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Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr’s campaign manager

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Wikinews extended invitations by e-mail on March 23 to multiple candidates running in the Texas’ 6th congressional district special election of May 1 to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Republican congressman Ron Wright. Of them, the office of Democrat Daryl Eddings, Sr. agreed to answer some questions by phone March 30 about their campaigns and policies. The following is the interview with Ms Chatham on behalf of Mr Eddings, Sr.

Eddings is a federal law enforcement officer and senior non-commissioned officer in the US military. His experience as operations officer of an aviation unit in the California National Guard includes working in Los Angeles to control riots sparked by the O. J. Simpson murder case and the police handling of Rodney King, working with drug interdiction teams in Panama and Central America and fighting in the Middle East. He is the founder of Operation Battle Buddy, which has under his leadership kept in touch with over 20 thousand veterans and their families. He was born in California, but moved to Midlothian, Texas. He endeavours to bring “good government, not no government”. Campaign manager Faith Chatham spoke to Wikinews on matters ranging from healthcare to housing.

An Inside Elections poll published on March 18 shows Republican candidate Susan Wright, the widow of Ron Wright, is ahead by 21% followed by Democrat Jana Sanchez with 17% and Republican Jake Ellzey with 8% with a 4.6% margin of error among 450 likely voters. The district is considered “lean Republican” by Inside Elections and voted 51% in favour of Donald Trump in last year’s US presidential election. This is down from 54% for Trump in 2016’s presidential election, the same poll stated.

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Is Day Trading Profitable?

To answer this question, is day trading profitable ? I will first establish a few points as the foundation. Whether day trading is profitable depends on 4 areas. Only when we are have mastered these 4 areas, then day trading can be very profitable.

These 4 areas are

1 Start up capital

You need a certain level of start up capital to make money from day trading. Depending on the instrument that you are trading, the margin required may be from 2% for forex, to 20% for commodities. Due to the leverage nature of trading, you do not need to put up the full value of the contract.

For starters, even for a small trading account, you would still need to fund about $10,000.

2. Technique and skill

Another important factor that will determine whether you are profitable with day trading is your level of skills in the techniques being applied. There are many techniques that day traders use to determine entry points, take profit and stop loss levels.

This ranges from reversion to the mean strategy to moving averages spring strategy and many others more. Moreover, different strategies makes use of a range of technical indicators which you would have to master.

We make money from day trading primarily by exploiting 2 concepts. One is the idea of trading in the trend whilst the other is trend reversals. All of the strategies and technical indicators is to help to decide on playing on either one or the other.

You can find out more about the different strategiesHere

3. Experience

Another crucial factor that determines how profitable day trading can be is the experience of the trader. A day trader has to be nimble to be profitable. The mantra is to get in fast, get out faster. This takes experience to exploit trend and short term trend reversals within the longer term trend. This is especially true during times of great volatility surrounding major events and announcements.

Day traders can trade anywhere from 1-2 minutes charts, up to 30 minutes chart. As the time duration is short, the price movement tends to be smaller in magnitude and therefore the size of your position relative to your account capital is crucial in determining your profitability and risk management. All these take experience

4. Control of emotions and mental strength

One of the most important factors to determine whether you can make good profits from day trading has more to do with your emotions and mental strength rather than anything else.

Day traders cannot let their emotions get the better of them or they will lose a lot of money. To profit from day trading, traders have to keep their emotions in check. When we got it wrong and our position is taken out by the stop loss, we have to continue and set up new trades.

When we have mastered the techniques and strategies and based on our experience, we must be confident that our winning calls to outnumber our losing calls. Another way to ensure that our wins will be bigger than our losses is risk reward ratio that we set for each trade which is usually 1:2. This means that when we win, we win double our losing trades.

Mental strength is very important in that we must have the mental strength to stick to set up trades based on what is identified. Many times, we tend to end up having more losing trades when we lose this discipline, get overcome by emotions and set up trades that should never have been set up.

Is Day Trading Profitable ?

