on Halifax they need to get into quarantine and get tested”.

In accordance with new regulations, there are only five reasons for South Australians to leave home: essential work, shopping for essential goods such as food, exercise, but only with people from the same household and within 2.5 kilometers (2 mi) of home, medical reasons (which includes testing and vaccination against the coronavirus, but excludes elective and cosmetic surgery), and caregiving.

Schools have closed for all but children of essential workers, with online learning having begun on Thursday. Face masks are also be mandated for those who leave home. ABC News reported that “support for businesses is expected to be announced…”, with all non-essential retail required to close under the new regulations.

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