Once you have control of the 4 factors, day trading can be extremely profitable. For the same amount of startup capital, there can be many trading opportunities over the day. With such velocity, as long as we have a risk reward ratio of 1:2 and executes a higher number of winning trades over losing trades, the profit potential is huge

Australian health workers to close intensive care units in Victoria next week

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Members of Australia’s Health Services Union (HSU) will go on strike in Victoria next week in a dispute over stalled wage and career structure negotiations. Over 5000 physiotherapists, speech pathologists and radiation therapists will walk off the job next week, effectively closing the state’s 68 largest health services.

The strike will force the closure of intensive care units and emergency departments across the state.

It is feared the strike could continue into Easter.

National secretary of the HSU, Kathy Jackson said admissions would be crippled, while intensive care patients would have to be evacuated to New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia as hospitals will not be able to perform tests or administer treatment.

“When an ambulance shows up you can’t admit a patient without an X-ray being available, you can’t intubate them and you can’t operate on them,” she said.

“If something goes wrong in an ICU you need to be able to X-ray, use nuclear medicine or any diagnostic procedure,” said Ms Jackson.

Ms Jackson said the HSU offered arbitration last year, but the state government refused. “They’re not interested in settling disputes, they hope that we are just going to go away.”

“We’re not going away, we’ve gone back and balloted the whole public health workforce in Victoria, those ballots were successful, 97 percent approval rating,” she said.

The HSU is urging the government to commence serious negotiations to resolve the dispute before industrial action commenced.

The government has offered the union a 3.25 per cent pay increase, in line with other public sector workers but the union has demanded more, but stopped short of specifying a figure.

Victorian Premier John Brumby said the claim would be settled according to the government’s wages policy. “The Government is always willing and wanting to sit down and negotiate with the relevant organisations . . . we have a wages policy based around an increase of 3.25 per cent and, above that, productivity offset,” he told parliament.

The union claims it is also arguing against a lack of career structure, which has caused many professionals to leave the health service. Ms Jackson said wages and career structures in Victoria were behind other states.

Victorian Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu said he was not in support of the proposed strike and called on the government to meet with unions. “There could not be a more serious threat to our health system than has been announced today.”

“We now have to do whatever is possible to stop this strike from proceeding,” he said.

The opposition leader will meet with the union at 11:30 AM today.

Victorian Hospitals Industry Association industrial relations services manager Simon Chant said hospitals were looking at the possible impact and warned that patients may have to be evacuated interstate if the strike goes ahead.

Retrieved from “”

Italian MP starts thirst and hunger strike to protest Saddam execution

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Marco Pannella, a member of the European Parliament (MP) and leader of the Nonviolent Radical Party, started a thirst and hunger strike to protest the death sentence against former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

“The Iraqi government would commit a horrible act, of the same level as those committed by Saddam Hussein himself,” Pannella said yesterday in a statement on the party’s Web site.

Granting clemency to the former Iraqi leader would be “an extraordinary occasion, to make literally explode in the hearth of the Middle East and in the world, an immense act of peace and a debate among the peoples and consciences, the scandal of nonviolence as an alternative to dictatorships and to the war; a war that now, more than ever, is impending on humanity”.

“In 2003”, he said, “despite the vote by a large majority of the Italian Parliament calling for the exile of Saddam Hussein as an alternative to the war, and for a free Iraq, both the Italian Government and the parliamentary opposition, did not follow up to that vital decision. Saddam Hussein was aware of our initiative. He could remember it now with gratitude and regret for not accepting it. A living Saddam Hussein, could become an essential and unique instrument to pacify and deligitize the ‘army’, made up of gangs of assassins, which is continuously committing massacres against the Iraqi people”.

Marco Pannella, aged 76, has been at the forefront in Italy of the promotion of important reforms regarding narcotics, facing incarceration on various occasions for his civil disobediences. Engaged in the defence of civil rights in Eastern European countries, in 1968, he was arrested in Sofia for having distributed leaflets against the Communist regime. He is one of the first promoters and founders of the “Green” and “ecologist” political movements in Europe.

On August 12, 2006, as reported by news agencies, Marco Pannella made a bold new proposal for World Peace, composed of three elements:

  • A World-Wide Satyagraha for Peace, including co-ordinated hunger strikes around the world
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Interview with Brazilian blogger Ricardo Serran Lobo

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ricardo Serran Lobo is a Brazilian blogger who writes about his famous neighbor, the politician Roberto Jefferson, head of the Brazilian Labor Party in the Brazilian Congress of Deputies. Jefferson has become a major figure in the ongoing Brazilian mensalão scandal revolving around corruption and bribery.

Vizinho do Jefferson [1] quickly became very popular among Brazilians, describing the routine of Jefferson, while providing information about politics and fresh news about the scandal. Lobo’s blog got third place in the Best Of Blogs contest run by Deutsche Welle International.

Lobo gets an intimate look at the center of Brazilian politics by living in Brasilia, near residences of parliamentarians (including Roberto Jefferson), public buildings and the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Or, as he says in his blog: “near the eye of the hurricane,” a reference to the recent political crisis.

At first, Lobo began describing the daily activities of his famous neighbor deputy Roberto Jefferson. As the crisis moved on, he began to describe the political events regarding it. His writings evolved to not only what is going on with Jefferson, but what is going on in Brazilian Congress, and has interviewed politicians, including Roberto Jefferson himself.

The blog tries to be informative, with a lot of humour (common with Brazilians), and some protests against the bad habits of Brazilian politics in general.

Jefferson’s neighbor, the blog, is an example of citizen journalism and it shows that ordinary people can compete with professional media.

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Airline Travel Tips For Traveling With Children The Most Practical Tips Part 3

Planning to travel with children? Getting stressed out trying to prepare for your trip with your kids? Here are some more handy airline travel tips.

1.) Make the trip exciting

Generate some hype to your kids of your upcoming trip with them. This is to build some anticipation to make the trip as exciting as possible for your kids. Especially for young kids who havent flown before, they may be nervous, therefore by making it exciting they may tend to forget their fears.

2.) Separate your kids if they quarrel a lot with each other

Separate any siblings that tend to quarrel with each other a lot. One simple way is to just sit in between them. This will help to ensure everyone has a peaceful journey, including the other passengers around you. However if your kids tend to play well with each other, then definitely let them sit together so that the entire journey will be as entertaining as possible for them.

3.) Ensure your kids drink lots of water

Inside the airplane tends to be very dry, therefore your kids can get dehydrated very quickly. So make sure your child drinks plenty of water, and avoid any sweetened carbonated drinks, such as cola, as this will make it worse for your kid.

4.) Bring extra clothing on board the plane

The plane can get chilly at times. Therefore rather than having your extra clothing stuck in your check in luggage, bring some extra jackets or sweaters on board the plane in your carryon luggage. This will come in very handy in the event your child feels cold.

5.) Keep your kids close to you at all times

Places such as the airport can get very crowded sometimes. Therefore keep your kids close to you at all times to ensure they do not get lost in the crowd. It is the worst possible feeling to lose sight of your child, even if it was only for a few seconds!

6.) Bring your kids to the toilet before boarding the plane

You will be surprised how many last minute calls from your kids to go to the washroom right when the plane is about to take off! Therefore to lower the chances and prevent this from happening, be sure to bring your kids to the toilet right before boarding the plane. This will help ensure you will have a smooth take off.

Flying with children can be very hectic. However follow some of these effect airline travel tips above, and it will help to keep things under control when you travel with your kids.

Wikinews interviews Rocky De La Fuente, U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Businessman Rocky De La Fuente took some time to speak with Wikinews about his campaign for the U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nomination.

The 61-year-old De La Fuente resides in San Diego, California, grew up in Tijuana, and owns multiple businesses and properties throughout the world. Since getting his start in the automobile industry, De La Fuente has branched out into the banking and real estate markets. Despite not having held or sought political office previously, he has been involved in politics, serving as the first-ever Hispanic superdelegate to the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

De La Fuente entered the 2016 presidential race last October largely due to his dissatisfaction with Republican front-runner Donald Trump. He argues he is a more accomplished businessman than Trump, and attacks Trump as “a clown,” “a joke,” “dangerous,” and “in the same category as Hitler.” Nevertheless, De La Fuente’s business background begets comparisons with Trump. The Alaskan Midnight Sun blog described him as the Democrats’ “own Donald Trump.”

While receiving only minimal media coverage, he has campaigned actively, and according to the latest Federal Election Commission filing, loaned almost US$ 4 million of his own money to the campaign. He has qualified for 48 primary and caucus ballots, but has not yet obtained any delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Thus far, according to the count at The Green Papers, De La Fuente has received 35,406 votes, or 0.23% of the total votes cast. He leads among the many lesser-known candidates but trails both Senator Bernie Sanders who has received nearly 6.5 million votes and front-runner Hillary Clinton who has just shy of 9 million votes.

With Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn?, De La Fuente discusses his personal background, his positions on political issues, his current campaign for president, and his political future.

Retrieved from “,_U.S._Democratic_Party_presidential_candidate&oldid=4585942”

Alabama postal workers and customers become ill, suspicious substance found

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Six workers in the post office in Hueytown, Alabama developed breathing problems and 23 were sent to the hospital after a chemical used in the manufacture of fishing lures leaked from a package.

The post office, located five miles west of downtown Birmingham, Alabama, was evacuated, and Hueytown firefighters in hazardous materials attire inspected the chemical. The chemical was found to have leaked from an inadequately designed package, evaporated quickly leaving a garlicky scent, and discolored the flooring tile in the post office. Workers complained of symptoms ranging from breathing difficulties to vomiting to burning in the throat.

The chemical was later identified as “J.J.’s Magic,” a yellow dye for soft plastic fishing lures which contains garlic oil as a fish attractant. The manufacturer confirmed that a two-ounce bottle of the product was sent to a customer in suburban Birmingham and speculated that the container may have cracked in transit.

Retrieved from “,_suspicious_substance_found&oldid=565379”

Remodel Your Bathroom To Make It Look Stylish

When the time comes for remodeling, you have the option to completely change it or you can just give it a face lift. There are a lot of bathroom remodeling ideas around and if you want a remodel of your dreams, you need to hire any of the bathroom remodeling contractors Frisco TX. They can assist you with giving shape to the bathroom remodel ideas that you have in your mind and even suggest a good bathroom design that will complement your house. A competent bathroom contractor can demo walls, reconfigure the floor plans, move the walls and relocate them as well, fixtures or utilities, increase floor area or add storage space. The professionals can help you create the bathroom of your dreams and assist you at all the steps. Whether it is only one bathroom or all the bathrooms of your house that you want to remodel, you can trust the experts to fulfill all your needs while remaining in your budget as well.

Keep Various Design Aspects in Consideration

When you start to think about remodeling your bathroom, there are many aspects that you should keep in consideration. Things like which items you need to upgrade, which should be renewed, and which of the items you need to throw out, all of this should be focused on before you start remodeling. In this matter, a professional can assist you in making the right decisions.

Make it Bright

There are many activities that take place in the bathroom that require uniform and even lighting across the entire room. The mirror needs to have a good and bright light, preferably two, having an even space between them to make sure that the face is not covered in shadows and the activities like shaving and grooming can take place smoothly. The light needs to be bright and must minimize glare. The lights that you put up in the bathroom must be safe for usage as they will be exposed to water and moisture.

Install Cabinets and or a Vanity for a Clutter-Free Look

In order to make your bathroom look free of clutter and have an organized appearance, you can install bathroom cabinets or a vanity for your personal hygiene products, medicines, towels and other items. This will not only make sure that all the toiletries will be in one place and in easy access, but also give your bathroom an organized look. You can get the cabinets in beautiful designs which will beautify your bathroom.

Remodel the Kitchen for a Renewed Look

When it comes to the rooms of the house, the kitchen is the one that is most used. Some people consider it to be a centerpiece of the home as it is where most of the family gathers for meals. Therefore, it is important that when you decide upon kitchen remodeling, you should take every idea into consideration. You can hire a kitchen remodeling company in Grapevine TX which will bring you up to date with the latest trends and design. You can make your kitchen look spacious, install new cabinets or renew old ones, have a kitchen island and repaint the walls and have a kitchen of your dreams. The company will turn your ideas into reality so you can enjoy the space when you cook, prepare food and enjoy your meals with your family and friends.

The best companies will work with your ideas, give them form, make them into something better and exceed your expectations. Whether it isbathroom remodeling or kitchen remodeling, the professionals endeavor to work to their customers’ complete satisfaction.